Florida Quilt Network - Newsletter #164 www.FloridaQuiltNetwork.comMay 6, 2012 Quilting Friends, I’ve been teaching and lecturing at various quilt guild meetings in the past few months, so I welcome you if you’re a new reader of this newsletter. We have many different types of quilting events listed this month, from exhibits and shows to guild meetings and shop hops. Hopefully something for everyone. And these are just the new items. See a complete chronological list here.I’m looking forward to a ‘gearing down’ in a few weeks. My son graduates from high school this month (can you believe it!?!), will hopefully land a summer job (say a prayer!) and begin studies at UCF in August. My 16yo daughter has just landed her first ‘real’ job as a catering server, and will try out FL Virtual School this summer. (Anything to avoid the new End-of-Course Algebra II test.) Me? I plan to sew, sew, sew. Oh yes, I’ll be exhibiting some of my work in July. I’ve added it to the Calendar and there is a post below. I hope you can by to see it if you live near Maitland (north of Orlando). ********************************* My name is Myra Frank and I am a South Florida (Coral Springs) quilter. I have been quilting for over 10 years and absolutely love to piece. About a year ago I bought a Tin Lizzie Eighteen from Sunshine Sewing in Margate, Fl thinking that I would also enjoy the quilting aspect of the hobby. Unfortunately, after giving it my best, I just don't really enjoy it......So, I am now looking for someone who will enjoy quilting but cannot afford a new machine (this cost over $8000 new and I have a second set of handles and a huge roll of batting that will go with the machine) but maybe can afford $4000? It is very lightly used, Richard from Sunshine Quilting set it up and may possibly be available to take it down and pack it either for shipping or pick up. If you know of anyone, please give them my phone # - 954-340-7068, email is nemobear@earthlink.net********************************* To get a complete, organized, hotlinked listing of all the upcoming shows, retreats, workshops, shop hops, exhibits, etc, please visit the Calendar.Happy Quilting, Mary-Jeanine------------------------------------------------------------------
CALENDAR OF EVENTS: (Newsletter number follows) 2012 May 12 Guild Meeting in Miami lois@awesomeembroidery.com (#164)May 15-17 Quilt Retreat in Leesburg http://www.ssqa.org (#160)May 18-21 Quilt Retreat in Silver Springs TalaCam@aol.com (#158)May 19 Lecture & Workshop in Gainesville 423s@bellsouth.net (#164)May 19 – Aug 18 Quilt Exhibit in Melbourne website (#164)May 26 Stashbuster Lecture in Maitland www.sewing.net (#152)June 2 Marlene Glickman Workshop in Sarasota Marlene@123webmagic.com (#164)June 18-22 Kids Quilting in Satellite Beach www.eduquilters.org (#164)July 14 Marlene Glickman Workshop in Sarasota Marlene@123webmagic.com (#164)July 13-21 Shop Hop in Central Florida http://sewphisticated.net/ (#164)Sept 13-16 Quilt Retreat in Deland website (#160)Sept 20-22 Quilt Show in Jacksonville www.quiltfestjax.com (#164)Sept 21 Bus Trip from Daytona to Jax Show www.DOTS-DaytonaBeach.com(#164) Aug 1-Oct 26 Quilt Exhibit in Highland lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)Oct 13 Quilt Exhibit in Delray Beach lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)
Oct 12-13 Quilt Show in Brandon www.brandonquiltguild.com (#158)Oct 13-14 Arts & Craft Show in Wesley Chapel www.wesleychapelchamber.com(#164) Nov 1-4 Bus Trip to Houston Quilt Show juanitayeager@gmail.com (#160)Nov 2 & 3 Quilt Show in Ocala www.countryroadquiltersocala.com (#163)Nov 8-10 International Quilt Show in West Palm Beach www.quiltfest.comNov 9 & 10 Quilt Show in Davenport www.quiltsandtea.com(#163) Nov 10 Quilt Show in Tampa cypresscreekquiltersguild.org (#164)Nov 15 Quilt Retreat in Lakeland (#160) 2013 Jan 11-12 Quilters Marketplace in Lake Worth www.hibiscusquiltguild.org (#161)Jan 25 & 26 Quilt Show in Clearwater www.QuiltersCrossing.net (#164)Feb 1-2 Quilt Show in Sebring quiltshow2013@gmail.com (#153)Feb. 1 - 2 Quilt Show in Orlando quiltfever2013@floridacabinfever.comFeb 8-9 Quilt Show in Vero Beach www.sbonnets1979.org (#164)Feb 15-16 Quilt Show in Tampa area delilahl@verizon.net (#156)Feb 16 Quilting Cruise leaving from New Orleans www.roundbobbin.com (#164)Feb. 22-23 Quilt Show in Largo www.largocrackerquilters.orgMar 1-3 Quilt Show in Tampa www.FeatherPrincesses.org Mar 8-9 Quilt Show in Palm Beach Www.palmbeachquilters.com (#154)Apr 11th-Aug 25th Quilt Exhibit in Delray Beach lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)April 15-June 3 Quilt Exhibit in Boca Raton lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Wave Quilters will meet on May 12 and the Event of the Afternoon will be our MEMBERS DEMOS Set up like Speed Dating - we will learn quick new ways to do many different quilting and non quilters techniques. You can never have enough tricks, tips and techniques in your 'bag of tricks'!! We are growing our members with lots of new people to the quilting world. It is so exciting to see their faces light up with when they see to the "old Log Cabin' brought to life with new colors and twists on the design. Debby Maddy was a smashing hit with her amazing trunk show and two full days of classes. No Y's or Diamonds is a MUST Learn technique. Thank you Debby for your time shared with us. SO- everyone come to OCEAN WAVES on the 12th and join in on the fun!! Lois Erickson, Programs Director 2012. lois@awesomeembroidery.com
------------------------------------------------------------------ RUTH FUNK CENTER FOR TEXTILE ARTS Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL FLORIDA IN FABRIC, Wish You Were Here! and Yvonne Porcella: Quilt Selections 1986-2012
May 19 - August 18, 2012 Gallery Tour by Yvonne Porcella Saturday, May 19, 2 PM Ruth Funk Center hours: T-F 10-4, Sat., 12-4. http://textiles.fit.edu<http://textiles.fit.edu/Artwork: Crotons, ©2012 Ellen Lindner , Wonderland, ©2012 Yvonne Porcella (Photo by Cathie Hoover) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Families of Fallen Heroes During Remembering With Honor, Armed Services Day 2012 Presentation Gainesville, Florida – The community is lining up to take part in Remembering With Honor, the Armed Forces Day presentation by Don Beld, author, historian, quilt maker, and founder of the Home of the Brave Quilt Project. Beld, who has dedicated his life to honoring the families of fallen heroes, will bring his mission to Gainesville on Armed Forces Day 2012, presenting Remembering With Honor: One Quilter Salutes the Military and Other Fallen Heroes From the War on Terrorism on Saturday, May 19, 10 a.m. to noon at the Hilton University of Florida Conference Center, 1714 SW 34th Street, Gainesville, FL 32607. Doors will open so quilts on display can be viewed close-up from 9:30 to 10 a.m., prior to the presentation. They will be available again briefly following the presentation. "This is going to be a very important event in the history of Gainesville, and it allows people to begin to think about ways to commemorate the sacrifices of others in an honorable memorable manner," said Dr. Paul Ortiz, director of the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at the University of Florida in Gainesville. "The event also will help the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program build our Veterans History Project, and will certainly bring together people who normally do not communicate on a daily basis." The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program is one of many community sponsors for Remembering With Honor. "Not forgetting them – that is the ultimate goal," said Dawn Kucera, coordinator of the Florida Home of the Brave Quilt Project, who will participate in the presentation of quilts to families of fallen heroes. "In my dealings with more than one hundred families now, that is their number one concern – that no one but them remembers their loved one. When we show up with a quilt that strangers made for them, they know they are not the only ones." Quilters from all 50 states, members of the Home of the Brave Quilt Project, give a quilt to each family that has lost someone in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Beld also has made remembrance quilts for each of the major 9/11 and other terrorist incidents. Beld will explore commemorative quilt making, talk about his work with the Home of the Brave Quilt Project, and the National Iraq / Afghanistan Memorial Quilt Project. A recognized expert on Civil War quilts, Beld wrote Civil War Quilts with co-author Pam Weeks. Their book was introduced in January of 2012. Beld will conduct a workshop in the afternoon for the National Iraq / Afghanistan Memorial Quilt Project, to be held at the Senior Recreation Center, 5701 NW 34th Street in Gainesville. To enroll for the workshop, send a $15 donation check, made out to Remembering With Honor, to Remembering With Honor, POB 358664, Gainesville, FL 32635. For more information about the program or workshop, contact Sandra Kay Haile, 423s@bellsouth.net, or call (352) 562-1765.------------------------------------------------------------------ Marlene Glickman workshop: 2 June Sat: Home Studio Workshop: Pin Weaving and Funky Fiber Friends using a variety of fibers and hand dyed silks. 10-3:30 includes supplies, weaving board, fibers, wires, beads and a light lunch for $45. Held at 2251 Willowbrook Drive, Clearwater, FL 33764 Minimum of 6 students to hold the class. Art supplies are included in the price of the workshop. Email Marlene to confirm your reservation. Marlene@123webmagic.com.
Marlene Glickman workshop: 14 July Sat: Home Studio Workshop Fiber Journal/Books. Create a journal using hand painted fabrics, dyed sheers, discharged fabrics using a photograph or a few embellishments and mementos you bring from home as inspiration for your theme. Fabrics, paints, sheers, discharge paste, stencils, dyes, fusibles, thread, needles, scissors will all be provided. 10:0-3:30. $45 cost includes supplies and a light lunch. Held at 2251 Willowbrook Drive, Clearwater, FL 33764 Minimum of 6 students to hold the class. Art supplies are included in the price of the workshop. Email Marlene to confirm your reservation. Marlene@123webmagic.com.
Marlene Glickman teaching in Italy: 7-13 August 2013: Hooray!!! I will be teaching at the Abuzzo School of Creative Art in Italy at a small villa with studio workshop space out in the country! I am so excited. Dyeing silk in the morning and collage in the afternoon. Make a memorable fabric journal or wall panel of collages inspired by the Italian countryside and villages using a variety of techniques. Check out their website for details. www.abruzzoschoolofcreativeart.com
------------------------------------------------------------------ KIDS QUILTING IN SATELLITE BEACH Kids and volunteers have such a good time at EduQuilters (Brevard County) annual Kids Quilt Camp, this year from June 18 – 22. Beginner sessions are 9 a.m. to noon; intermediates met 1:00 – 4:00. Camp is held at Trinity Presbyterian Church on South Patrick Drive in Satellite Beach. $65 covers all snacks and supplies and the use of a sewing machine. Registration form can be downloaded from www.eduquilters.org.------------------------------------------------------------------ Mary-Jeanine Ibarguen (founder and publisher of the Florida Quilt Network) will be exhibiting some of her work (20-30 pieces) at the Maitland Public Library for the month of July 2012. http://www.maitlandpubliclibrary.org/------------------------------------------------------------------
Normal store hours. 60 Yards of Fabric 30 Yards of Fabric Non-Quilter’s Prize 18 other prizes http://sewphisticated.net/Retreat: The Premier Quilting Retreat at Lake Yale Nov 15-18, 2012 Guest Lecturers Mark Sherman Heather Glennon Prizes and fun. Day retreater and non-quilter participants welcome. http://sewphisticated.net/------------------------------------------------------------------ Gold Coast Quilters’ Guild---Boca Raton Florida Scheduled Future Exhibits Quilting Modern: "Old Techniques, Contemporary Interpretations" at the Fine Art Gallery at Highland Beach Library, Highland Beach, Florida: August 1-October 26, 2012"RED, WHITE, AND BEAUTIFUL" Preview Exhibition: October 13th 2012 at Palm Beach County South County Civic Center, Jog Road in Delray Beach Noon-5:00PM Open to the Public "RED, WHITE, AND BEAUTIFUL Special Exhibit at the Mancuso World Quilt Show: Florida at Palm Beach County Convention Center, Thursday through Saturday, November 8-10, 2012 Modern Appliqué Quilt Exhibition at Friends Art Gallery Spanish River Library, Boca Raton Florida April 15-June 3, 2013 Gold Coast Quilting Guild: A Quilting Evolution (Traditional, Contemporary/Art Quilts, and Quilted Artist Books) at Cornell Museum of Art and History at Old School Square, Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach Fl April 11th-August 25th 2013 Questions: Marianne Haycook lifenart@bellsouth.net
------------------------------------------------------------------ Bus Trip from Daytona Beach to Jacksonville Quilt Show A day trip for you to gather ideas and get ready for our Grand Quilting excursion planned for Spring 2012. Don’t miss this one! Leaves Daytona on Friday, Sept 21 at 9am. $39 includes transportation & show admission. DotsTours@att.netDOTS Daytona Shuttle 1034 North Nova Road Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386-257-5400 www.DOTS-DaytonaBeach.com------------------------------------------------------------------ QuiltFest, Inc of Jacksonville Presents:
"Discover Diamonds"
September 20-22, 2012
Hours Thursday and Friday-- 9am-6pm Saturday-9am-5pm
Prime Osborn Convention Center
For more info see our web site: www.quiltfestjax.com
The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce Presents
Wesley Chapel Fall Festival Oct 13-14 10am-5pm Located at The Grove at Wesley Chapel at I-75 and SR 54
Booths (2 days) $150 (until Sept 10) $175 (Sept 11-30)
Visit our website for application and rules: www.WesleyChapelChamber.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ BUS TRIP TO HOUSTON QUILT SHOW
Florida Cabin Fever Quilters Guild (Orlando) October 31st thru November 4th ,
2012 Details can be found at: http://www.floridacabinfever.com/activities_bus.htmlCost $680 for bus to and around Houston, Three full days at the show, two in a room at a Garden Hilton Inn, transportation to and from show each day. We will be making two pick up stops: Wildwood and Lake City. For questions and more info – Contact:Dar Arnswald: ------------------------------------------------------------------ "A Garden of Quilting Delights", the Cypress Creek Quilt Guild's biennial show will be held November 10, 2012. The show will be held outdoors at the USF Botanical Gardens, 12210 USF Pine Drive, Tampa, Fl 33612. Admission is $7.00. Show hours are from 10 AM - 5 PM. Approximately 200 quilts will be available for viewing. We also will have a boutique with a variety of items for sale. An important feature of the show is the charity auction, of which 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Women's Veteran's Assoc.
It is a wonderful show. Come and enjoy the beauty of art through fabric! cypresscreekquiltersguild.org
Thank You, Kathy Taylor Publicity Chair, CCQG
------------------------------------------------------------------ Quilting Under the Palms - January 25 & 26, 2013 Location : Countryside Recreation Center, 2640 Sabal Drive, Clearwater, FL 33761. Times : 9:00am to 4:00pm (both days) Admission: $6.00, bus parking available 200+ quilts, boutique, small quilt auction, vendors, demonstrations, door prizes, raffle baskets - one with a featherweight sewing machine, charity quilt drawing and drawing for a free sewing machine from Sue's Bay Area Sewing. Contact: Jan Hale janicehale17@tampabay.rr.comWebsite : www.quilterscrossing.net
------------------------------------------------------------------ Quilt Show - Vero Beach - Feb. 8th & 9th, 2013 at Indian River Fairgrounds-
------------------------------------------------------------------ Round Bobbin Quilting Cruise February 16 Western Caribbean Departing from New Orleans, LA Teachers include Kaye Wood, Pam Damour, Nancy Fiedler, Veronica Cox www.roundbobbin.com800-473-9464 ------------------------------------------------------------------ QUILT GUILD REPORT The Pelican Piecemakers of New Smyrna Beach report that their "Rings Of Love" Quilt Show, held on March 16th and 17th, was a rousing success. Best of Show honors went to Carla Triemer for her quilt "Goldfish Bowl." Viewer's Choice award went to Eileen Buel for her quilt titled "Wildflowers," quilted by Laurie Collins. Winner of the "A Tisket, a Tasket, What's in my Basket?" Quilt Challenge was Renee Irvine for her "Sewing Emporium" quilt. Judges Choice for the Challenge went to Beth Freese for her quilt titled "How Sweet." Guild Members choice for Challenge winner went to Carla Triemer for her African-themed "Mangoes" quilt. A complete list of winners is available on the "PelicanPiecemakersFL" Facebook page. "Rings of Love" Raffle Quilt was won by Pat Blodgett of Deltona. Pat bought her winning ticket at the Volusia County Fair and plans on giving it to her son Nicholas for a wedding present. The Pelicans are making plans for their semi-annual Tea. Co-chairs for the event, to be held in March of 2013, are Debbie Robinson and Robin Tucker. ------------------------------------------------------------------ HELP FIND LOST QUILTS