Florida Quilt Network - Newsletter #153 June 3, 2011
Quilting Friends,
I thought I’d try something a little different this month. For those of you who notice such things, I usually put things in the newsletter in the order I receive them. Made sense to me, but probably no one else, LOL ! So this month the news items are in the order they will happen, plus a few non-timed events at the end. So don’t miss a request from Quilts For Kids for charity quilts for kids. The photo really touched me…makes me wanna go make a quilt today for that little girl!
I’ve got Hawaii (Oahu and the Big Island) happening in the near future, so send me your must-do’s…
To get a complete, organized, hotlinked listing of all the upcoming shows, retreats, workshops, shop hops, exhibits, etc, please visit www.floridaquiltnetwork.com/calendar.html
Happy Quilting, Mary-Jeanine ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDAR OF EVENTS: (Newsletter number follows) 2011
June 4 StashBuster Lecture in Daytona http://www.sewinggarret.com/ (#152)
June 11 Quilt Show in Waldo 352-213-2376 (#153)
June 16 Bonnie Hunter Lecture in Lakeland huntandsew @ verizon.net (#153)
June 18 Bonne Hunter Workshop in Lakeland huntandsew @ verizon.net (#153)
June 20-23 Quilt Retreat in Silver Springs talacam @ aol.com (#146)
June 25 Free Stashbuster Lecture in Maitland sewing.net/training.htm (#152)
July 11-16 Shop Hop in N Central Florida aquiltersdream.biz (#153)
July 19-20 Birgit Schueller workshops in Orlando www.wanderingstitches.com (#152)
July 27 Judy Momenzadeh Lecture in Coral Springs http://www.miamithreads.blogspot.com/ (#153) Aug 19-Nov 6 Quilt Show in Tallahassee www.museumoffloridahistory.com (#153)
August 20 Quilt Show in Historic Cocoa Beach cocoavillage @ bellsouth.net (#152)
Sept 3 StashBuster Lecture in Daytona http://www.sewinggarret.com/ (#152)
Sept 22-24 QuiltFest in Jacksonville www.quiltfestjax.com (#153)
October 15-16 Fall Festival in Wesley Chapel www.wesleychapelchamber.com (#151)
Nov 10-12 Mancuso World Quilt Show in West Palm Beach www.quiltfest.com (#152)
Nov 13-17 Quilt Cruise with Pat Lester patlester9 @ gmail.com (#153)
Jan 1-8 Quilt Cruise with Nancy Hinds www.SewManyPlaces.com (#153)
Jan 26-30 Quilt Cruise with Flamingo Island Designs www.flamingoislanddesigns.com (#153)
Jan 28 Quilt Show in Dade City epquilters @ yahoo.com (#153)
Mar 16-17 Quilt Show in New Smyrna Beach PelicanPiecemakersFL @ yahoo.com (#153)
Mar 23-24 Quilt Show in West Bradenton www.manateepatchworkers.org (#153)
Feb 1-2 Quilt Show in Sebring quiltshow2013 @ gmail.com (#153)
The Waldo Historical Society is having a quilt show June 11, 2011 at the Waldo Community Center. The time of the show is from 10:00 am - 3:00 PM. For an entry form and other information contact Vera Mauldin (352-213-2376) or Ida Bivins (352-468-1524).
Ladies of the Lakes Quilt Guild
Sign up for the workshop by contacting Jacqui Anderson at huntandsew @ verizon.net
------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOP HOP IN NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA Summer Picnic Stroll July 11th-16th Six Sunny Shops Grand Prize of 10 yards of fabric from each shop, 1st prize 5 yards of fabric from each. Gift Basket drawing at each shop. No charge for passports you print them form out website. One passport from each person. Plus more go to http://www.aquiltersdream.biz/shop_hops.shtml for more details. Connie Czernuch A Quilter's Dream, LLC 719 W. Main Street Leesburg, Fl 34748 352-728-1482
------------------------------------------------------------------------- LECTURE IN CORAL SPRINGS
Springs Quilt Guild has the following special event: Wednesday July 27th 7pm Cypress Hall at Cypress Hammock Park 1300 Coral Springs Drive, Coral Springs 33071 $5 non-member lecture fee Sat Class : 7/30/2011 10am-4pm Butterfly w/Flower
------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUILT SHOW IN TALLAHASSEE
The Museum of Florida History will open the 30th Annual Capital City Quilt Show on August 19 and it extends through November 6, 2011. This year’s theme is “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend.” More than 100 beautifully crafted quilts will be featured in the exhibit. A Silent Auction and a chance to win an Opportunity Quilt are part of the activities included in the exhibit.
Wanda Richey Public Relations Coordinator Museum of Florida History R. A. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 850.245.6400 www.museumoffloridahistory.com
------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUILT SHOW IN JACKSONVILLE
QuiltFest, Inc. of Jacksonville Presents: The Sky's The Limit Sept. 22-24 2011 Prime Osborn Convention Center 1000 Water St. Downtown Jacksonville, Fl. Hours: Thur. & Fr. 9am to 6pm Sat. 9am to 5pm Hotel rooms needed? See web site: www.quiltfestjax.com. Contact person: Gay gram3 @ comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUILT CRUISE WITH PAT LESTER TRAVEL THE HIGH SEAS WITHPATRICIA LESTERQUILTER, DESIGNER, AND TEACHEROriginal designer of Vero Beach Alzheimer’s Memorial Quilts, “Forget Me Not Flowers”, St Helen’s “Celebration” Quilt and McKee Garden Quilt, to name a few. ABOARD CARNIVAL SENSATION NOVEMBER 13 – 17- 2011 (See other flyer for details) 4 Nights Cruise to the Bahamas Teaching a Quilting
Class – High Tea Sensation Make your own tea pot, napkins and more - enjoy the restful tea time with Pat on the “Sensation”. Class Cost: $125.00 includes kits for the projects. Supply list will be provided. 50% deposit is required with balance due September 2011. Bring friends and enjoy a wonderful social time with Pat. CONTACT PAT BY EMAIL – patlester9 @ gmail.com or call 772.562.9294(Home) or 772.532.7564 (Cell)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUILTING CRUISE WITH NANCY HINDS
January 1-8, 2012 Join Nancy Hinds on an 8-day New Year’s Caribbean Cruise aboard the Norwegian Spirit. Package includes Accommodations onboard the ship, port charges, taxes, all meals, cocktail party, onboard activities and workshops, sourvenir totebag, special entertainment and sailing with quilting educator and designer Nancy Hinds.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUILTING CRUISE WITH FLAMINGO ISLAND DESIGNS
Join Flamingo Island Designs January 26-30, 2012 aboard the Liberty of the Seas on the Royal Caribbean Line for our cruising adventure of the Western Caribbean and Cozumel, Mexico. Cruise prices start at $475. Call 772-559-7447 to book your cruise space. Create your own Caribbean Dream Landscape Quilt during our two days of shipboard classes using Barbara’s “Fusible Applique the Flamingo Way” techniques and her “Dimensional Applique Secrets” for this no-sew project. For more information and to reserve your class space contact : barbara @ flamingoislanddesigns.com http://www.flamingoislanddesigns.com 772-778-4294
January 28, 2012 - Kumquat Festival Quilt Challenge -
2012 quilting theme is "Luscious Orange!" Anyone wanting an entry
form with the rules, please email epquilters @
RINGS OF LOVE 2012 QUILT SHOW Quilt Raffle of Rings of Love Presented by Pelican Piecemakers
Friday March 16, 2012 10am to 5pm Saturday March 17, 2012 10am to 4pm
Christ Community Church 1210 Mission Drive New Smyrna Beach, Fl Admission $7.00
Judged Quilt Show Boutique Merchant Mall Quilt Appraisals Quilt Challenge Demos & Raffle Baskets Box Lunch available
For more information PelicanPiecemakersFL@yahoo.com Or call Fay Levine 386.689.8606
Event: Quilting By The River Quilt Show
Date: Fri & Sat., March 23 & 24, 2012
Location: State College of Florida, 5840 26th Street, West
Contact: http://www.manateepatchworkers.org
Friday February 1, 2013 & Saturday February 2, 2013 Presented by: HIGHLANDS CO QUILT GUILD It will be at a MUCH larger facility with tons of parking and we hope to have up to 20 fabric/pattern vendors and many different 'service' type vendors as well. So, we are trying to get ahead of the game by announcing dates, location and a new email address for the show in hopes of attracting new vendors and a lot more traffic.
our email address:
contact person: Karen Doughty 863-452-6062
This show will also be held during our 20th Anniversary year and we're working hard to make it a great show!
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Quilters, Quilts for Kids, Inc. is a 501 (c)3 non-profit, which in the past eleven years has donated tens of thousands of hand-made patchwork quilts to seriously ill children and children of abuse. If you already quilt for us, thank you! If not, please consider visiting our website, www.quiltsforkids.org to learn more about what we do. In our experience, quilters are the most generous people anywhere, always using their skills to help others, and we realize that you are all involved in charitable efforts, worthy causes, all. But if you would like to help Quilts for Kids by making a comfort quilt (just approximately 38”x45”), you may visit our website to order a free kit or you can make a quilt from your own stash, which is particularly welcome! We like to say we turn tears into smiles because that is literally what happens when a child receives a hand-made patchwork quilt from one of our volunteers. Seriously ill children are comforted, and their families uplifted by the thought that someone cares enough to create a beautiful gift to help them through critical and difficult times. Every day, we receive notes from patients’ families and from hospital personnel expressing their heartfelt thanks, and telling us how much the quilts mean to the kids. So, please, when you can find the time, join the QFK staff, quilters one and all, in making a difference in a child’s life. Thank you, Linda, Nancy, Cindi, Kristin, Sally and Pam