Florida Quilt Network - Newsletter #312


February 8, 2025


A colorful quilt with squares

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I designed this quilt to use up a Kaffe Fassett jelly roll.  I call it Lollygagging because that’s what those lines are doing.  I talked about it during my November Tips Tools & Techniques Club event, and now it’s a class at The Sewing Studio.


I want to welcome the hundreds of new readers to this newsletter this month.  I’ve been busy this month visiting, speaking and teaching at Florida quilt guilds:  Palm Beach County, Venice and Bradenton.  My seventh time at the Bradenton guild was just as fun and welcoming as my first, so thank you for that.  I so enjoy sharing as many quilting tips as I possibly can, and boy do I have a lot to say, lol.  If you’d like me to present a program at your guild, check out my Classes page.


PS: if you're in the market for a machine but the ones highlighted below don't work for you, keep reading for the "Still Available" section, where I quick-list previous ads. 


Happy Quilting,



PS: I’d love to hear from you, so drop me a line sometime.




For Sale: Husqvarna - Viking Platinum Sweet 16 Quilting Sewing Machine

Price: $3,295.00  New Lower Price

Quilting Sewing Machine, bobbin winder and table - used approximately 10 hours.

Excellent condition. Original boxes


Pick up only, no shipping

Venice, Florida

Pamela Titus pktitus@comcast.net








For Sale, my precious Prodigy long arm Quilter (Maggie).  Asking 4000.00.

Looking for someone who love and take good care. I am the only one who has used my machine and only for my pleasure. Must sell due to a move.  Purchased new in Paducah in 2008.  The Prodigy is very user friendly.  My favorite feature is the stitch regulator.  You can choose any size of stitch you want even a stitch that looks handmade.  Then no matter how fast or slow you move the arm, the stitches size will remain the same.  The stitch regulator was first invented by the engineer who made my Prodigy and has now been used by other well known quilting machines. The machine has a 24” throat space (“harp”) and can be used from the front or the back side of the machine.  The controls advance the quilt with the push of a toggle switch.   So handy!  For someone starting out or needed a second longarm, this is the perfect choice!!!   Can pick it up at Orlando, FL. 

P2412-M.  Serial number: P2412-M-1005-1672. 

More questions?  Please call Marilyn @407 758 5042. 

A machine on a table

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A machine with a white tube

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A close-up of a machine

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(not my photographs, but they do represent my machine)



Still Available: 



Babylock Crown Jewel $5000 susanwoosley@gmail.com (#299)



Gammill Classic Plus Longarm $6000 casadar884@bellsouth.net (#307)





 CALENDAR OF EVENTS: (Newsletter number follows)




Jan 10-Mar 14 SAQA Exhibit in Stuart info here (#311)


Jan 10-Feb 26 Juried Art Show (fiber friendly) in Stuart info here (#311)


Feb 13-16 Quilt Retreat in Gulf Breeze Terhaar88@gmail.com (#305)


Feb 13-15 Quilting Collaboration in Melbourne info here   (#309)


Feb 14-15  Quilt Show in Seminole info here (#310)


Feb 14-15 Quilt Show in Panama City sabqg.org   (#307)


Feb 19-22 AQS Quilt Week in Daytona Beach Quiltweek.com  (#308)


Feb 28-Mar 1 Quilt Show in Sarasota info here  (#307)


Feb 28-Mar 1 Quilt Show in Punta Gorda www.PeaceRiverQuilters.org (#312)


Feb 28-Mar 1  Quilt Show in Crystal River Info here  (#312)


Mar 7-8    Quilt Show in Naples naplesquiltersguild.org/quilt-show  (#307)


Mar 7-8 Quilt Show in Ft. Walton Beach  www.flyingneedlesquiltguild.org  (#310)


Mar 8 Quilting Retreat in Sarasota info here (#312)


Mar 8-9 Quilt Show in Pembroke Pines info here (#312)


Mar 8 Sewing Retreat in Sarasota www.quiltersqtrs.com (#308)


Mar 8 Quilt Show in Bushnell info here (#312)


Mar 13-15 Original Sewing & Quilt Expo in Lakeland  info here (#310)


March 21-April 5 Shop Hop in Central Florida (#312)


March 22 Quilt Show in Trenton Facebook (#308)


March 22 Quilting Expo in Venice sangwilson@bellsouth.net  (#312)


Mar 23-27 Quilt Retreat in Sebring thequilteddragonflyllc@gmail.com (#308)


Mar 27-31 Quilt Retreat in Sebring thequilteddragonflyllc@gmail.com (#308)


March 28-29 Quilt Show in Pensacola  pensacolaquiltersguild.org  (new dates!)   (#299)


March 29 Festival of Quilt in Sarasota info here (#310)


April 4-5 Quilt Show in Palatka  bev312jk@aol.com (#312)


April 21-24 Quilt Retreat in Hudson  quiltsquadretreat@gmail.com  (#306)


May 19-22 Quilt Retreat in Hawthorne MMSewCharming (#312)


May 20-24 Quilt Retreat in Sebring thequilteddragonflyllc@gmail.com (#308)


July 6-10 Quilt Retreat in Sebring thequilteddragonflyllc@gmail.com (#308)


Aug 4-7 Quilt Retreat in Hawthorne MMSewCharming (#312)


Sept 6 Sewing Retreat in Sarasota www.quiltersqtrs.com (#308)


Sept 18-20 Quiltfest in Jacksonville www.QuiltFestJax.com (#312)


Oct 19-23 Quilt Retreat in Sebring thequilteddragonflyllc@gmail.com (#308)




March 14-15  Quilt Show in  Venice (new dates) www.vaqg.org (#306)








Presented by Peace River Quilter’s Guild “It’s So Wonderful”


Friday Feb 28th 9-5pm

Saturday March 1st 9-4pm


Judged Show, Over 300 quilts, Boutique, Quilt Appraiser, Vendors, Raffle Quilt, Special Exhibits, Demos


Charlotte Harbor Event Center

75 Taylor St, Punta Gorda, FL


Donation $10 for 1 day, $17 for both days







Presented by Creative Quilters of Citrus County

Friday Feb 28th 9-5pm

Saturday March 1st 9-4pm


Over 100 quilts on display

Vendors, Raffle Baskets, Small Quilts Sale, Boutique


Patriotic quilts of Honey presented to Veterans

Admission at the door $10


Florida National Guard Armory

8551 W Venable St

Crystal River, FL  34429

Corner of US Hwy 19 & W Venable St, Across from The Home Depot


Info here





March 8, 9am-1pm

The Red Oaks Quilters are having a quilt show at Red Oaks RV Resort in Boots Hall off Hwy 48

5551 SW 18th Terrace, Bushnell, FL


More info here





The Mysterious Sewing Society #7 will be held at the Carlisle Inn in Sarasota, Fl. on March 8, 2025. You are cordially invited to join us for the day from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm sewing, sharing, and enjoying the company of a room full of quilters as well as a ZOOM program for those who cannot be with us in person. As a member you will be added to a private facebook page beforehand so you can get to know each other and receive updates on the quilt for the day.
This year you will have several options on which to sew:
#1. A new mystery quilt to enjoy
#2. One of my original quilts after seeing it ahead of time.
#3. You are welcome to play with us and sew on any of your personal projects (UFO's).
We would love to have you join the fun:


look in the classes

Price: $75 for the day
On yes! Did I mention Door Prizes? including sewing machines donated by Tops Vacuum and Sewing.






Workshop Sunday March 9- Reverse Machine Applique-  Pembroke Pines, FL. https://southfloridaquiltexpo.com/workshops-2025-1/reverse-applique


Workshop Saturday March 8- Quilted No-Sew Foam Board Project- Pembroke Pines FL. https://southfloridaquiltexpo.com/workshops-2025-1/saturday-class-quilted-foam-board-no-sew-project


Workshop Sunday March 9- Quilted No-Sew Foam Board Project - Pembroke Pines, FL https://southfloridaquiltexpo.com/workshops-2025-1/sunday-no-sew-quilted-foam-board-wall-art


Workshop- Beginner Friendly Table Topper or Mini Quilt- Saturday March 8- Pembroke Pines, FL https://www.cozinessquilts.com/sewingandquiltingprivateinstruction-southflorida/






March 13, 14, & 15, 2025, I will be joining the teaching staff at The Original Sewing and Quilting Expo in Lakeland, Fl.

I, personally, will be teaching an original quilt using only ombre fabrics from Maywood Studios. The full kit is included in the class. This quilt also will teach you a way to cut it in half the normal time.

I will be teaching a class on both an intro to machine embroidery and rope bowls. A supply kit is available at the Expo.

Third, I will offer a lecture on the enjoyment of quilting and a trunk show of vintage quilts from the 1800"s until Today.

There are many additional classes throughout the week. Come and join the fun.

Jerry Stube
The Quilters Quarters, Inc
(913) 683-3324







March 21-April 5


“Notions in Motion”:  Receive a Notion at each store!!


7 $75 Prizes,  7  $50 Prizes


See the complete rules on the passports sold at the stores below:


Participating Shops:

·         A Quilting Palette in Lady Lake

·         Beyond the Stitches in Crystal River

·         Nana’s Quilt Shop in Brooksville

·         Piece by Piece in Mount Dora

·         Sew-Mini Things in Mt. Dora

·         The Sewing Studio at Lady Lake in Lady Lake

·         The Sewing Studio Fabric Superstore in Maitland









VAQG National Quilting Day Expo

Venice Community Center

326 Nokomis Ave., South

Venice, FL


Saturday, March 22, 2025

10am -2pm


National Quilting Day Expo

National Quilting Month is celebrated in March each year. The Venice Area Quilters Guild holds a free event for the community to share our love of the quilting arts. Activities include demonstrations of machine and hand quilting, English paper piecing, applique, how to assemble a quilt, display of quilted items and children's activities. Handmade boutique items as well as pre-loved books and magazines will be available for sale. Visitors receive an opportunity to win a lap quilt. This is an opportunity for people of all ages to learn about quilting.


Yours in fabric,

Sandy Wilson









Miss D’s Quilt Shop: “Quilts By the River”


April 4 & 5, Friday (9-5) and Saturday (9-4)


St. James Methodist Church Conference Hall, entrance on 5th Street


Pickup a Passport, visit all vendors, turn in completed passports for a cash drawing!


100+ quilts judged by a certified judge


Contact:  Beverly Kiesel  bev312jk@aol.com







MAY 19 - 22, M&M Sew Charming Retreat, Luther Springs, Hawthorne, FL Retreats | MMSewCharming


AUGUST 4 - 7, M&M Sew Charming Retreat, Luther Springs, Hawthorne, FL Retreats | MMSewCharming







Sept. 18 Quiltfest of Jacksonville.....  



 Facebook @quiltfestjax  Instagram @jaxquiltfest.


Sondie Frus

Publicity chair

Quiltfest of Jacksonville




