Florida Quilt Network - Newsletter #165
And now we look forward to a new school career at UCF! ********************************* Are you looking for a great deal on a LongArm Quilting Machine? My name is Myra Frank and I am a South Florida (Coral Springs) quilter. I have been quilting for over 10 years and absolutely love to piece. About a year ago I bought a Tin Lizzie Eighteen from Sunshine Sewing in Margate, Fl thinking that I would also enjoy the quilting aspect of the hobby. Unfortunately, after giving it my best, I just don't really enjoy it......So, I am now looking for someone who will enjoy quilting but cannot afford a new machine (this cost over $8000 new and I have a second set of handles and a huge roll of batting that will go with the machine) but maybe can afford $4000? It is very lightly used, Richard from Sunshine Quilting set it up and may possibly be available to take it down and pack it either for shipping or pick up.
If you know of anyone, please give them my phone # - 954-340-7068, email is nemobear@earthlink.net *********************************
To get a complete, organized, hotlinked listing of all the upcoming shows, retreats, workshops, shop hops, exhibits, etc, please visit the Calendar.
Happy Quilting, Mary-Jeanine ------------------------------------------------------------------
CALENDAR OF EVENTS: (Newsletter number follows)
May 19 – Aug 18 Quilt Exhibit in Melbourne website (#165)
June 18-22 Kids Quilting in Satellite Beach www.eduquilters.org (#164)
June 23 Stashbuster Lecture in Maitland more info
June 23 Charity Quilt Event in Deland www.quiltshopofdeland.com (#165)
June 23 Quilt Show in Waldo veramauldin@windstream.net (#165)
June 27 Debbie Jones Lecture in Coral Springs http://www.debbiejones.com (#165)
June 28 Debbie Jones Workshop in Coral Springs http://www.debbiejones.com (#165)
July 1-31 Quilt Exhibit in Maitland www.MaitlandPublicLibrary.org (#164)
July 14 Marlene Glickman Workshop in Sarasota Marlene@123webmagic.com (#164)
July 13-21 Shop Hop in Central Florida http://sewphisticated.net/ (#164)
July 28 Stashbuster Lecture in Maitland more info
Aug 1-Oct 26 Quilt Exhibit in Highland lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)
Aug 1-6 Quilting Bus Trip 561/965-3182 (#165)
Aug 17 – Nov 4 Quilt Exhibit in Tallahassee www.museumoffloridahistory.com (#165)
August 25 Stashbuster Lecture in Maitland more info
Sept 13-16 Quilt Retreat in Deland website (#160)
Sept 20-22 Quilt Show in Jacksonville www.quiltfestjax.com (#164)
Sept 21 Bus Trip from Daytona to Jax Show www.DOTS-DaytonaBeach.com (#164)
Sept 20-21 Bus Trip to Jax Show 561/965- 3182 (#165)
Sept 22 Stashbuster Lecture in Maitland more info
Sept 29-30 Quilt Show in Deland www.quiltshopofdeland.com (#165)
Oct 13 Quilt Exhibit in Delray Beach lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)
Oct 12-13 Quilt Show in Brandon www.brandonquiltguild.com (#158)
Oct 13-14 Arts & Craft Show in Wesley Chapel www.wesleychapelchamber.com (#164)
Oct 27 Stashbuster Lecture in Maitland more info
Nov 1-4 Bus Trip to
Houston Quilt Show
juanitayeager@gmail.com (#160) Nov 2 & 3 Quilt Show in Ocala www.countryroadquiltersocala.com (#163)
Nov 8-10 International Quilt Show in West Palm Beach www.quiltfest.com
Nov 9 & 10 Quilt Show in Davenport www.quiltsandtea.com (#163)
Nov 10 Quilt Show in Tampa cypresscreekquiltersguild.org (#164)
Nov 15-18 Quilt Workshop & Lecture in Lakeland http://www.LadiesoftheLakes.org (#165)
Nov 15-18 Quilt Retreat in Lake Yale http://www.BeSewCreative.com (#165)
Nov 28 Stashbuster Lecture in Maitland more info
Jan 11-12 Quilters Marketplace in Lake Worth www.hibiscusquiltguild.org (#161)
Jan 25 & 26 Quilt Show in Clearwater www.QuiltersCrossing.net (#164)
Jan 25-26
Quilt Show in The Villages
Showcase2013@QGOTV.org (#165) Feb 1-2 Quilt Show in Sebring quiltshow2013@gmail.com (#153)
Feb. 1 - 2 Quilt Show in Orlando quiltfever2013@floridacabinfever.com
Feb 8-9 Quilt Show in Vero Beach www.sbonnets1979.org (#164)
Feb 15-16 Quilt Show in Tampa area delilahl@verizon.net (#156)
Feb 16 Quilting Cruise leaving from New Orleans www.roundbobbin.com (#164)
Feb. 22-23 Quilt Show in Largo www.largocrackerquilters.org (#165)
Feb. 22-23 Quilt Show in Punta Gorda prqpubchair12@yahoo.com(#165)
Mar 1-2 Quilt Show in Naples www.naplesquiltersguild.com/Show.html (#165)
Mar 1-3 Quilt Show in Tampa www.FeatherPrincesses.org
Mar 8-9 Quilt Show in Palm Beach Www.palmbeachquilters.com (#154)
Mar 21-24 Quilt Retreat in Lake Yale http://www.BeSewCreative.com (#165)
Apr 11th-Aug 25th Quilt Exhibit in Delray Beach lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)
April 15-June 3 Quilt Exhibit in Boca Raton lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)
------------------------------------------------------------------ RUTH FUNK CENTER FOR TEXTILE ARTS Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL
FLORIDA IN FABRIC, Wish You Were Here!
and Yvonne Porcella: Quilt Selections 1986-2012
May 19 - August 18, 2012
Ruth Funk Center hours: T-F 10-4, Sat., 12-4. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Artwork: Crotons, ©2012 Ellen Lindner , Wonderland, ©2012 Yvonne Porcella (Photo by Cathie Hoover)
Mark your calendar for June 23 10-2 to meet and chat with Jennifer Hamilton with Nemours Childrens' Hospital Outreach....
We are excited to be joining with the brand new, Nemours Children's Hospital in Orlando to create quilts and items of comfort for the children in their care.
More info: www.quiltshopofdeland.com quiltshopofdeland@hotmail.com 386-734-8782
The Waldo Historical Society will have its quilt show Saturday, June 23, 2012. If you would like to enter a quilt for judging, and/or sale, please call Vera Mauldin: 352-468-1554 or email: veramauldin@windstream.net for application and registration information.
June 2012 Program & Workshop Debby Jones ~ Fabric Decollage
http://www.debbiejones.com https://www.facebook.com/debbiejonesart
Wednesday June 27th, 2012 7:15pm ~ Cypress Hall
at Cypress Hammock Park 1300 Coral Springs Dr, Coral Springs 33071
Lecture: Fabric Scraps Become Fine Art This lecture is both entertaining and informative, encouraging quilters and other fiber artists to see their work as fine art, while stretching the boundaries of what can be done with fabric. Debbie will show samples along with slides, explaining how she developed her technique and sharing how it doesn't take any art training (because she's had none!) to create a beautiful fabric decollage without the time and planning required for quilting. (Of course, stitching or quilting could be added, if you like.) This is a great way to work with all those leftover fabric scraps. Add a mat and frame, and voilá, it's fine art! This will open up a whole new world to fabric lovers -- you'll never look at fabric the same way again!
Fabric Landscape Decollage Workshop Thursday June 28th, 2012 ~ 10am-4pm ~ Northwest Regional Library 3151 University Drive, Coral Springs
Create a beautiful landscape using fabric and fusibles, with no stitching! In this one-day class, you’ll complete an 11"x14" fabric landscape of your own design, ready to be framed. It will look like a painting – a “fabric painting”! No experience is necessary. Anyone can make these. With many chances to change your mind as your work evolves throughout the day, it’s easy and fun. These landscapes make wonderful gifts, since they can be designed in any style or color scheme. If you prefer, Debbie will show how to alter this technique, so your finished decollage can be quilted or stitched later, at home. Detailed handout included. See examples of this class on the Landscapes page http://www.debbiejones.com/Landscapes.html
Optionally, for $20 kit fee, only bring your sharpest fabric scissors and everything else will be provided. Debbie’s “kit” includes all other tools, supplies & fusibles, plus thousands of different fabrics to choose from, so you can make a landscape in any style or color scheme. You can bring a landscape picture or photo for inspiration, or she will have many pictures to choose from, or you can design your own–-it’s easy! Everyone Welcome!
Non-Members $5 Special Event Lecture Fee ~ Meeting starts at 7:15pm Cypress Hall at Cypress Hammock Park, 1300 Coral Springs Drive, Coral Springs, FL.
Workshop Fee ~ Members $40 ~ Non-Members $45 Call or email Charlotte Noll kirkenoll@bellsouth.net 954-562-8604 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Mary-Jeanine Ibarguen (founder and publisher of the Florida Quilt Network) will be exhibiting some of her work (20-30 pieces) at the Maitland Public Library for the month of July 2012.
Looking for travel companions on our upcoming trips:
Includes Bus/Driver room &
Trips originate: WPB, w/ other pickups at PB Gardens, Vero Beach, Ft. Pierce, etc for northbound trips; from PB Gardens, & others, southbound. Looking for several more people for Savannah/Gastonia/Ashville NC, response soonest.
The Museum of Florida History will open its 31st Annual Capital City Quilt Show on August 17 and it extends through November 4, 2012. This year’s theme is “Tomorrow’s Quilts Today.” There are approximately 100 beautifully crafted quilts and wall hangings. The Museum partners with Quilters Unlimited of Tallahassee to bring this extraordinary exhibition to the local area. Visitors may enter for a chance to win the “opportunity quilt” and participate in a silent auction throughout the run of the exhibit.
Wanda Richey Public Relations Coordinator Museum of Florida History R. A. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 850.245.6400 www.museumoffloridahistory.com
--------------------------------------------------------------- QUILT SHOW IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN DELAND
Mark your calendar--get the girls together!
Sat. Sept. 29 10-6 & Sun. 30 10-4 That's Right! A Quilt Show right here in Downtown DeLand-----lots of beautiful · award winning quilts & trunk shows · vendors from throughout the state · sewing machines too! · Food! Scrumptious DeLand Bistros!!
More info: www.quiltshopofdeland.com quiltshopofdeland@hotmail.com 386-734-8782
Ladies of the Lakes Quilt Guild in Lakeland, FL. will be hosting 4
days of David Taylor in November. Thursday, the 15th, will be an afternoon
workshop on using "Photoshop", Thursday night a trunk show, Friday, Saturday,
Sunday will be a 3 day workshop on turning a photo into a quilt. All
information will be on our website:
or contact Jacqui Anderson at
--------------------------------------------------------------- QUILTING RETREATS IN LAKE YALE
Sew-Mini Things Premier Quilt Retreat ~ Nov 15 – 18, 2012 ~ Sew-Mini Things in Mt Dora is sponsoring their first quilt retreat this fall featuring four very creative workshops with teachers Mark Sherman and Heather Glennon. See http://www.BeSewCreative.com for additional information and registration forms.
Crafty Threads Spring Quilt Retreat ~ March 21 – 24, 2013 ~ This will be Crafty Threads second annual quilt retreat. Come enjoy lots of demos with plenty of time to work on your own projects too. Additional info and registration form will be posted on website shortly.
To receive our newsletter: http://bitly.com/BeSewCreativeNewsletterSignUp
Rhonda Baker
Quilting Guild of The Villages
The Peace River Quilters’ Guild, Inc. in Punta Gorda, Florida presents our 11th Biennial Quilt Festival . Show information is as follows: 11th Biennial Quilt Festival – “Jewels in Paradise” Friday, February 22, 2013 – 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday, February 23, 2013 – 10:00 a.m. – 4:p.m. Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center 75 Taylor Street, Punta Gorda, Florida Judged show – Over 300 quilts – Raffle quilt “Jewels in Paradise” Boutique – Silent auction – Special exhibit “Peace River Runs Through” Food available – Free parking – Buses welcomed – Wheel chair accessible Donation – 1 day $7.00/2 day $12.00 Contact: Sharleen at prqpubchair12@yahoo.com
Largo Cracker Quilters, Inc. presents: Celebrate the Quilt - Explore the Art VII February 22 - 10am to 5pm February 23 - 10am to 4pm New Location: Christ Presbyterian Church 3115 Dryer Avenue, SW Largo FL 33770 Admission: $6.00 Special rate for buses, Free parking and handicap accessible Features: quilts, boutique, vendors, cafe, appraisals, demonstrations, basket walk, opportunity quilt Website: www.largocrackerquilters.org Contact: Dan1Dee2@aol.com (727) 392-9374
Stitches in Time 2013, to be held Friday March 1 2013 9:00-5:00; and Saturday March 2 2013 10:00- 4:00 at New Hope Ministries, 7675 Davis Blvd., Naples, FL. Website is: www.naplesquiltersguild.com/Show.html. Contact is Sue Hobson, kiaquilts@aol.com
The Sunshine State Quilters Association (SSQA) is pleased to announce 2012 grants have been awarded to Space Coast Quilters and Still Stirchin' with Grace.
For more information about SSQA go to ssqa.org Jane Hamrock, SSQA Grants Committee
Largo Cracker Quilters quilt guild of Largo FL was chosen to make a quilt commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Pinellas County School District which is celebrating its centennial this year, 2012.
The quilt took months of planning, designing, block making and quilting. Each block in the quilt represents a decade in the history of the school district. The blocks show how the schools were affected by the Florida boom years of the 1920's, the great depression, WW11, baby boomers, integration and busing and, more recently, the role computers and other new technologies have in the schools.
Presented to the Pinellas County School Board on May 16, 2012, the quilt will take its place along side the student art work in the meeting chamber and halls of the school district administration building.
For more information contact Susan Cobb at sucobb@verizon.net