Florida Quilt Network - Newsletter #173 Feb 3, 2013
Quilting Friends, Hang on to your seats, this is a long newsletter with lots of fascinating news! Does this ever happen to you? A friend or coworker finds out that you make quilts. So they have a quilt in their closet that has been in the family for years and they’d love to know the worth. And they ask you if you know how to get it appraised. Well now you can be sure of giving them the proper info. Teddy Pruett has written a short article to educate us on how to get a proper appraisal. There are people out there who call themselves quilt appraisers…but they aren’t certified and don’t have the qualifications. Please read her article and see for yourself. I wanted to give you all a fairly nice tool to share with your quilting friends. QuiltingHub has put together a comprehensive quilting terms tool with synonyms and similar terms cross reference. Check it out at http://www.quiltinghub.com/Resources/Terminology and share it with others. COMPUTERIZED LONG-ARM SYSTEM FOR SALE:
I have a long arm computerized system for sale. This was my friend's set-up and she passed away and she asked me to sell her things for her. Here's what she has:
1. A Juki 98Q that has been stretched to 18" throat depth (by Rick at WOW quilts);
2. A 10 ft. Stretch Hinterberg frame - 3 pole system with a dead bar and if you don't want to use the dead bar, bowers lifts;
3. A computerized system that started out as a PC Quilter but has been upgraded to a Machine Quilting Robot (called MQR)
4. Pro-Q Designer software that is a layout and design software that also runs the MQR.
There are many extras - Handi leaders, a handle for the Juki to move back and forth across the frame, the Pro-Q designer workbook and also the "cookbook" (what they call a "how do I do this" binder and is a $200+ value), at least 12 extra bobbin cases and at least 40+ extra bobbins.
I have a longer detailed description with more pictures which I'll send to you if you're interested. The cost would be $7800.00 or best offer & shipping which is a steal for a computerized system. I would prefer to sell it locally so you can load it onto a U-Haul and not have to take it totally apart but I'll ship it if that's your wish. I would estimate shipping would be at least $250.00.
Ruth Hunter Longwood, FL
(PS: please look for even more sewing machines available for purchase at the bottom of this newsletter. To get a complete, organized, hotlinked listing of all the Florida upcoming shows, retreats, workshops, shop hops, exhibits, etc, please visit the Calendar. Happy Quilting, Mary-Jeanine PS: I love to hear from you, so drop me a line sometime! ------------------------------------------------------------------ CALENDAR OF EVENTS: (Newsletter number follows)
Now - Apr 3 Quilt Exhibit in Clearwater www.surfacedesignguild.com/call-to-artists (#168) Now – Apr 13 Quilt Exhibit in Winter Park www.crealde.org (#173)
Feb 6-9 Quilt Sale in Sarasota (#173)
Feb 8-9 Quilt Show in Vero Beach www.sbonnets1979.org (#172)
Feb 9 Quilters Luncheon in Largo brenda@thimbletales.com (#169)
Feb 8-10 Quilters Retreat in Delray Beach Talacam@aol.com (#169)
Feb 14-17 Fiber and Bead Show in Sarasota Marlene@123webmagic.com (#173)
Feb 15-16 Quilt Show in Tampa area delilahl@verizon.net (#156)
Feb 15-16 Quilt Show in Titusville www.SpacecoastQuilters.com (#166)
Feb 15-16 Quilt Show in Panama City www.sabqg.org (#172)
Feb 16 Quilting Cruise leaving from New Orleans www.roundbobbin.com (#164)
Feb 17 Quilters Yard Sale in Lakeland www.heartfeltquilting.net (#173)
Feb 18-20 Quilting Party in Homosassa Springs www.floridaquiltparty.com (#168) CANCELLED
Feb 18-19 Quilt Workshops in Sarasota calamitykimdolls@yahoo.com (#173)
Feb 19 Quilt Workshop in Clearwater Marlene@123webmagic.com (#173)
Feb. 22-23 Quilt Show in Largo www.largocrackerquilters.org (#165)
Feb. 22-23 Quilt Show in Punta Gorda prqpubchair12@yahoo.com (#173)
Feb 22-23 Quilt Workshop/Lecture in Sarasota pmbraga1@yahoo.com (#173)
Feb 28, Mar 1,2 Quilt Show in Destin www.BeachRetreatAndShow.com (#170)
Mar 1-2 Quilt Show in Naples www.naplesquiltersguild.com/Show.html (#165)
Mar 1-3 Quilt Show in Tampa www.FeatherPrincesses.org
Mar 2-4 Quilt Workshops/Lecture in Orlando juanitayeager@gmail.com (#173)
Mar 7-8 Quilt Show in Mt. Dora www.LakeQuiltGuild.com (#167)
Mar 8 Evening with Eleanor Burns in Melbourne www.seasidepiecemakers.com (#168)
Mar 8-9 Quilt Show in Palm Beach Www.palmbeachquilters.com (#154)
Mar 8-9 Quilt Show in Sarasota more info (#173)
Mar 14-16 Quilt Show in Ft. Lauderdale http://www.browardquiltexpo.com/ (#169)
Mar 14-16 Fiber Workshops in New Smyrna Beach www.focusonfiber.wordpress.com/workshops (#173)
Mar 15-16 Quilt Show in Crystal River www.creativequiltersofcitruscounty.com (#171)
Mar 16 National Quilting Day Event in Palm Harbor www.quilterscrossing.net (#173)
Mar 16 Quilt Sale in Bradenton christine.brown@manateeclerk.com (#173)
Mar 16 Quilt Show in Trenton www.suwanneeshops.com (#173)
Mar 22 & 23 Quilt Workshops in Clearwater Marlene@123webmagic.com (#173)
Mar 21-24 Quilt Retreat in Lake Yale http://www.BeSewCreative.com (#165)
Apr 11th-Aug 25th Quilt Exhibit in Delray Beach lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)
Apr 15-June 3 Quilt Exhibit in Boca Raton lifenart@bellsouth.net (#164)
Apr 23-28 Bus Trip to Paducah http://www.dots-daytonabeach.com/ (#168)
Apr 30-May 5 Quilt & Thread Painting Retreat in Orlando www.nancyprince.com (#171)
May 17-20 Quilters Retreat in Silver Springs Talacam@aol.com (#169)
June 7-9 Trip to Quilt Festival in Ireland sewmanyplaces.com (#167)
------------------------------------------------------------------ A Common Thread: Weaving History and Heritage in Our Community
Local African-American Families Share Stories of Community, Education and Faith through Exhibit of Photographic Quilts In honor of the 125th anniversary of the incorporation of the Town of Eatonville, the oldest African-American municipality in the United States, the Hannibal Square Heritage Center Quilting Guild is working with seven families to create a series of photographic quilts that tell the story of their relationships among three African-American communities – Eatonville, Maitland and Winter Park. “Sewn Together: Photographic Quilts Reflecting the Historic Family Ties of Eatonville, Maitland and Winter Park” will be on exhibit beginning Friday, Jan. 18 through Saturday, April 13, 2013 at the Hannibal Square Heritage Center, a program of Crealdé School of Art. An opening reception is scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, January 18, at the Hannibal Square Heritage Center located at 642 W. New England Avenue in Winter Park. All events are free and open to the public. Crealdé School of Art: (407) 671-1886, www.crealde.org; open Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. -4 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. -1 p.m. 600 St. Andrews Blvd., Winter Park, FL 32792.
Hannibal Square Heritage Center: (407) 5392680 www.hannibalsquareheritagecenter.org; 642 New England Ave., Winter Park, FL 32789; open Tu.-Th. 12-4, F 12-5, Sat. 10-2.
Feb. 6 -9 at Palm Grove Mennonite Church, 1087 Beneva Rd. Sarasota, FL: Wednesday- Friday, 8a.m. - 5p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. - 12 noon. Quilts of all sizes offered, mostly Amish-made. Numerous and varied crafts. All net proceeds go to a Haiti mission project involving several schools with 600-plus students and feeding program. Donation: $2 at the door.
------------------------------------------------------------------ QUILTERS YARD SALE IN LAKELAND Heartfelt Quilting at 4672 Cleveland Heights Blvd. Lakeland will be hosting a Quilter’s Yard Sale on Sunday, February 17 from noon – 4 p.m. It's time to de-stash again. Have fabric, rulers or patterns that you will never use? Get a head start on spring cleaning and make some money selling unwanted quilting and craft items. We will be advertising the sale on our website, Facebook and a classified ad in the Ledger. Our December sale was a big success...and February promises to be even bigger! Rent a space $10 - Rent a space with a table $25 Come into the Lakeland store and sign up early, as space is limited. Cash only, please. Setup begins at 10 a.m. First come, first served on spaces. Nothing to sell? Come and check out the great bargains! The Lakeland shop will be open noon - 4 p.m. during the sale.
New Lakeland Shop Hours effective February 1 Mon., Weds, Thurs, Fri. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tues. 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Heartfelt Quilting at 365 – 5th St. S. W. Winter Haven
Fat Tuesday’s Fat Quarter Frenzy $1.50 Fat Quarters
Buy in groups of 10 and pay only $1.00 for each fat quarter. Stock up now!!
Example: 9 fat quarters (9 x $1.50 = $13.50) 10 fat quarters = $10.00 11 fat quarters ($10.00 + $1.50)
------------------------------------------------------------------ Show: Feb 14-17: FAB at the Art Center, 707 North Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236. Reception 6-8:30 Thurs, Fri & Sat 10-4 and Sunday Feb 12th 11-3pm. Over 75 artists from the bead society, weavers guild, surface design guild and basket weavers are participating. Come enjoy and buy! Marlene Glickman will have her collage panels, thread lace vessels, silk scarves and silk greeting cards available at the show. Workshop: Feb 19: Tues 10-3:30 Home Studio Workshop on Creative Fiber Collage with Marlene Glickman. Find your artistic voice creating small collages using Turquoise in monochromatic tones with a variety of fabrics. Learn to do a landscape, fuse foil to fabric for a sun or moon in your landscape, free form or abstract design, 3D floral and dyeing your own turquoise fabric to include in one of your collages. No sewing machine required. Collages will be fuse or hand stitched together. $50 includes workshop, supplies and a light lunch. RSVP Marlene@123webmagic.com or call 727-254-3858. Workshop held in Clearwater, Florida March 22 Friday 10-3:30: Home Studio workshop on Creative Fabric Collage: Find your artistic voice creating small collages using the color of your choice in monochromatic tones with a variety of fabrics. Learn to do a landscape, fuse foil to fabric for a sun or moon in your landscape, free form or abstract design, 3D floral and dyeing silk fabric to include in one of your collages. No sewing machine required. Collages will be fuse or hand stitched together. $50 includes workshop, supplies and a light lunch. RSVP Marlene@123webmagic.com or call 727-254-3858. Workshop held in Clearwater, Florida
------------------------------------------------------------------ QUILTING WORKSHOPS IN SARASOTA The Friendship Knot Quilt Guild of Sarasota is hosting Susan Brubaker Knapp in February for two classes and a lecture
The first class is called "Paint & Stitch Peacock Feathers"
Monday, February, 18th, 2013: 9am – 4pm,
Skill level: All
Class Description:
Tuesday, February, 19th, 2013: 9am – 4pm,
Skill level: All
Class Description:
The lecture is "Point, Click & Quilt and is at 6:30 pm on Monday
night on the 18th at the Bahia Vista Mennonite Church, 4041 Bahia Vista
Street, Sarasota
Kim Sherrod
SARASOTA Annual Spring Fling will be held on Saturday, February 23rd, 2013
Guest Speaker: Phyllis Dobbs of Phyllis Dobbs Art & Design. Phyllis has been designing quilts for over 20 years as well as a fabric designer and author. Her latest book “Asymmetrical Quilts” from Leisure Arts and her new fabric collection “Celebrate” is with Quilting Treasurers. You can visit Phyllis’ website for more information at: http://www.phyllisdobbs.com. Saturday February 23rd Phyllis will have a lecture on batting, the types, properties, uses etc., as well as a trunk show. The event will be held at: Misty Creek Country Club, The Preserve at Misty Creek on Bee Ridge Extension 8954 Misty Creek Drive, Sarasota. From: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Lunch will be served at 12:00 PM Early registration (before February 15th) $25.00 After February 15th $30.00 Non-Members $35.00 There will be door prizes and an opportunity to shop or browse.
On Sunday February 24th Phyllis will continue with her lecture and have a purse class. Class to be held from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM – at The Faternal Order of Police, 3600 Circus Blvd., Sarasota, FL.
There is a $10.00 charge for members to attend the class and $15.00 for non-members. Only 30 people will be able to attend. A supply list will be sent to each registered member or you may purchase a kit from Phyllis directly for $20.00. More details to follow. Please contact your neighborhood group leader to reserve your spot or contact me, Paulette Braga – 941-751-1215 –pmbraga1@yahoo.com Paulette Braga Second Vice President Sarasota/Gulf Coast Chapter
Peace River Quilters’ Guild’s 12th Biennial Quilt Festival to be held at the Charlotte Harbor Event Center. Peace River Quilters’ Guild, Inc. will present its 12th Biennial Peace River Quilt Festival 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, February 22th, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, February 23th at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center, 75 Taylor Street, Punta Gorda. Entry donation is 1-day $7/2-day $12. The show will display 275 judged quilts made by the members of the guild, and will include vendors, a large boutique, a silent auction will be held each day, door prizes and a special 25 panel exhibit “The Peace River Runs Through”. Award winning quilter, collector, historian and appraiser certified by the American Quilters’ Society, Teddy Pruett, will be on hand to appraise quilts. The guild’s opportunity quilt, “Jewels in Paradise”, will be on display and tickets will be available at $1 each or 6 for $5. The extraordinary design, creation and collaboration of the guild members have made this a quilt not to be missed. The drawing of a winning ticket will be held at 4 p.m. February 23th. Proceeds from the show and the opportunity quilt go back into guild functions, which include education projects, a resource library, a biennial retreat and the production of lap sizes quilts for donation to Baker Center, For the Love of Kids, the Veteran’s Home, Nursing Homes, Charlotte County Behavioral Center and on National quilt day in March, the first baby girl and boy born at Peace River Hospital are given quilt. In 2012 members made and distributed 370 quilts.
Peace River Quilters’ Guild, with over 300 members, meets 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Friday, at the Faith Lutheran Church, 4005 Palm Dr., Punta Gorda. All levels of quilting skills are welcome in this guild. For more information about the show and the guild, go to www.peaceriverquilters.org. Sharleen Nichols, quilt show publicity chair, prqgpubchair12@yahoo.com Nancy Reester, quilt show co-chair, nreester@aol.com Holly Watson, quilt show co-chair, hawquilt@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------------------
Award winning quiltmaker Suzanne Marshall will teach three classes for Florida Cabin Fever Quilt Guild. Classes are open to all, March 2, 3 & 4. She talk about her journey as a quiltmaker at our monthy meeting March 4, 6:30 PM. All are welcome to attend. See the guild website for complete details or contact juanitayeager@gmail.com
The Friendship Knot Quilters Guild Show in Sarasota is just two months away. Please forward this to your guild newsletter editor and/or website publisher. A printable flyer is attached. If you would like us to mail a supply of bookmarks, please reply with your mailing address.
“Quilts in Paradise” March 8 & 9, 2013
The Friendship Knot Quilters Guild will hold its 14th biennial quilt show on Friday, March 8 from 9-6 and on Saturday, March 9 from 9-4 at Robarts Arena, 3000 Ringling Blvd, Sarasota, FL 34237. The show will feature hundreds of beautiful quilts of all styles – traditional bed quilts to award winning wall art. We are also featuring a boutique with handmade gift items, a gorgeous raffle quilt, daily silent auctions of small quilts, a merchant mall, quilt appraisal services and much more. Admission is $7.
Groups of 30 or more arriving by bus qualify for $6 admission per person.
Robarts Arena will have food service on site plus there are many restaurants 10 minutes away. The Pinecraft Mennonite neighborhood is two miles away. You can find other options and things to do at http://www.visitsarasota.org/.
Sarasota County is home to eight local quilt shops, several sewing machine dealers, two Joann Fabric stores and a brand new Hobby Lobby. There are at least ten more local quilt shops just north and south of us in Manatee and Charlotte counties. For more information, visit http://www.friendshipknotquiltersguild.com/quilt12/ And you can find us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/FriendshipKnotQuiltersGuild We hope to see you at the show.
Dawn Moore Quilt Show Publicity 941-408-9572
Focus on Fiber Workshops Atlantic Center for the Arts 1414 Art Center Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, FL Alison Stillwell working on fearless surface design. Classes are March 14,15,16 – Students may arrive March 13 in the afternoon and stay overnight for $60 (price for private room only on 13th). Three meals per day beings on March 14 with breakfast. Prices for food and lodging: A commuter is $60 per day; private rooms are $105 per day. Cutoff for registrations: Feb 15. Only 10 students per class, no exceptions.
Fran Gardner, Mark Leaving: A Stitchery Approach to Painting and Drawing, 3 days This class requested last year when members saw her working at the retreat! http://frangardner.intuitwebsites.com/ Go to www.focusonfiber.wordpress.com/workshops for more details about the classes and to register. While you are there, check out the retreat March 18-24. Or contact Mary McBride at marymcbridearts@gmail.com. ------------------------------------------------------------------
Join us for National Quilting Day What is National Quilting Day? National Quilting Association began sponsoring National Quilting Day in June 1991. Quilters around the U.S. commemorate the occasion by teaching others, sewing for good causes and demonstrating their passion for all things quilty. Quilter’s Crossing of Palm Harbor, www.quilterscrossing.net, is hosting a Community Participation event to benefit Athena House in Tampa. WHEN: March 16, 2013, 9 am – 2 pm WHERE: The Centre, 1500 16th Street, Palm Harbor, FL 34683 Everyone is invited to join us for a fun day of sewing and quilting, no quilting experience required. Youngsters and teens interested in learning to sew and quilt are also welcome. Come help us celebrate National Quilting Day by making quilts for our female service members. Quilters around the U.S. will commemorate this day by teaching others, sewing for good causes, and demonstrating their passion for all things quilty. All sewing machines, notions, and fabrics will be ready for you to sit down and sew. Guild members will be assisting with each step. We will be making three quilts for Athena House in Tampa. Athena House assists female veterans. http://www.tampacrossroads.com/programs&services/veterans/athenahouse/index.html
Event fliers available in PDF format if you’d like to help with advertising
by displaying at your shop/business.
Rhonda Baker BeSewCreative Quilt Retreats www.facebook.com/BeSewCreativeQuiltingRetreats ------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR QUILTERS IN BRADENTON
QUILTERS WANTED – to display and sell quilts, or quilted items, at the annual Heritage Days Open House festival at Manatee Village Historical Park in Bradenton, Florida on Saturday, March 16, 2013 from 10 am – 3 pm. There is no vendor fee or donation involved. Vendors are asked to bring a table and chairs; canopy, tent or sun protection optional. Estimated attendance is 500+. For more information or to request a registration form please email the Special Events Coordinator: christine.brown@manateeclerk.com. Visit the Park online at: www.manateeclerk.com/historical/manateevillage.aspx
Thank you, Christine A. Brown Special Events Coordinator, Manatee Village Historical Park For R.B. "Chips" Shore Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller christine.brown@manateeclerk.com 941-741-4075 "Pride in Service with a Vision to the Future"
Quilts, Antiques, Old Time Crafts, Food and Music Trenton’s 6th Annual Festival Saturday, March 16, 2013 from 9am to 3pm Main Street, Trenton, FL Call 352-463-3842
Displayed by Florida Quilt Groups: Inside and outside Trenton’s Historic Buildings, Centered around a 1906 Railroad Depot
Also featuring: Antique Dealers, Old Time Crafts, Quilt Demos, Music, Good Food, Antique Cars and Tractors Buses Welcome ------------------------------------------------------------------ INFO FROM A FLORIDA QUILTER, Jayne Gaskins
My work, Watching, was accepted in the Xe Triennale Internationale des Mini-Textiles, in Angers, France and currently on display. (That’s a textile exhibit of mini-textiles no larger than 12cm) It’s thread-painted and trapunto quilted.
I have also been asked to exhibit my work in Quilt Expo en Beaujolais which is a quilt conference to be held in April just outside Lyon, France. Here is one of the pieces I plan to send, Last Night. It’s thread-painted and trapunto quilted.
I also have some works on display in the US! I’ll have five of my art quilts on display in a four-person exhibit at the First Coast Community Bank on Amelia Island March – June. Here is one of the pieces – Spirits of the Coastal Forest. Again, it’s thread-painted and trapunto quilted.
I don’t know if this is relevant, but I wrote an article on Maximo Laura (tapestry artist) and Peruvian fiber art after a month-long study in Peru in September. It was published in winter issue of Fiber Art Now magazine and the publication liked it so much that they are using it as a free promo to entice subscribers, You can read it for free at http://fiberartnow.net/2013/01/07/complimentary-articles/ or see a print copy in Barnes and Noble and Books-A –Million bookstores any day now.
Jayne B Gaskins 95101 Amalfi Drive Unit 6 Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 904-206-4470
When you take a treasured antique quilt or a quilt you have recently completed to an appraiser, you have the right to expect that appraiser to be ethical, fair, and knowledgeable. The appraiser should have extensive knowledge of three hundred years of textile history, fabrics, dyes, and printing processes; should be able to identify regional, ethnic, and cultural variations; must have a keenly developed mental inventory of quilts that allows them to compare the quilt on the table to other quilts in the marketplace; must understand current costs to reproduce new quilts and much, much, more. The written appraisal must comply with USPAP (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices) standards. Certified appraisers must recertify every three years and they abide by a strict Code of Ethics, assuring the confidentiality of your appraisal information.
The only way to be assured that your appraiser meets the standards you deserve is to verify that he or she is certified. The only agency that administers rigorous testing and certification for appraisers in the field of quilted textiles is the American Quilter's Society in Paducah, KY. Before you hire an appraiser, ask if he/she is certified. If they are not, you might want to ask why they aren't certified when those credentials are so important to verify their expertise, to stay on top of proper practices, legal requirements, markets and trends. Certification is crucial to validate that the appraiser complies with the requirements of insurance companies and the IRS. If your appraiser answers that they are "AQS trained" be advised that anyone can attend the classes. These are simply introductory classes for various procedures, they are not pass/fail classes, and there is no criteria whatsoever for attending or completing the class.
There is no official government regulation for quilt and textile appraisers; anyone can say they are an appraiser. It is in your best interest to verify the qualifications of the person you entrust with your quilt and personal information. The state of Florida has, at this date, the following Certified Appraisers: Brenda Grampsas in Brooksville, Alma Moates in Pensacola, and Teddy Pruett in Lake City, Marian Smith in Clearwater Beach (winter months) and Phyllis Hatcher, who will be appraising at the World Quilt Shows (Mancuso) in West Palm Beach.
You deserve accurate information. To verify credentials or locate certified appraisers nationwide and in Canada, go to www.quiltappraisers.org.
Brother Innovis-4500D
Bernina 200e/730e
For sale is a Bernina 200e that has been upgraded to a 730e. You can use the CD-Rom, USB or card slot for reading embroidery files, is powered by Windows so adjusting your design size is a snap. There is an automatic thread cutter, needle up/down, free arm slide-on table, separate bobbin winder, 9 mm stitch width, multi-function buttons, favorites button, huge color touch screen and so much more. The machine has 259.22 hours; 2.13 Sewing & 257.08 embroidery. And lastly, a Brother ULT 2002D
• Up To 800 Stitches Per Minute On Embroidery • 8" X 3" Full Color Touch Screen • 4 Hoop Sizes Included: 1" x 2"; small - 4" x 4"; medium: 5" x 7"; and large: 6" x 10" • Accepts Embroidery Cards And Floppy Disks (PES format) • Computerized Sewing/Embroidery Machine
Please contact me if interested in any of the machines for pricing, more detailed descriptions and additional pictures.
Thank you for your interest.
Ruth Hunter Longwood, FL rhunter7@cfl.rr.com 407-682-1182 or 407-415-5282 (cell)