Florida Quilt Network - Newsletter #145 September 3, 2010 Quilting Friends, I am soooo excited to announce that I will be teaching on a Quilt Cruise in May! The seven day cruise is out of Port Canaveral, stopping at Labadee (Haiti), Falmouth (Jamaica), George Town (Grand Cayman), and Cozumel (Mexico). The two full days that we are not at port will be filled with quilt classes, lectures and of course all the sewing you care to do. If you’ve ever taken a class with me, you know I pack every class with lots of tips, techniques, ideas and fun. The best part? You don’t have to schlep a thing…we’ll have machines, quilting tools and fabric all ready for you. It’s a 7 day cruise starting May 1st, and you can get all the details here. I hope you’ll consider this gift to yourself.I’ve been enjoying extra time in the sewing room this summer, finishing at
least 5 quilts and other projects. I even made a Bonus quilt. What, you ask, is
a Bonus quilt? I’m glad you asked. When you have a machine that doesn’t have
needle up/down, its best to run a scrap of fabric through to hold the thread
down before clipping off your last seam. Otherwise the thread always seems to
fly out of the needle, right? Well, instead of using a scrap of fabric, I had a
basket of 2" squares, and I’d sew tw I’m calling it "Making lemonade out of lemons". Bonnie Hunter recently came out with a new book called "Leaders and Enders" that touts the same concept. Don’t forget we are still building the best LongArm Quilter List in Florida! Take a look and make sure your favorite LAQ is listed. To get a complete, organized, hotlinked listing of all the upcoming shows, retreats, workshops, shop hops, exhibits, etc, please visit www.floridaquiltnetwork.com/calendar.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDAR OF EVENTS: (Newsletter number follows) 2010 Sept 1-30 Quilt Challenge Exhibit in Melbourne (321) 768-2060 (#145)Now – Sept 27 Quilt Exhibit in Ft. Lauderdale lifenart @ bellsouth.net (#145)Now – Nov 3 Women Artists’ Exhibits in Daytona Beach www.peabodyauditorium.org (#145)Sept 16-19 Quilt Retreat in Deland www.besewcreative.com (#142) Sept 16-18 Jan Krentz Workshop in Hudson crwargny @ aol.com (#143) Sept 17-19 Darlene Zimmerman Retreat in Fernandina Beach www.popsbinding.com (#145) Sept 23-25 QuiltFest in Jacksonville www.QuiltFestJax.com (#143) Oct 2 FL Quilt Study Group Meeting in Trenton sewmuch63 @ hotmail.com (#144) Oct 6-9 Shop Hop in Central Florida www.lilliesquiltingloft.com (#145) Oct 15-17 Quilt Show & Sale in White Springs rdewees @ yahoo.com (#145 Oct 16-17 Fall Festival in Wesley Chapel www.wesleychapelchamber.com (#144)Oct 28 – Jan 23 Quilt Show in Tallahassee www.museumoffloridahistory.com (#144) Oct 29-30 Quilt Show in McIntosh Marilyn @ Reintreestables.com (#139) Nov 5-7 Quilt Retreat in Leesburg www.besewcreative.com (#137) Nov 5-6 Quilt Show in Ocala 352-629-8182 or 352-438-0055 (#140)Nov 6 Quilt Show in Tampa CCQG @ cypresscreekquilters.org (#140)Nov 10-13 Shop Hop in North Central Florida aquiltersdream.biz (#145) Nov 12-13 Quilt Show in Tampa www.featherprincesses.org/QuiltShow.htm (#137) Nov 12-13 Quilt Show & Tea in Davenport www.quiltsandtea.com (#140 & #145)Nov 12-14 Quilt Show in West Palm Beach www.quiltfest.com (#143) Nov 12-13 SSQA Events at the Mancuso Show in WPB www.SSQA.org (#145) Nov 18-20 Sharon Schamber Workshops in Lakeland teddyw @ tampabay.rr.com (#141)Nov 19-20 Quilt Show in Riverview www.brandonquiltguild.com (#139)Dec 4 FL Quilt Study Group Meeting in Trenton sewmuch63 @ hotmail.com (#144) 2011 Jan 21-22 Quilt Show in Orlando www.FloridaCabinFever.com (#138)Jan 21-22 Quilt Show in Cape Coral www.artquiltersunlimited.com (#141)Jan 21-22 Contemporary Quilt Show in Fort Myers www.artquiltersunlimited.com (#145)Jan 23 Quilt Show in Tallahassee www.museumoffloridahistory.com(#142) Jan 28-29 Hibiscus Garden Walk & Quilter's Marketplace in Lake Worth hqgosf@gmail.com or www.hibiscusquiltguild.org (#145) Jan 28-29 Quilt Show in Largo www.largocrackerquilters.org (#134)Jan 28-29 Quilt Show in The Villages www.QGOTV.org (#144) Jan 29 Quilt Show in Dade City epquilters @ yahoo.com (#141) Feb 4-5 Quilt Documentation Days in Vero Beach www.ssqa.org (#145) Feb 5 FL Quilt Study Group Meeting in Trenton sewmuch63 @ hotmail.com (#144) Feb 11-12 Quilt Show in Titusville pstitchthis @ bellsouth.net (#142)Feb 11-12 Quilt Show in Sebring hcquilt2011 @ gmail.com (#142) Feb 11-12 Quilt Show in Clearwater www.QuiltersCrossing.net (#144)Feb 25-26 Quilt Show in Punta Gorda prqgpubchair @ yahoo.com (#142)Feb 25-26 Quilt Show in Tampa Bay Delilahl @ verizon.net (#145)March 3-4 Quilt Show in Mt. Dora www.LakeQuiltGuild.com (#145) Mar 5-6 Quilt Show in Naples www.naplesquiltersguild.com/Show.html (#141) Mar 11-12 Quilt Show in Crystal River www.creativequiltersofcitruscounty.com (#143)Mar 11-12 Quilt Show in Sarasota www.friendshipknotquiltersguild.com (#141)March 19 Quilt Documentation Days in Jacksonville www.ssqa.org (#145) March 26 Quilt Documentation Days in Geneva www.ssqa.org (#145) April 2 FL Quilt Study Group Meeting in Trenton sewmuch63 @ hotmail.com (#144) April 6-10 SSQA Symposium in Tampa www.SSQA.org (#140)April 30-May 1 Quilt Show in Gainesville hayesbernina @ bellsouth.net (#143)May 1-7 Quilt Cruise with Mary-Jeanine (#145) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Florida Quilt Project has started and we have three Quilt Discovery/Documentation Days scheduled in 2011: February 4th and 5th Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Guild in Vero Beach March 19th All-Stars Quilt Guild Documentation in Jacksonville March 26th Geneva Historical Society documentation For more info, please go to www.ssqa.org/qdiscoverday.htm The Florida Quilt Project: http://www.ssqa.org/flqproject.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTRAS AT THE Mancuso show in West Palm Beach Sunshine State Quilters Association will be having a meeting on Saturday night (Nov 13) at the Marriott hotel. The meeting will consist of dinner, meeting and a lecture from Leigh McDonald Also on Friday evening (Nov 12) we will be having a board meeting and sit and sew at the Marriott hotel and every quilter is welcome. Come to either night’s activities, and meet other quilters! For more info, please go to www.SSQA.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed – Sat, October 6-9
Grand Prize: 90 yards of fabric 2nd prize: 45 yards of fabric Also, One $50 gift basket from each shop, and one $75 gift certificate from each shop
Participating Stores: The Sewing Studio Fabric Superstore ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ART QUILT CHALLENGES ON EXHIBIT:
The Seams Unique Fiber Artists is having their Annual Challenge Exhibit during the month of September 2010 at the Boutique 4 Quilters Shop in Melbourne, Florida.The group consists of 13 fiber and mixed media artists, from Melbourne, Sebastian, and Vero Beach, Florida. Many of the artists’ have exhibited at major International Quilt Shows, art galleries and in juried art exhibits.
The group formed 4 years ago and meets once a month at the quilt shop as a support group to share ideas, learn new techniques, inspire one another, and promote the recognition and appreciation of fiber art. Boutique 4 Quilters is located at: 2945 West New Haven Avenue West Melbourne, FL 32904
Viewing hours are during shop hours. Please call: (321) 768-2060 for more information.
Seams Unique Fiber Artists have also been invited to exhibit at the Mancuso World Quilt Show Florida, in West Palm Beach, November 12-14, 2010, at the Convention Center. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have an upcoming event in Fernandina Beach with Darlene Zimmerman! We are very excited to have her coming - and she has a delightful weekend of programs for us including her infamous easy double wedding ring method. Who: Darlene Zimmerman Clothesline Club Event hosted by Sandcastle Retreats When: Sept 17-19, 2010 Where: Fernandina Beach, FL Historic Amelia Island Hampton Inn & Suites What: Weekend Retreat - Quilters and sewers alike will enjoy spending time with Darlene Zimmerman, learning her EZ ruler techniques and quick quilting methods from her many years in the business! Double wedding ring EZ method plus her newest Hummingbird quilt pattern - in her newest fabrics from Robert Kaufman fabrics and the Clothesline Club - kits included in price. Contact: Laurie Malm @ 912.656.5540 OR at laurie@popsbindings.com. You can download the brochure on my website at www.popsbindings.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Gold Coast Quilters Guild Exhibit in Ft. Lauderdale Our Guild's current exhibit "A Quilting Evolution: From the Bed to the Wall to the Book" is at the Broward County Main Library, Gallery Six which runs from now to September 27th, 2010.It's a great Summer Quilt Exhibit located within a few blocks of the beautiful Las Olas Boulevard filled with restaurants, galleries, boutiques and shops---Most Quilters will travel anywhere, anytime to see quilts and learn about anything related to quilting.
Friday, Sept. 10, 2010, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Quilts and the Underground Railroad presented by Barbara Billington, retired Broward County Public School Teacher. The library hours are Monday –Wednesday 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Thursday-Saturday 10:00 AM-6:00 PM. Closed on Sundays. The library is located at the intersection of Broward Boulevard (an exit off I-95) and Andrews Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. If you drive one block east of Andrews Ave. on Broward Boulevard and turn right onto S. E. 1st Ave, there is an entrance on your left into the parking garage that connects to the Library Building. On the second level of the garage is a covered walkway into the main library entrance. Each parking space is numbered and you pay for your parking at the central meter next to the covered walkway that crosses over the street below into the library. The library is located very close to beautiful Las Olas Boulevard, an area with many shops, boutiques, and restaurants as well as the Fort Lauderdale Museum. There is also a lovely restaurant located on the same level where you enter the Library called "Charcuterie Too". Just across the street from the Library, there are also several restaurants. So plan on spending a fun day enjoying the exhibit and that area with friends and family! Any questions, please contact Marianne Haycook lifenart @ bellsouth.net or 954-785-0220.------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW QUILT SHOP IN TAMPA Crafty Threads and Happy Apple Quilts have teamed up to open a new quilt store in west Tampa. The store’s name is Crafty Threads and the grand opening is Scheduled for Oct 9th. Crafty Threads Home of Happy Apple Quilts 12230 Race Track Rd Tampa, FL 33626 813-855-3066 888-74-QUILT Happy Quilting, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Art Quilters Unlimited, Inc., Fort Myers, Florida would like to announce our first innovative quilt show: Journey 2011 - A Contemporary Quilt and Fiber Art Show to be held January 21 and 22 in Cape Coral Florida. Up-to-date information is periodically being posted on www.artquiltersunlimited.com click on Journey Quilt Show. Thank you. Janet George, Publicity, sjmgeorge @ embarqmail.com------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hibiscus Garden Walk & Quilter’s Marketplace 2011 January 28 & 29th, 2011, 10-5pm Salvation Army Gymnasium, 4051 Kirk Rd, Lake Worth, Florida hqgosf@gmail.com or www.hibiscusquiltguild.org Debbie Sprague 561-951-9958 $7 at the door ($12 two day pass) or pre-order $6 / $10 two day pass This is not a traditional quilt show but a quilter's marketplace with vendors, special displays, lectures, demonstrations, quilt appraiser on site and classes. There will be door prizes and a special visitor pass grand prize. Be sure to walk through our quilted hibiscus garden walk display. We will also have a special exhibit called TIMELESS STITCHES. This display is being brought to us by Brenda Kalata. It will include ten quilts and quilt tops from quilters of long ago. It will include trapunto Irish Chain c. 1855, a tied summer North Carolina Lily quilt c. 1850, a mint condition, museum quality, Triple Irish Chain from PA with the traditional triple borders c. 1875, and a redwork top dated 1893 w/ initials and more. Brenda will also offer two lectures that will include a WWI Red Cross quilt of 1918. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 3 & 4, 2011 Lake County Quilters Guild 29th annual FANtastic Quilt Show Lake Receptions, 19A, Mt. Dora, FL Thursday, March 3, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm; Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. $7.00 per person. For more info see WWW.lakequiltguild.com or email at lcqgquiltshow@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Show: Quilted Treasures of Tampa Bay
There will be award winning quilts, food, shopping, prizes, and a lice quilt
auction benefiting the Salvation Army. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
STATE PARK TO HOST 22nd ANNUAL QUILT SHOW AND SALE - Visitors are invited to view hundreds of quilts on display -
WHITE SPRINGS – The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park is proud to present the 22nd Annual Quilt Show and Sale October 15 through 17. More than 200 quilts of all sizes and shapes will be on display during this three-day show.
This year’s theme is "Diamond Jubilee" to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Stephen Foster State Park Museum. Since 1950, the Stephen Foster Museum has delighted thousands of park visitors with interpretive exhibits, collection objects and delightful dioramas dedicated to the songs of composer Stephen Foster. The Carillion Tower contains the world’s largest collection of tubular bells. Four times each day, the 97 tubular bells play various Foster songs in a mini-concert for guests to enjoy.
Quilts will be displayed throughout the park, including in the Stephen Foster Museum and the park’s auditorium. Quilts will be judged by Nan Moore, a national recognized author and quilt appraiser. Boutiques, quilting supply vendors, demonstrations, lectures, door prizes and a food concessionaire will take park in the event.
A highlight of the weekend includes the Million Pillowcase Challenge where the Lady of the Lake Quilting Guild will attempt to sew 60 pillowcases in sixty minutes. The pillowcases will be donated to the Lake City Veterans Hospital and Haven Hospice. This Challenge will take place on Friday and Saturday, October 15 and 16 at 10:00a.m.
This event is sponsored by the park’s Citizen Support Organization and Lady of the Lake Quilting Guild. Buses are welcome. Admission to the Quilt Show is $4.00 per person. For more information or to learn how to enter a quilt into the 22nd Annual Stephen Foster Quilt Show, please call toll free 1-877-635-3655 or visit www.FloridaStateParks.org/stephenfoster.
This event will take place:
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 15 - Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Sunday, October 17, 2010 Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park 11016 Lillian Saunders Drive / Hwy 41 White Springs, Florida CONTACT: Bob Giarda (386) 397-4478 or toll free 1-877-635-3655 Marguerite Jordan, (850) 245-3029, (850) 251-7282 (cell) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Quilters Dream will have a store wide sale Sat Sept 4th. 10-2 pm 25% off everything.
Holiday Workshop Shop Hop Nov 10th-13th Grand Prize Wheeled Sewing Machine Cart filled with Goodies, four $100.00 gift baskets to be given away, door prizes, treats and free pattern for Holiday item at each shop when you get your passport Stamped. Plus sign up early and get entered for an early sign up Gift Basket. More details to come or contact Connie at aqd @ embarqmail.comConnie Czernuch
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nov 12 & 13 Nan Moore, professional quilt appraiser and author of Machine Freehand Patterns, will be presenting two of her most popular lecture/trunk shows at the 10th Annual Quilts and Tea Festival to be held in beautiful downtown Davenport, Florida, November 12th & 13th, 2010. These lectures will be given at 10 AM and 1 PM each day and are free to attendees of the festival. They will include The Great American Feedsack, the history of the lowly but much beloved feedsack, including many, many examples of a large variety of feedsacks and items made from feedsacks, and Trash Can Quilts, showcasing both old and new quilts with many interesting and unusual examples of the creativeness and ingenuity of ordinary American women. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact: Judy Gilmer at Judith@Gilmer.com
Peabody Auditorium Exhibits in the Rose Room Gallery:
Central East & Central Regional Members of the Florida Committee of the National Museum of Women Artists, September 3 – November 3, 2010
Josh Garrick, Photography Artist, November 4 - January 11, 2011
Mary McBride and Judy Gilmer are proud to present the fall/winter exhibit schedule for the Rose Room Gallery at the Peabody Auditorium, 600 Auditorium Boulevard, Daytona Beach.
Women’s ARTWork is Never Done! Working on a play on words, we’ve taken the old adage woman’s work is never done and added a twist to it. It’s our contention that Women’s ARTWork is Never Done! On September 2 we welcome members of the Central East & Central Regions of the Florida Committee of the National Museum of Women for the Arts in a juried exhibit that will run through November 4. The Florida Chapter of FMWA boasts many fine artists and we look forward to showcasing the work from 26 members of this prestigious organization. The public is invited to a free Art Talk and Reception on Thursday, October 7, 2010 from 2 PM to 4 PM. The artists will discuss the roll of the Florida Committee of the FMWA in women’s art today, and answer questions about the art presented in this exhibit which includes sculptures in wood, aluminum and fused glass as well as graphite drawings, and paintings in oils, acrylics and watercolors,
No Stone Unturned On November 4th we welcome Josh Garrick, writer, photographer, and fine art curator and consultant to the Rose Room Gallery where he will have a solo exhibit No Stone Unturned, a photographic celebration of Ancient Greece.
Garrick's work is available for viewing through January 12, 2011. The Art Talk by Garrick is on Thursday, November 18, 2010 from 2 to 4 PM. The public is invited to join him for an interesting discussion about his elegant photography.
The public may visit the Rose Room Gallery Monday - Saturday, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. The box office may be reached at 386-671-3462.
-------------------------------------------- A CALL TO ARTISTS a call to artists-this might be the first place to do this nationwide- at: http://www.artsarasota.org/call-to-artists.htm they are very fiber friendly and hang work correctly |