Florida Quilt Network - Newsletter #150 Feb 1, 2011
Quilting Friends,
Wow. 150 FQN newsletters in 12 years. Yep, I’m definitely not a quitter, LOL. I hope you enjoy reading my little newsletter each month. It brings me joy to be able to bring you all this great quilting news each and every month. We still have a few openings for the quilting cruise in May where I will be the teacher. I’ll be teaching on a 7-day cruise to the western Caribbean. For all the details, head on over to my website. A deadline approaches: I need to have a few more people signed up by February 10. If you are thinking about this cruise, please ask your questions or do what it takes to make your decision. I really want to do this cruise! Here is a photo of the quilt I'll be teaching. I designed it just for this cruise:
Don’t forget we are still building the best LongArm Quilter List in Florida. Take a look and make sure your favorite LAQ is listed.
To get a complete, organized, hotlinked listing of all the upcoming shows, retreats, workshops, shop hops, exhibits, etc, please visit the calendar page.
Happy Quilting, Mary-Jeanine ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDAR OF EVENTS: (Newsletter number follows) 2011
Now till Feb 26 Fabric Art Exhibit in Lake Mary info@lakemaryhistory.org (#150)
Feb 2-3 Art of Reflection Study Group in Punta Gorda artofreflections @ gmail (#149)
Feb 5-6 Quilt Show in Dade City www.dadecitychamber.org/main/kumquat_festival.php (#149)
Feb 4-5 Quilt Documentation Days in Vero Beach (#149)
Feb 5 FL Quilt Study Group Meeting in Trenton sewmuch63 @ hotmail.com (#149)
Feb 9-11 Edyta Sitar Workshop in Tampa www.featherprincesses.org (#150)
Feb 9 APQS Road Show in Jacksonville (#150)
Feb 10 APQS Road Show in Orlando (#150)
Feb 11-12 Quilt Show in Titusville pstitchthis @ bellsouth.net (#142)
Feb 11-12 Quilt Show in Sebring hcquilt2011 @ gmail.com (#142)
Feb 11-12 Quilt Show in Clearwater www.QuiltersCrossing.net (#144)
Feb 11-13 Quilt Retreat in Delray Beach Talacam@aol.com (#146)
Feb 14: Quilt Documentation Training in Jacksonville (#149)
Feb 16 Mini-wholecloth workshop in Orlando www.wanderingstitches.com (#150)
Feb 16-19 Shop Hop in North Central Florida aquiltersdream.biz (#150)
Feb 19 Nancy Prince Workshop in Palm Coast www.flaglercountyartleague.com (#147)
Feb 22 Thread Seminar in Orlando www.wanderingstitches.com (#150)
Feb 25-26 Quilt Show in Punta Gorda prqgpubchair @ yahoo.com (#142)
Feb 25-26 Quilt Show in Tampa Bay Delilahl @ verizon.net (#145)
Feb 25-26 Quilt Show in Amelia Island
aiquilters.com (#147) Feb 26 Stashbuster Free Club in Maitland sewing.net/training.htm (#140)
Mar 3-4 Quilt Show in Mt. Dora www.LakeQuiltGuild.com (#145)
Mar 5-6 Quilt Show in Naples www.naplesquiltersguild.com/Show.html (#141)
Mar 9-11 Lisa Bongean Workshop in Tampa www.featherprincesses.org (#150)
Mar 10-12 Art & Textile Show in Melbourne www.seasidepiecemakers.com (#149)
Mar 10-12 Quilt Gathering & Workshop in Melbourne www.seasidepiecemakers.com (#149)
Mar 11-12 Quilt Show in Crystal River http://www.creativequiltersofcitruscounty.com (#143)
Mar 11-12 Quilt Show in Sarasota www.friendshipknotquiltersguild.com (#141)
Mar 11-12 Quilt Documentation Days in Port Richey (#149)
Mar 12 Quilt Show in Bushnell Frederic.805@ hotmail.com (#149)
Mar 19 Quilt Documentation Days in Jacksonville (#145)
Mar 19 National Quilt Day Celebration in Largo www.pinellascounty.org/Heritage #150
Mar 23-26 Shop Hop in Central Florida www.FiresideQuilts.com (#150)
Mar 26 Quilt Documentation Days in Geneva (#145)
April 2 FL Quilt Study Group Meeting in Trenton sewmuch63 @ hotmail.com (#149)
April 6-10 SSQA Symposium in Tampa www.SSQA.org (#148)
April 9-10 Art & Quilt Show in Wesley Chapel www.wesleychapelchamber.com (#149)
April 27 – 30 AQS Quilt Show in Paducah www.americanquilter.com
April 29-May 1 Spring Retreat in Gilbersville/Paducah www.engelquilts.com (#149)
April 30-May 1 Quilt Show in Gainesville hayesbernina @ bellsouth.net (#143)
May 1 Quilt Cruise with Mary-Jeanine Brochure (#145)
June 20-23 Quilt Retreat in Silver Springs talacam@aol.com (#146)
The Feather Princesses will host two wonderful teachers:
Edyta Sitar on February 9 -11, 2011 Lisa Bongean on March 9 – 11, 2011
Lectures and classes will convene at: The Studio 13345 Casey Road Tampa, Florida 33618
For course descriptions, see the Feather Princesses' website at www.featherprincesses.org. To register, contact Dorothy Johnson at djohns47@tampabay.rr.com.
Be Bop Shop Hop Feb 16th -19th Four Hopping Shops Receive a free gift when you purchase a passport. Passport are $5.00 before the hop Early sign -up basket drawing One Grand Prize and 4 2nd Grand Prizes
of door prizes, shop specials, and snacks
------------------------------------------------------------------------- APQS Longarm Quilting Machines Seminar, coming to a city near you.
Show Schedule
Whether you want to earn money quilting for others or you just want to complete a quilt from start to finish, this seminar will help you choose a longarm machine that matches your quilting style as well as your budget. Designed for quilters who do not currently own a longarm machine, the seminar includes valuable information about owning your first longarm--from daily maintenance to running a profitable business. Bring a notebook and pen, plus all your questions - we'll answer them!
NOTE: If you currently own a longarm and are looking for classes to
enhance your quilting skills,
click here to visit our Education and
Class Schedule page.
· Supplier Information - Discover resources for templates, batting, freehand instruction manuals, wholesale contacts, thread, etc. · Pattern Resources - Find out where to buy pantograph patterns, books and stencils to make your longarm quilting fun and hassle-free. · Business Ideas - Learn business philosophies, products and services, pricing, marketing and income forecasting. (You'll even get a Sample Business Plan to get you up and running right away!) · Machine Features - Explore the differences between each machine model including standard and optional features, table & frame designs, etc. · Accessories - Learn which accessories are the "gotta haves" to make your quilting fast and easy · Basic Machine Maintenance - See how simple and easy it is to oil, clean, and service your machine to provide years of quilting fun! · Educational Opportunities - We believe that purchasing an APQS quilting machine makes you part of the APQS family. That's why our relationship doesn't stop the minute you buy your machine. Classes offered in our national training center and across the country through our dealer network ensure that your skills as a quilter continue to grow with your new longarm.
Each three-hour session includes ample time for your questions, plus lots of time to test drive our longarm quilting machines and find the perfect match for you. So that we can have enough materials for every person interested, we ask that you reserve your spot at our road shows in advance by calling Jen Schlie at 800.426.7233, or email Jen at Jen@apqs.com. February 9, 2011 - Road Show Coming to Jacksonville, FL
February 10, 2011 - Road Show Coming to Orlando, FL
February 22, 2011 - Road Show Coming to Albany, GA
Piecing... Applique...Art Quilts... Embellishing! Something for everyone & all skill levels April 6--10 in Tampa Great hotel setting with lots of extras http://www.ssqa.org/symposium.htm
The next meeting of the Florida Quilt Study Group is February 5th at the Suwannee Valley Quilt Shop, Main Street in Trenton.
For further information, contact Mary Anne Randall at sewmuch63@hotmail.com.
After that, the next meeting is April 2, 2011.
5 Feb: Open Studio at Marlene Glickman's: Valentine
Gift Making: greeting cards, silk scarves, pillow cases, purses and more
along with a demonstration on embossing red velvet. 9:30-3:30. No charge
to play, just purchased the silk items you want to
dye and turn into gifts. Come as long as you like and leave when
you are finished. Email (marlene@123webmagic.com)
or Call (727-524-6962) to let me know you
can make it and about what time during the day. No limit on who or how
many can come. Bring a friend and make it a ladies party. Bring your
grandchildren to make gifts. All are welcome. We will be using instant
setting dyes on silk. There will be samples of Silk Broadcloth to play
with with dyes-it feels and sews like cotton
but takes the dyes easily. No mess, no toxic elements, lots of fun with
instant gratification. Studio located at 2251
Willowbrook Drive, Clearwater, FL 33764 just north of East Bay and
off Belcher near Tri City shopping center by US 19. See
www.SilkDyes.com for more information on the dyes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
February 10, 2011, Noon to Three
Wandering Stitches Quilting Studio, 5780 Hoffner Ave, Suite 404, Orlando, FL 32822
Can't make it to a national quilt show to try out a longarm machine? The APQS Road Show crew is traveling across the country, bringing our quality line of quilting machines to you! Here's your chance to get your hands on one of our handcrafted quilting machines to discover which model is right for you! Every APQS Quilting System will be available to test and play!
RSVP today to 407-658-4044
Fil-Tec Thread Seminar
February 22, 2011, 2pm
Wandering Stitches Quilting Studio, 5780 Hoffner Ave, Suite 404, Orlando, FL 32822
Please join us in welcoming Chris Meyers to the Studio! Chris will be giving a seminar about this great line of threads for quilters! Free Samples will be provided. This event is free of charge but please RSVP to save your seat! 407-658-4044
Mini Wholecloth
Wed, Feb 16, 9:30am to 4pm
This class will explore trapunto on a small scale! Make a wholecloth quilt , kit included in price. The Millie will be yours for the day….space limited to 4 people! You will need appliqué scissors and small sharp snips $225.00
Call 407-658-4044
Lisa Mullins Wandering Stitches Quilting Studio APQS Rental, Sales, Service & Education 321-443-6513 5780 Hoffner Ave, Suite 404, Orlando, FL 32822 ~ 407-658-4044
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ART AND TEXTILE SHOW IN MELBOURNE Collaborations, a unique art and textile show in Melbourne is open to the public Thursday and Friday, March 10-12, 2011. The “grand” open with all artists present is Thursday from 6 – 8 p.m. This show, sponsored by Seaside Piecemakers Quilt Guild, is at the Melbourne Auditorium, 625 E. Hibiscus Boulevard, Melbourne. Nineteen artists and 34 quilters formed teams which came up with their own inspiration, themes, and guidelines. Each team will present a scenario of art. Awards will be viewers’ choice selections for the best vignette, the best artwork, and the best fabric artwork. Additional displays include “Quilts of Distinction” - quilts made by Seaside Piecemakers which have won prizes in major shows, or been published in national magazines or books; “Timeless Treasures’ Best of Show Quilts since 2002,” and quilts from The Kids Quilt Project. A variety of media will be seen including watercolor, oils, raku pottery, ceramic tiling, and fabric arts. Some of the pieces will be for sale. Collaborations is free of charge, though donations will be gratefully accepted. www.seasidepiecemakers.com; contact: margie@cfl.rr.com
‘OH! My Stars!'
Shop Hop