Florida Quilt Network -
Newsletter #10
August 24, 1999
Don’t know about you, but I’m ready for summer to be over and that fabled cooler weather to begin!
Lots of news to report…
If you ever wanted to make a simple leather thimble for yourself, check out the pattern on:
A great listing of mystery quilt links -
Jon Miskowski, 263-0299 miskowski@wpt.org of Wisconsin Public Television says:
Just a reminder to look for America Quilts the new 60 minute documentary running this week on many PBS stations.
If you'd like to learn more about the program, visit our website at www.pbs.org/americaquilts. We've recently added some updates to the Quilts in the Classroom section of the site.
If/when you see AQ, I'd appreciate any comments you have on the program. You can send them to me at miskowski@wpt.org
Each PBS stations schedules programs locally, to learn your PBS station's plans for "America Quilts" please call them and express your interest in the program. You can find e-mail and phone lists for all PBS stations at http://www.pbs.org/stations/
Currently the "America Quilts" home video is exclusive to PBS stations for their August/September fundraising. The video will be on sale through PBS Home Video later in the year.
Andi Reynolds andir@gateway.net from Quilters Unlimited of Tallahassee says:
"When Life Gives You Scraps Make a Quilt"
18th Annual Quilters Unlimited of Tallahassee Quilt show
September 3 - October 30, 1999
Museum of Florida History
500 S. Bronough Street, Tallahassee
Free; Mon - Fri 9 am-4:30 pm; Sat 10 am - 4:30 pm; Sun/Labor Day Noon - 4:30 pm.
Info: (850) 488-1484
Featuring six Kaffe Fassett quilts, plus quilts from Russia, England, California, Illinois, Texas, Virginia.
Silent Auction; bids close 4pm October 30.
Totally Unique to Quilt Shows: Saturday, October 2, 11:30 am, the Florida State University Dance Reparatory Theatre with nationally known author Janet Burroway will present a dance-dialogue using quilts in the exhibit as source material for choreography.
Boutique open on September 3-6 and October 30.
Pamela Morris pam.m@home.com of Friendship Knot Quilt Guild says:
The Friendship Knot Quilt guild is hosting the talented artist and teacher Hollis Chatelain.
September 16 and 17: "How
Should I Quilt This?" creating depth, texture, tension and shadowing to
you work. This is a 2 day class.
September 18: "Painting
Images with Dyes" we will paint with Procion dyes and learning to control
them. Layering, bleeding and special
effects without bleeding etc. will be taught.
September 20: The Images class
will again be held
These classes will be very informative taught by an quilter who has lived in Africa for many years.
Cost is $30 for each day. Classes are 9am to 4 pm in beautiful Sarasota. A map and supply list will be sent on receipt of payment. If interested please call Bette Behanna at 941-924-2774 or e-mail Pamela Morris at pam.m@home.com
Lester patles@sunet.net of Sunbonnet Sue Quilters
Guild says:
Sue Quilters Guild (Vero Beach) will be having a Quilt Show on Feb. 10-11,
2001. We are looking for a national teacher who would be in the area at that
time. Of course, would like to share expenses if possible. Our last show drew over 3,000 paid visitors.
This time we will have 6,000 sq.ft. of quilting.
Brenda Klus klusc@sunline.net of Peace River Quilters says:
This is a repeat but we would appreciate you're putting it out in the news again. We have Jackie Robinson from Durango, CO - of Animas quilts coming to Ellenton for our guild retreat Jan. 16-18th. She has the dates of Jan. 19-21 open and would like to fill them in while she is in Florida. She is a published teacher - most famous for her "tesselations" and Frank Lloyd Wright lecture and quilts. She will be in Ellenton on the 18th and then in Pt Charlotte on the 22nd. Would any guilds or groups like to contact her for the dates of Jan. 19-21.
Ruth W Briggs ruthbquilt@juno.com of Winter Haven Quilters says:
We will be showing our quilts at Polk Community College in Winter Haven during the month of October. We will also be exhibiting our opportunity wall hangings "A Season of Quilting." Everyone purchasing a ticket will have four chances to win a wall hanging depicting one of the seasons of the year.
We also are sponsoring a bus to the Jacksonville Quiltfest '99, leaving Winter Haven on Sept. 17, spending the night in Jacksonville, and returning the next day. We have a few vacancies available. Cost for the bus-$20, plus $7 to get into the show as a group. Call Ruth Briggs, President WH Quilters, (941)294-2685 for more information.
Marsha White WPQuilters@gte.net of West Pasco Quilter’s Guild says:
EVENT West Pasco Quilters' Guild Inc.
Quilt show: "Sew Many Quilts 2000"
LOCATION: Veterans Memorial Complex
14333 Hicks Road, Hudson, Florida
DATE: February 5th & 6th, 2000
Saturday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sunday Noon to 5:00 PM
DESCRIPTION: Over 300 quilts, Hoffman Challenge,
Small Quilts Silent Auction, Fashion Shows,
Demonstrations, Boutique, Merchants Mall,
Door Prizes and Cafe.
Judged show by NQA Judge, Katherine Ward
Quilt Show
Attn: Marsha White
3345 Van Nuys Loop
New Port Richey, FL 34655
Why not plan a field trip, come see a quilt show, do some shopping and have a
nice lunch? Admission is $4.00. For groups of twenty or more, the price is
only $3.50 per person. Let us know if you are planning a bus trip and your
arrival time. We will be ready to have everything taken care of on your bus.
Marsha White
2000 Advertising Chairman
727 376-4126 E-mail WPQuilters@gte.net
Check out our website at: http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/westpascoquilters
Pete Miniscalco <Pete_Miniscalco@WCEU.pbs.org> of WCEU Programming says:
WCEU [Daytona] will be adding a block of quilting programs to our schedule beginning September 6th. Every day, Monday through Friday at 12:30PM, we will bring you a different quilting show.
Mondays will be Quilt In A Day, Tuesdays will be Sew Many Quilts, Wednesdays will be Quilting From The Heartland, Thursdays will be Kaye Wood's Quilting Friends and Fridays will be Lap Quilting. I hope you will enjoy these programs.
WCEU is a non-profit, publicly supported public television station. Our basic membership levels start at $36. Membership entitles you to receipt of the monthly program guide, advance notice of station-sponsored activities which includes an informative computer/technology seminar every
six months, plus more. If you would like more information on membership, please send us your name and address.
Thanks for supporting public television!
KWIK SEW Pattern Co. [ http://www.kwiksew.com ] would like to give you an opportunity
to participate in a nation-wide effort to raise $1,000,000 for breast cancer research. We have joined Home Sewing Association's Sew for the Cure(tm) fundraising campaign. [http://www.sewforthecure.org ]
From now, until November 1, 1999, KWIK SEW Pattern Co. is donating proceeds from the sale of our hat pattern number 2236 to the Sew for the Cure(tm) Foundation.
This pattern was selected for the Sew for the Cure(tm) fundraising effort because breast cancer usually involves hair loss. Wearing hats is one way for women experiencing the trauma of hair loss to continue to feel attractive. The trendy pattern features four fun and fashionable hat styles that can be enjoyed by any age group. It comes in three sizes: small, medium and large. The hats are lined, making them are comfortable to wear at all stages of hair loss. A great lining fabric would be microfiber fleece, an extremely soft, lightweight fabric available in a wide range of colors. Please visit [ http://www.kwiksew.com ] for more information on this pattern.