Florida Quilt Network - Newsletter #118 March 26, 2008
Quilting Friends,
I’ve been going through much of my quilting magazine stash lately. Its fun to see articles about the “latest gadgets” that have now been around a few years. I’ve got a bunch of new ideas and inspiration for upcoming quilts. I also found an article in the November 2005 issue of Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine about Liuxin Mewman, the “Thimblelady” from Australia. I admire anyone who not only figures out a problem, but comes up with an outstanding solution. Liuxin is just such a person. After experiencing pain and a lack of control while hand quilting, she decided to make her own thimbles with the jewelry making skills she had previously honed.
I’m looking forward to meeting Liuxin here in Central Florida on April 5th and 6th. She’ll be teaching Hand Quilting and Hand Applique and we are lucky to have such a renown international teacher coming to our corner of the world. See below for all the details.
I don’t know if any of your new year’s resolutions are green, as in saving the environment, but just in case they are, one of my resolutions is to share with you some of my favorite green living tips. Feel free to share yours too for future newsletters! If we don’t start changing the way we simply live, there won’t be much left of this earth for our grandchildren. That is a given.
Tip #4 Unless you’re living in a cave, you’ve heard that Compact Florescent Bulbs will save energy and money, compared to the traditional incandescent bulbs. That is very true, and we’ve been slowly replacing all the lighting in our house with CFBs. What you may not have heard (I hadn’t!), is that CFBs contain a small amount of mercury. This mercury is safe unless the bulb is broken; that would create a small health hazard. Don’t install CFBs in areas where they are likely to break and expose children, elderly and pregnant women to mercury. Also, a dimmer switch would allow the bulb to use even less energy. To read more, surf on over to: http://tinyurl.com/2qj54n
As always, if you have email changes, let me know:subscribe@FloridaQuiltNetwork.com
------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDAR OF EVENTS: (Newsletter number follows)
Now – April 30 Virtual Quilt Show slingerquiltguild.we.bs (#117)
Mar 28 – 29 Quilt Show in St. Petersburg sspdy@aol.com (#116)
April 1-8 Fiber Retreat in New Smyrna Beach mmcbride@atlanticcenterforthearts.org (#111)
April 4-5 Quilt Show in Melbourne http://www.s-piecemakers.com (#110)
April 5-6 The Thimblelady Workshops in Altamonte Springs 407-889-0077 (#118)
May 3 Creative Workshop in Tampa 813-274-8698 (#118)
May 9-10 Quilt Walk in Lake City www.springsrus.com (#118)
May 10-18 Quilt Cruise www.roundbobbin.com (#113)
May 13-23 Quilt Excursion to Paris www.jeannemillstours.com (#115)
May 16 – July 6 Design Show in Dunedin www.tampasurfacedesignguild.com (#118)
June – August Design Show in Clearwater www.tampasurfacedesignguild.com (#118)
June 7 – 30 Quilt Exhibits on I-4 Corridor www.atlanticcenterforthearts.org (#118)
June 11 Quilt Exhibit in Tampa www.tampasurfacedesignguild.com (#118)
June 19-21 NQA Convention in Columbus, Ohio www.NQAQuilts.org
June 22-28 Convergence Conference in Tampa Bay www.weavespindye.org
June 25 – 29 Quilt Exhibit in Ybor City www.tampasurfacedesignguild.com (#118)
July 13-26 Teen Writing Residency www.atlanticcenterforthearts.org (#117)
August 28-30 Quilt Show in Indiana http://SpinningSpools.FikeWorks.com (#117)
Sept 6-13 Quilt Cruise in Alaska www.sewmanyplaces.com (#116)
Nov 2-11 Quilt Tour of Ireland www.sewmanyplaces.com (#116)
Nov 7-8 Quilt Show in Ocala quilt49 @ aol.com (#118)
Nov 13-16 SSQA Retreat in Lake Yale www.ssqa.org (#118)
Jan 23-24 Quilt Show in Orlando www.floridacabinfever.com
Jan 30-31 Quilt Show in Largo www.largocrackerquilters.org (#117)
------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDWORK WORKSHOPS IN ALTAMONTE SPRINGS
The “Thimblelady” is coming to Orlando! Join Liuxin Newman, known by quilters as “The Thimblelady” as she teaches her two techniques:
Perfect Hand Quilting Without Pain- Learn hand quilting without painful aches or pricked fingers! You will learn how to make a perfect quilt. Let the Thimblelady walk you through 10 exercises designed to make you understand what it takes to hand quilt perfect stitches without pain. Liuxin will share all the secrets of hand quilting from design to finish. This is a one-day class.
Saturday, April 5th 9am-5pm OR Sunday, April 6th 9am-5pm
Perfect Hand Applique Made Easy- Perfect your hand appliqué in one day using the needle turn technique. Learn all the appliqué skills/tricks through a butterfly project that includes the sharpest points, steepest indents, narrowest lines and tiniest circles! Let her show you all the “impossible”. This class is for all levels from beginner to goddess.
Monday, April 7th 9am-5pm OR Tuesday, April 8th 9am-5pm
v Fee is $90 per class plus supplies. v Class size is limited - plenty of personal teaching! v All classes will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Altamonte Springs. We have secured a discount if you would like to stay overnight.
Register for a class today!
Apopka Quilt Company 407-889-0077
Ellen Lindner in Online Video!
Ellen sent this report: “It's hard to say whether I like quilting, teaching, or socializing the most. No matter, because I got to do all three when Bonnie McCaffery came to my home studio. She shot a "vidcast" in which I got to show my studio, explain a little about how I create, demonstrate a new technique, and even give a mini tour of quilts displayed in my home. It was a very fun and exciting experience!”
View the video at http://www.BonnieMcCaffery.com/vidcasts/021.html
Ellen Lindner Teaching Online!
Ellen Lindner is very excited about her newest venture: teaching her classes online. Although Ellen has thoroughly enjoyed traveling to teach, she wanted the ability to reach more students. She’s wrapping up the first two classes, Instant Art Quilt and Adventures in Color. Both have been a wonderful success, and Ellen looks forward to adding to the teaching schedule each month. She reports that online teaching has been much more interactive than she expected, which she finds exhilarating.
Because Ellen wanted to keep the classes small, as well as to maintain full control of all aspects, she decided to teach from her own website, rather than to teach for another organization. Ellen says, “I’ve had quite a technical learning curve, but it’s been worth it. I’ve now got full control of my classes, with easy tools for the students to use.”
Find more information on Ellen’s website, www.AdventureQuilter.com (Note: this is a new website, so don’t rely on a previous bookmark.)
We've posted a new 'Call to Artists' at:
One artist will receive an award of a solo show to take
place in Oct. 2008. ------------------------------------------------------------------- QUILT WALK IN LAKE CITY
When: MAY 9 & 10, 2008 Where: Historic Downtown Lake City, Florida Cost: FREE Website: www.springsrus.com , got to May in the calendar of events and click on the link Description: 100's of quilts will be displayed in downtown merchants windows and many related activities will be held throughout the downtown area. A Mothers Day Luncheon and Tea will be held at Tuckers in the historic Blanche Hotel from 12:00 - 2:00 on Saturday May 10th . More Info: Cyndie Faris @ 386-758-1312
------------------------------------------------------------------- VARIOUS WORKSHOPS IN TAMPA BAY AREA
May 3, 2008: Creative Fabric Collage and Daily Design Process Workshop with Marlene Glickman. Get your creative juices flowing and learn a variety of techniques. This is sometimes referred to as "Mini-Quilts in a Shoebox". Hosted by the Tampa Museum of Art. Cost $45 for members and $50 for non-members. This workshop will also be presented
June 22-28, 2008 at the Tampa Convention Center, Go to www.spinweavedye.org to see the show guide. Don’t forget that they need volunteers. They have a spectacular Marketplace that the public is invited into for a small fee
May 16-July 6, 2008: Surface Design Guild Show: @ The Dunedin Fine Arts Center. Opening Friday, May 16, 2008 7 9 PM Chair Kathleen Fulmer
June- August 2008: Surface Design Guild Show @ Ruth Eckerd Hall. Chair, Jan Navales.
June 11- : Layers of Meaning: An exhibition of Art Cloth Beyond Perfection at the Tampa International Airport . Work displayed on 10 kiosks in the corridor from the Main Concourse to the Marriott. Chair- Sarah Butz. Judge- Jane Dunnewold
25-29 June: Octopus’s Garden: Surface Design Panel Installation in Ybor City. Outdoor display of 20 panels featuring a variety of surface design techniques including quilting. Chair Marlene Glickman.
------------------------------------------------------------------- QUILT SHOW IN OCALA
Country Road Quilters Inc presents Along A Country Road
YALE Sunshine State Quilters Association Retreat at Lake Yale (near Leesburg) November 13--16, Annual Meeting Nov. 16. Details and registration information will be in the April newsletter and online. All quilters welcome!
The Venice Area Quilters’ guild had its most successful show ever on March 15 and 16. Our tea room, with quiche, fruit cabobs, salads and fancy desserts, was a huge success. All proceeds will go to cancer research. As always, the shoppers came early to snatch goodies from our boutique. Our raffle quilt brought in more than $7,000. Thanks to all the quilters from throughout Florida who came! Dawn Hamman, publicity chair
------------------------------------------------------------------- DESIGN WORKSHOP IN FORT MYERS
Art Quilters Unlimited two day design workshop with Patty Hawkins (www.pattyhawkins.com) April 11, 12, 2008. Fort Myers. See web site at www.artquiltersunlimited.com for details.
------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT ON I-4 CORRIDOR
June 7 – 30 I-4 Corridor: Stretching Threads across Florida Atlantic Center for the Arts (atlanticcenterforthearts.org) , in a joint venture with The Studio Art Quilts Associates (SAQA.com), presents an exciting project involving several Central Florida art venues across the I-4 corridor. This multi-exhibition extravaganza is in conjunction with the Handweaver’s Guild of America, Inc. (HGA) “Convergence 2008” which takes place in June in Tampa (www.weavespindye.org). Although Convergence 2008 is only for the week of June 22-28, our exhibitors are electing to cover the month of June. There will also be a quilt walk featuring artworks hung in storefront windows along Canal Street in New Smyrna Beach June 7 – 28. Each gallery will exhibit juried international fiber art that encompasses what is happening in the world of fiber today featuring art quilts and 3-D fiber sculptures. I-4 Corridor: Stretching Threads across Florida art is featured at the following galleries during June: Harris House Gallery Atlantic Center for the Arts 214 S. Riverside Drive New Smyrna Beach FL 32168 386.423.1753 Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 10-4 Saturday, 10-2 Opening reception: June 7, 4-7 PM Generously sponsored by Van and Fran Massey
Comma Gallery 813 Virginia Drive Orlando , FL 32803 407.376.1400 Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM-4 PM Opening Reception June 10th, 6:30- 9 PM
Museum of Florida Art 600 North Woodland Boulevard DeLand , FL 32720 386.734.4371 Museum Hours:
Peabody Auditorium 600 Auditorium Boulevard Daytona Beach , FL 32188 386.671.3461 Gallery Hours: Monday – Friday, 10:30 AM – 5 PM Saturday, 10:30 AM – 2 PM Opening Reception June 8, 2-4 PM |