Florida Quilt Network - Newsletter #168 Sept 3, 2012
Quilting Friends,
Did you know we have a Quilt Museum in Florida? I sure didn’t! Here is the info: Levy County Quilt Museum 11050 NW 10th Ave Chiefland, Fl 32626 Tuesday – Saturday 10 -3
1 mile off Alt 27 between Chiefland and Bronson on CR319
We have many quilts that are hand quilted or machine quilted and many other hand made items.
We are the only Quilt Museum in the State.
I found a nifty webpage that explains how tension works in your sewing machine. Let’s say your bobbin thread shows on top of your seam…do you tighten or loosen the top tension? This visual will help you remember once and for all: http://www.superiorthreads.com/education/tension/thread-tug-of-war-how-tension-works
To get a complete, organized, hotlinked listing of all the upcoming shows, retreats, workshops, shop hops, exhibits, etc, please visit the Calendar.
Happy Quilting, Mary-Jeanine ------------------------------------------------------------------
CALENDAR OF EVENTS: (Newsletter number follows)
Now – Sept 28 Quilted Book Exhibit in Boca Raton kirkenoll@bellsouth.net (#168)
Now-Oct 26 Quilt Exhibit in Highland lifenart@bellsouth.net (#168)
Now – Nov 4 Quilt Exhibit in Tallahassee www.museumoffloridahistory.com (#165)
Now – Nov 10 Fiber Exhibit in Deland www.floridamuseumforwomenartists.org/ (#168)
Sept 8 Quilt Program in Tallahassee www.museumoffloridahistory.com (#168)
Sept 11-Jan 20 Quilt Exhibit in Boca Raton www.bocamuseum.org (#167)
Sept 13-16 Quilt Retreat in Deland website (#160)
Sept 20-22 Quilt Show in Jacksonville www.quiltfestjax.com (#164)
Sept 21 Bus Trip from Daytona to Jax Show www.DOTS-DaytonaBeach.com (#164)
Sept 21 Bus Trip from Orlando/Daytona to Jax Show www.vivotours.com (#167)
Sept 20-21 Bus Trip to Jax Show 561/965- 3182 (#165)
Sept 22 Bus Trip to Jax Show from Orlando juanitayeager@gmail.com (#168)
Sept 22 Stashbuster Lecture in Maitland more info
Sept 29-30 Quilt Show in Deland www.quiltshopofdeland.com (#165)
Oct 6 Florida Quilt Study Group in Trenton sewmuch63@hotmail.com. (#168)
Oct 13 Quilt Exhibit in Delray Beach lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)
Oct 12-13 Quilt Show in Brandon www.brandonquiltguild.com (#158)
Oct 13-14 Arts & Craft Show in Wesley Chapel www.wesleychapelchamber.com (#164)
Oct 27 Stashbuster Lecture in Maitland more info
Nov 2-3 Quilt Show in Ocala fjcrqshow@aol.com (#167)
Nov 1-4 Bus
Trip to Houston Quilt Show
(#166) Nov 2 & 3 Quilt Show in Ocala www.countryroadquiltersocala.com (#163)
Nov 8-10 International Quilt Show in West Palm Beach www.quiltfest.com
Nov 9 & 10 Quilt Show in Davenport www.quiltsandtea.com (#163) Nov 10 Bus Trip to West Palm Show from Orlando juanitayeager@gmail.com (#168)
Nov 10 Quilt Show in Tampa cypresscreekquiltersguild.org (#164)
Nov 10 Quilt Exhibit & Conference in Daytona Beach mrsgorgon@gmail.com (#167, #168)
Nov 15-18 Quilt Workshop & Lecture in Lakeland http://www.LadiesoftheLakes.org (#165)
Nov 15-18 Quilt Retreat in Lake Yale http://www.BeSewCreative.com (#165)
Nov 28 Stashbuster Lecture in Maitland more info
Jan 11-12 Quilters Marketplace in Lake Worth www.hibiscusquiltguild.org (#161)
Jan 25-26 Quilt Show in Clearwater www.QuiltersCrossing.net (#164)
Jan 25-26
Quilt Show in The Villages
Showcase2013@QGOTV.org (#165) Jan 26 Quilt Show in Dade City www.kumquatfestival.org (#167)
Feb 2-3 Quilt Show in Dade City www.pioneerfloridamuseum.org (#167)
Feb 1-2 Quilt Show in Sebring quiltshow2013@gmail.com (#166)
Feb. 1-2 Quilt Show in Orlando quiltfever2013@floridacabinfever.com (#168)
Feb 2-Apr 3 Quilt Exhibit in Clearwater www.surfacedesignguild.com/call-to-artists (#168) Feb 8-9 Quilt Show in Vero Beach www.sbonnets1979.org (#164)
Feb 15-16 Quilt Show in Tampa area delilahl@verizon.net (#156)
Feb 15-16 Quilt Show in Titusville www.SpacecoastQuilters.com (#166)
Feb 16 Quilting Cruise leaving from New Orleans www.roundbobbin.com (#164)
Feb 18-20 Quilting Party in Homosassa Springs www.floridaquiltparty.com (#168)
Feb. 22-23 Quilt Show in Largo www.largocrackerquilters.org (#165)
Feb. 22-23 Quilt Show in Punta Gorda prqpubchair12@yahoo.com (#165)
Mar 1-2 Quilt Show in Naples www.naplesquiltersguild.com/Show.html (#165)
Mar 1-3 Quilt Show in Tampa www.FeatherPrincesses.org
Mar 7-8 Quilt Show in Mt. Dora www.LakeQuiltGuild.com (#167)
Mar 8 Evening with Eleanor Burns in Melbourne www.seasidepiecemakers.com (#168)
Mar 8-9 Quilt Show in Palm Beach Www.palmbeachquilters.com (#154)
Mar 8-9 Quilt Show in Sarasota more info (#167)
Mar 21-24 Quilt Retreat in Lake Yale http://www.BeSewCreative.com (#165)
Apr 11th-Aug 25th Quilt Exhibit in Delray Beach lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)
Apr 15-June 3 Quilt Exhibit in Boca Raton lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)
Apr 23-28 Bus Trip to Paducah http://www.dots-daytonabeach.com/ (#168)
June 7-9 Trip to Quilt Festival in Ireland sewmanyplaces.com (#167)
------------------------------------------------------------------ HANDS ON MUSEUM QUILT PROGRAM IN TALLAHASSEE
Our 2nd Saturday Family Program will focus on the quilt exhibit with a hands-on program about the pinwheels quilt design with Museum educator Sarah Shaw. Saturday, September 8 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free.
Wanda Richey Public Relations Coordinator Museum of Florida History R. A. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 850.245.6400 www.museumoffloridahistory.com
------------------------------------------------------------------ FCFQG is taking a bus to the Jacksonville Quilt Show on Saturday Sept. 22, cost $45.00 includes ticket to show, last day to reserve a seat is September 8. We are also chartering a bus for the World Quilt Show in West Palm Florida on Nov 10, 2012 Cost $45.00 includes ticket to show. Contact me at juanitayeager@gmail.com if interested. Last day to reserve a seat October 29, 2012. Juanita Yeager Vp_programs@floridacabinfever.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ EXHIBIT IN HIGHLAND BEACH
Members of Gold Coast Quilters Guild Exhibit: CONTEMPORARY QUILTING: An Exploration of Pattern and Color August 1 through October 26, 2012 at Highland Beach Library Fine Art Gallery 3618 S. Ocean Boulevard, Highland Beach FL 561-278-5455 www.highlandbeachlibrary.org
Questions: Marianne Haycook lifenart@bellsouth.net
------------------------------------------------------------------ QUILTED BOOK EXHIBIT IN BOCA RATON
Gold Coast Quilters Guild
Opening Reception Saturday, August 25, 2012 3-5PM
Wimberly Library - 3rd Floor East Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades Road Boca Raton FL
charlotte noll gold coast quilters 2011 book challenge chairperson 954-562-8604
------------------------------------------------------------------ FLORIDA QUILT STUDY GROUP IN TRENTON
What do southern
quilts and swirling owls have in common? The Florida Quilt Study Group
October meeting!
I will also have our "Century Quilt" so-called because
it contains fabrics that span one-hundred years. Please bring your quilts to
share. For further information, please contact Mary Anne Randall at
sewmuch63@hotmail.com. Hope to see you there! ------------------------------------------------------------------ EXHIBITS IN DELAND & DAYTONA BEACH
Gaskins’ wins 2nd place in HGA Convergence Exhibit Jayne Bentley Gaskins was awarded second place for her art quilt, “A Note from Papa H,” in the Handweavers Guild of America’s mixed-media exhibit at the Convergence conference in Long Beach California.
“Art in Stitches” exhibit at the Florida Museum for Women Artists The Florida Museum for Women Artists is currently displaying a fabulous exhibit of fiber art by nine prominent Florida artists. If you are anywhere near Deland, Florida, be sure to see it. These works go far beyond the norm, and show the great versatility of this media. The art will be on display until November 10th and include work by Katherine K. Allen, Connie Enzmann-Forneris, Jayne Bentley Gaskins, Valerie Goodwin, Pat Kumicich, Eleanor McCain, Maya Shonenberger, Amy Vigilante, and Barbara W. Watler. Please see the website http://www.floridamuseumforwomenartists.org/ for more details.
SAQA in FL Conference The Studio Artists Quilt Assoc (SAQA) will hold a one-day conference in Daytona on November 10th. The day will begin with the opening for the juried SAQA art quilt exhibit (open only to SAQA members) and proceed to in-depth discussions of fiber art, sharing of attendees’ art, and conclude with a dinner with noted women’s art author, Dr. Roberta Smith Favis. While the exhibit is open to only SAQA members, the conference has been designed to be of interest to anyone interested in fiber art and this international organization. For more information and a registration form, go to http://saqainflorida.wordpress.com/
------------------------------------------------------------------ QUILTING PARTY IN HOMASASSA
"Remember those great sleep overs you had as a teenager? How about a sleep over with quilters!! My name is Mardelle Smith and I have been hosting a Quilt Party in Myrtle Beach SC for 22 years (2013 will be #23) . www.mbqp.net
A couple of the gals who live in Florida and have been coming to Myrtle Beach asked if I would have a party in Florida. So on Feb, 18, 19, & 20, 2013 I am having a party in Homosassa and you are invited!! Three days of quilting fun!! Here is the information. www.floridaquiltparty.com Come join us."
------------------------------------------------------------------ FIBER EXHIBIT IN CLEARWATER
FEMALE VOICES Fiber to inspire Body, Mind and Spirit A JURIED EXHIBITION February 22-April 3, 2013 Throughout history, women have had a connection to textiles by using their skills to weave cloth, embroider linens and mend, sew or knit garments for their families. These necessary activities became an important method for women to express their individuality and creativity. Today, women maintain these traditional skills yet connect to textiles by creating fiber art in new, exciting ways. Contemporary artists have granted themselves the freedom to explore the use of these traditional techniques solely for the purpose of personal, creative expression. Sponsored by the Tampa Bay Surface Design Guild Hosted
and exhibited at the Unitarian Universalists Church of Clearwater and the
Octagon Arts Center More info and to down load an entry form, go here: http://www.surfacedesignguild.com/call-to-artists ------------------------------------------------------------------ GUILD TRIP TO ORLANDO QUILT SHOW
Welcome to the Florida Cabin Fever Quilt Show in Orlando. Start planning NOW to come to Central Florida on February 1-2 , 2013. This year we are offering group rates for groups of 10 or more. We know that sometimes your guilds are not big enough for a big bus load. If you can get a minimum of 10 people to caravan we will give you the group rate. The group entry fee will be $7.00 each. Your group must be registered with us prior to the show to get the group rate, and the group must enter all together. There will be a special entrance door so that you will not be standing in line. We have more than 30 vendors signed up for plenty of shopping. This year we will have a judged show with prize money for the winning quilts. Registration for entering your quilt will be available online starting October 1. Since registration is online we hope that will encourage you to enter your special quilt. Please check out Florida Cabin Fever Quilt Guild on line to learn more about the show. www.FloridaCabinFever.com Email bustrips@FloridaCabinFever.com to reserve your time at the show. Put Quilt Bus trip in the subject field.
SEASIDE PIECEMAKERS QUILT CLUB PRESENTS OUR “SPRING SPECTACULAR” FEATURING “AN EVENING WITH ELEANOR BURNS” The Quilters Hall of Fame Honoree 2012 FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2013 7 P.M. – 9 P.M. AT MELBOURNE CIVIC AUDITORIUM MELBOURNE, FLORIDA THE PROGRAM TICKETS AND INFORMATION: Pre-paid tickets $25.00 per person. Tickets purchased evening of event $30.00. Seating is limited. For more information: www.seasidepiecemakers.com
Bus Trip to: American Quilter’s Society Quilt Show April 23-28, 2013 We will be traveling to Paducah, KY for this very popular show. We were able to acquire rooms at Harrah’s casino across the river from Paducah in Metropolis, IL which is 7 miles away. We will transport you each day to the convention center and other places of inerest. This could be a fun trip for men and women. More details coming soon.
$789.00 per person based on Double occupancy $680 per person based on Triple occupancy $579 per person based on Quad occupancy Includes hot breakfast
DOTS Daytona Shuttle 386-257-5411 http://www.dots-daytonabeach.com/
Our summer get-away to Savannah, Gastonia & Asheville was great fun! New companions joined frequent travelers for excellent historical tours, fabulous shopping & lots of good food. Humbug bag class with Shirley Small was very successful & fun. Good time had by all!
Dates: Mon 6/24-Wed
7/3/13 Katy Church, Travel Dir. ------------------------------------------------------------------
The Greater Dade City Chamber of Commerce requests you to start thinking and sewing creatively with the color ORANGE!
Entries Due by January 18, 2013
6 Categories:
Small quilts Large quilts Miniature quilts Wearables Miscellaneous Jr. Quilter
For complete rules and an entry form, go to: http://www.dadecitychamber.org/?page=KumquatFestival or: call Greater Dade City Chamber of Commerce @ 352-567-3769 or email East Pasco Quilters Inc. at epquilters@yahoo.com