Florida Quilt Network

Florida Quilt Guilds

A Quilt Guild is a great place to meet like minded people, grow your quilting knowledge, lend a hand to community projects and help put on a Quilt Show. Send listing changes or additions to: me.

NOTE: to find a guild quickly, use CTRL-F and type in the town name, guild name...whatever!

Revised: 3/25/25

Any town, Any city, Any county

Florida Quilt Study Group

The FQSG studies pre-1950 quilts. Among us are historians, teachers and a quilt appraiser, but mostly people who just love old quilts and want to learn more about them. A topic is selected for each meeting, and participants bring quilts or quilted items. The story behind the quilt, if known, is shared, and information is given regarding the age of the quilt or its individual fabrics, chemical processes of the textiles used, what was happening historically around the time the item as made, trends, block or stitching patterns and much more is revealed or discussed.

We meet four times a year on the first Saturdays of February, April, October and December at Miss D's Quilt Shop in Palatka, FL. We begin at 10am, break for lunch, and end the day by 3PM. The shop provides a great classroom for display and discussion, a wonderful in-house cafe for lunch and ... another opportunity to shop for fabric!

Contact: Mary Anne Randall

email: sewmuch63@hotmail.com

Amelia Island

Amelia Island Quilt Guild

Meets Second Tuesday Each Month September - June
Guests Always Welcome!
Gather at 6:00pm
Meeting 6:30pm - 9:00pm

(December and June are Pot Luck Dinners. Visitors Welcome there is always plenty!!)

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

2600 Atlantic Ave
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034

Serves quilters and fiber artists of Nassau County

Show & Tell, Guest Speaker Program, Door Prizes & sponsor of Quilts by the Sea Quilt Show

Website: www.aiquilters.org

Email: AmeliaQuilters@gmail.com


Anthony Quilt 'N' Go

The club meets at the First Baptist Church located at 2551 NE 98th Street, Anthony, Florida on Thursdays from 10am - 2pm where members work on projects and enjoy lunch together. Dues are $5/month.

Members share skills, help each other, make friendship quilts and eat lunch together. Members make various items to donate to charities.

Contact: Vickie victoria2220 @ embarqmail.com


(see also Wildwood, Ocala)

Belleview Busy Bees Quilters

Meet every Friday morning 9:00 - 12:00 at Memorial Baptist Church. Side door 3693 SE 95 Street, Ocala, borderline Ocala Belleview

Mailing address:

Kathleen Estes
Belleview Busy Bees
417 SE 90th Street,
Ocala, FL 34480

Contact:Kathleen Estes, Ocalawoods@cfl.rr.com

Beverly Hills

(see also Crystal River)

Citrus County Cracker Quilters Guild, Inc.

Mailing address: 5092 N Lena DriveBeverly Hills, FL 34465

We meet the first and third Wednesday of each month at the
Pine Ridge Community Center
5680 W Pine Ridge Boulevard
Beverly Hills, FL

Contact: email Julia @ Julia.clapp@hotmail.com

Big Pine Key

Paradise Quilters Guild

3rd Thursday of each month. Doors open: 7pm, meeting: 7:30pm sharp

Senior Citizen's Center
Key Deer Blvd., behind the Fire Station
Big Pine Key, MM 31.5

Boca Raton

Gold Coast Quilter's Guild farewell in January 2023

The Gold Coast Quilters Guild dissolved in January 2023. Existing members joined Quilt Guild By The Sea


South Florida Modern Quilt Guild

Boca Raton, Florida

Our website is now: www.southfloridamqg.com

Our contact email is now: info@southfloridamqg.com

Meeting monthly usually on the 3rd Saturday in-person and online (check website for times and details).

See summary of all our quilting events here: southfloridamqg.com/blog/online-quilting-fun

South Florida Modern Quilt Guild was established on an informal basis in 2011 by a small group of quilters who met regularly in a local quilt shop in Boca Raton. In 2015, SFMQG formalized as a non-profit, enabling us to grow by offering educational workshops and lectures, and giving us new ways to nurture and develop modern quilting in our communities. We are an active guild with members from Jupiter to Miami! We are a chapter of the national Modern Quilt Guild and our members receive all the benefits of that organization as well as our own local benefits.

Our interest is in modern quilting, which can include many approaches - reinterpreting traditional ideas with modern fabrics, using modern design aesthetics like negative space and alternate gridwork, improvisational work, and embracing simplicity and minimalism. Modern quilting, like all art, changes, grows and adapts from quilter to quilter as they find their own voices.

The Guild meets monthly in Boca Raton, Florida and holds regular workshops at different locations including Boca Raton and Fort Lauderdale. Quilters of all skill levels and interests are welcome to participate in meetings, workshop, sew days, show-and-tell sessions, swaps, bees and other fun events!

Quilt Guild by the Sea (QGbtS)

Founded in January 2011, QGBTS normally meets in person the second Tuesday morning of the month from 10am - Noon at Boca Raton Community Center, 150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL. Our meetings are also on Zoom with pre-registration. Annual dues are $50. Come join us for fellowship, informal social meetings, participate in classes, join a bee, be a mentor and help us with community service. We offer Guild programs, quilt workshops, a monthly newsletter, and involvement in community service projects including Quilts of Valor, Comfort Quilts, NICU Quilts, Comfort Bears, Pillow Pals, Knit Caps for Cancer Patients and Fidget Quilts.

For additional information, please visit our website at quiltguildbythesea.com or drop us a line at: Quilt Guild by the Sea, P.O. Box 64, Boca Raton, FL 33429


Holmes Valley Quilters

Bonifay, FL

Holmes Valley Quilters serves Holmes, Washington, Walton and Jackson counties of the beautiful Northwest Florida Panhandle. We meet the 3rd Thursday of every month from 5:30-7:30pm at the Library Annex Building in Bonifay, Florida. We have BOMs, exchanges, classes, guest speakers, trunk shows, door prizes and more.

For more information, please email us at holmesvalleyquilters @ hotmail.com


Hernando Quilters Guild

P.O. Box 6672
Spring Hill, FL 34611

Meets 4th Thursday at 10am at:

Krueger Enrichment Center updated meeting place
392 Beverly Court
Spring Hill, FL

Our meetings start at 10:00am on the 4th Thursday of the month except in November it is the 3rd Thursday because of Thanksgiving. We have no meeting in December but we do have a Christmas Luncheon usually the 1st or 2nd week in December.

We are a group of 144 members. We sponsor classes, we have pot lucks and we take small organized quilt trips. We are a friendly group with all different skill



Manatee Patchworkers

The Manatee Patchworkers guild meets on the first Monday evening of every month. Doors open at 6:30, meeting at 7:00pm We meet at:

Oneco United Methodist Church
2112 53rd Ave E
Bradenton, Fl 34203

Visitors and new members are welcome. Annual dues are $30.

Contact us at email: manateepatchworkers@gmail.com or visit our website: www.manateepatchworkers.org.


Brandon Piecemakers Quilt Guild

(east of Tampa/west of Plant City)

Meets 2nd Mondays, First United Methodist Church of Brandon, 120 North Knights Avenue (off Hwy 60)

We meet at 6:45pm with social time beginning at 6:00pm.

Contact: see guild web site: www.brandonquiltguild.com

Brooksville/ Masaryktown

Quilters of the Nature Coast

Founded in July of 2011, our monthly meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 AM at the Hernando County Mining Association Enrichment Center (also known as "The Quarry"), 800 John Gary Grubbs Blvd., Brooksville, FL.

We are a friendly group of approximately 50 quilters of all skill levels who love to share our creations and learn from each other. Of course we have Show and Tell at each meeting as well as door prizes, block of the month and other drawings. We always welcome visitors so drop by and join in the fun.

P.O. Box 100187
Brooksville FL 34603



Memory Makers Quilt Guild

The Guild meets at 9:00am on the 1st Wednesday of every month at:

The Flagler County Agricultural Extension
150 Sawgrass Rd.
Bunnell, FL

Meetings begin at 9:30am; programs begin at 10:30am. We encourage members and guests to their bring a brown bag lunch and participate in extended programs.


Holmes Valley Quilters

Chipley, FL

New quilt guild in the Tri-County area looking for quilters to join the fun! We will meet the 3rd Thursday of every month and will host a Block of the Month, FQ and Block Swaps, Round Robins, Quilting Basics 101, Quilt BINGO, door prizes and lots more! Open to all levels of quilters, from beginner to advanced. If you have a love for quilting OR a desire to learn, come join us! For more information, please contact holmesvalleyquilters @ hotmail.com


Sew Much Love Quilters

We meet every Tuesday, 10-3, at a church in Christmas.

Contact Laurel Leary, laurelquilts@currently.com


Hidden Stitches of Florida

an applique group

Meeting time: First Friday of each month. The room opens at 9:30, business starts at 10 with a break for Potluck Lunch

Meeting location:

Fellowship Hall
Christ the King Lutheran Church
11220 Oakhurst Road
Largo, FL

Please contact susan.lorenz @ yahoo.com for more information or directions. We have classes and special events. Bring a project to work on and a dish to share for our Potluck Lunch. Visitors are always welcome.

Procrastinating Quilters

Clearwater, Florida

We are the Procrastinating Quilters. We meet the 3rd Thursday of each month (unless otherwise published) at 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30pm) at:

Sylvan Abbey United Methodist Church - Keldsen Hall
2817 Sunset Point Rd
Clearwater, FL 33759

All guest are welcomed, if you decide to join, yearly membership fee is $30 per year and runs from January to January.

Our group consist of new and seasoned quilters so, all are welcomed. Our purpose is to promote cooperation and the exchange of ideas among quilters; to encourage high standards of design and techniques; to provide educational opportunities to the membership; to stimulate interest and charity outreach with the community.

For more info, check out our website at Procrastinating Quilters - Clearwater, FL


Rocket Quilters

Choosing our name to go with our location, Florida's Space Coast, we get together monthly (except October) on the 2nd Friday at 9:45am to celebrate the fun of quilting.

We now have 125 members. We enjoy having guests, but those who wish to join will be put on a waiting list due to space limitations in our meeting place.

We meet at:

Cocoa Elks Lodge
315 Florida Ave
Cocoa, FL 32922

Website: www.RocketQuilters.com for more information.
Email: RocketQuilters @ gmail.com

Rocket Quilters
P.O. Box 793
Cocoa, FL 32923


The Country Patchers Quilting Guild

Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays (9:30-12:00)at:

Antioch Baptist Church
4824 Antioch Rd.
Crestview, FL 32536

Visitors are welcome.

Coral Springs

Coral Springs Quilters, Inc.

PO Box 8190
Coral Springs, FL 33075

Established in l986, Coral Spring Quilter's, Inc. meets on the first Saturday of the month at 10am at:

St. Mary Magdelene & St. Martin Episcopal Church,
1400 Riverside Drive, Coral Springs, Fl

During our meeting, we share quilt ideas through lectures and hands-on projects. Members get to meet national and local quilt artists, see many examples of their works, and get chances to learn their techniques through all-day workshops. Additionally, members share experience through block-of-the-month, bees, member-led classes, and show-and-tell exhibits. Challenges are regularly scheduled events. Some of our members have published books and teach their methods. Some members have won awards at local and national quilts shows. Information is also shared through our lending library and through our monthly newsletter.

Carol Ann Ferrari-Rogers
(909) 210-0568

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coralspringsquilters

Crystal River

(see also Beverly Hills)

"The Heart and Hand Chapter"

"The Heart and Hand Chapter" of "The Applique Society" of Crystal River, Florida

Meets the fourth Monday of each month, except December at the Presbyterian Church, 1501 SE Hwy 19, Crystal River. Visitors are welcome to join us.

Contact: Judy Lindsey judylindsey @ tampabay.rr.com Tel: 352-797-9418

Creative Quilters of Citrus County

Meets every second Wednesday of the month for a Business Meeting at 9:30am in First United Methodist Church, 8831 W Bradshaw St, Homosassa and every fourth Wednesday at 9:30 for a workshop for members.

We put on a Quilt Show every two years. Members make a special quilt to be raffled at the quilt show with the proceeds to go to community organizations. We make lap size quilts and donate them to the other non-profits in the community in April and October.Anyone interested in membership should call visit our Facebook Page

Dade City

East Pasco Quilt Guild

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 605
San Antonio, FL 33576

Contact: Rozanne Ritter 813-629-7588 or epquilters@gmail.com

We are a very active group with involvement in the community. We have great classes, programs, field trips and charity projects.

We meet the first Thursday of every month 11-3pm at The Genesis Community Center 38112 15th Avenue, Zephyrhills.

website: https://epquilters.wixsite.com/eastpascoquilters


West Broward Quilt Guild

Meets the 2nd Monday of the month (except July & August) at 7:30pm

United Methodist Church, 6500 SW 47th Street

E-mail MJones @ med.miami.edu

Daytona Beach

(see also Port Orange)

Morning Star Quilt Guild

(no longer accepting new members)

Contact:Betty Arendt oamos6013 @ hotmail.com

DeBary/ Orange City/ Deland/ Deltona

Nimble Fingers Quilters' Guild

We are a group of people who enjoy the art of quilting, and are dedicated to fostering this love and appreciation to anyone in the area who is interested. The emphasis of the group is on camaraderie, and furthering quilting skills through classes, challenges, and speakers. Nimble Fingers donates quilts and related items to several area agencies including Project Linus, Quilts of Valor, Teen Pregnancy Center, Camp Boggy Creek and Meals on Wheels.

The Guild meets the Second (2nd) Wednesday of each month at 7pm at

Deltona Woman's Club

1049 E Normandy Blvd, Deltona, FL 32725

All guests are welcomed, and may visit twice free of charge. Yearly membership fee is $40.00.

Public Facebook page: www.facebook.com/nimblefingersquiltersguild


Contact nimblefingersquiltguild@yahoo.com


Deltona Quilt Group

Deltona, FL
We meet the second and fourth Monday of the month at the Deltona Library at 1pm The first Monday we plan and the next Monday we bring our sewing machines and do quilting. We are a group that likes to teach, make projects and quilts. We make quilts for the "Quilts of Valor" and for the VFW veterans home. We would welcome all quilters from beginners to old timers. Call Ruth at 386-561-9594 (rareruthie123@gmail.com) if you have questions.

DeFuniak Springs

Chautauqua Quilters Guild Inc.

Meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month except Nov. & Dec. when they meet only on the second Mondays. Beginners and experienced quilters are welcome to join.

Their meeting place is:

The UF/IFAS Extension building
732 North 9th Street
DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433.

This is also their mailing address. For more information please call Lesa Harrison at 850-585-2796.


Orange Belt Quilt Club

Meets the 1st Monday of each month 10am - noon -- just to quilt. 2nd Monday of each month 7:00pm - Business Meeting. 3rd Monday of each month 7:00pm - Educational Program. Annual Dues - $15.00. All meetings are held at:

The Historic Rail Road Depot Museum
349 Main St.
Dunedin, FL

E-Mail Pieces 720 @ aol.com


The Sunshine Quilt Guild

Founded in 2004 we meet every Monday of the month at St. David's Episcopal Parish Hall, year round. On the third Monday of the month, September through April we have a Guild meeting from 10 am until 12 noon. We sew from 9am until 12 noon on community service quilts, displaced children's tote bags, and St. David's Jubilee Center special requests. Every Monday ends with Sew and Tell.

St. Davis's Parish Hall
401 S Broadway
Englewood, FL 34223
Membership contact: mariecvaleri@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale

East Sunrise Quilters

Meets the 2nd Saturday of each month at

St. Marks Episcopal Church
1800 E. Oakland Park Blvd.
Oakland Park, FL 33306.

Doors open at 9:30, business meeting at 12 noon.

We have monthly programs, workshops and lectures and on-going community service projects. Visitors are welcome.

For further information, contact Eastsunrisequiltguild@gmail.com

Fort Myers

Southwest Florida Quilters' Guild

PO Box 2284, Forth Myers, FL 33902

Meets the 3rd Tuesday of month - 6:30pm

We meet at the

North Fort Myers Community Center
2000 North Recreation Parkway
N. Ft Myers, FL 33903

Our guild offers monthly educational quilting programs, quilting trips, block of the month,, challenges, chartity services, library, newsletter, fun day and judged quilt show every other year.

Southwest Florida Quilt Guild now has yearly fees of $30.00 per year and the new contact person is , President at bgtedb2@aol.com

Website: www.swfqg.com

PO Box 2264
Ft. Myers, FL 33902

Art Quilters Unlimited

Art Quilters Unlimited (AQU) meets on the second Saturday of the month (except in June and August):

10 am to 10:30 am, Social;

10:30 am to 12:30 pm, Membership meeting, Program, and Show-and-Tell.

St. Hilary's Church
5011 McGregor Blvd.
Ft. Myers, FL 33901

Website : www.artquiltersunlimited.com

Email: aqumembers@gmail.com
AQU is nonprofit organization of 50+ fiber artists. Dues are $45 per year. AQU sponsors exhibits, workshops, an annual retreat, annual DeStash sale, and luncheons.


Ft. White

Ft. White Quilt Sisters

We are a group of quilters living in or near Ft. White, Florida and started quilting together January 2001. We welcome all quilters of all skill levels to join us. There are no dues or rules - just a desire to have fun and make new friends while quilting and participating in quilt-related activities. Our usual date is the last Saturday of the month. We meet at the Ft. White Library on SR 47 at 9am, bring a lunch, and quilt all day long.

Contact: Deborah Cassidy 386-497-4179



Tree City Quilters Guild

P.O. Box 358425
Gainesville FL 32635-8425

Meets the second Monday of each month at

Grace Baptist Church

7100 NW 39 Ave, Gainesville, FL 32606

Doors open at 6:30pm to give members time to socialize.

Guild program begins at 7pm.

The guild was started in 1973. We have grown to a present day membership of about 70. We welcome visitors and hope that you will join us as a member.


Quilters of Alachua County Day Guild (QACDG)

QACDG meets the first Thursday 9:30am to noon at the Senior Recreation Center, 5701 NW 34th St, Gainesville, FL

Website: www.qacdg.org
More than 170 members explore quilting from traditional to art quilting and more through monthly programs, a wide variety of workshops, and seven special interest Bees. We have road trips, charity events and exhibits and all-around fun! Visitors are definitely welcome and encouraged to join.

Grand Island

Sunlake Quilters

Sunlake Estates is on Lake Yale in Grand Island. We meet at 9am every Monday morning in the community club house.

The Sunlake Quilters is a small group of residents at Sunlake Estates.

Our main focus is to make Hug quilts for residents facing life threatening illnesses or faced with the loss of spouse. In the past 8 years we have presented over 250 Hug quilts. We also have a We Honor Veterans Program. Todate we have made over 120 quilts to present to our residents that are Veterans. We are a happy group of quilters made up of permanent residents and snowbirds.

Pattie Vallett, President: kaulbackpv@gmail.com or phone: 615-927-0192.


Citrus Friendship Quilt Guild

Meets the first and third Thursdays at Hernando United Methodist Church, 2125 E Norvell Bryant Hwy, Hernando, FL 34442. Our meetings begin at 12:30 pm but come 30 minutes early to visit and check out the donation table. We are a fun group based on friendship and our love of quilting. We donate to veterans, The Pregnancy and Family Life Center, Guardian Ad Litem, CASA, and other local charities. We have great programs and love to show our work in Show and Tell. We have several local retreats (sleep at home) and workshops throughout the year. We also have an "away" retreat at least once a year.

Our guild was formed in 1988 and we have a great group of members! We enjoy friendship and are active with programs, workshops, and retreats. We support our community with donations to local charitable assistance organizations. We have wonderful participation for officers and committee. We have one sewing day each month, fat quarter drawings, door prizes, guild Challenge in November and a December auction and luncheon. All are welcome from beginners to experienced quilters.

Contact Klay Esther eklay@yahoo.com eklay@yahoo.com


Southern Stars Quilt Guild

Southern Stars Quilt Guild Inc. was formed in 1985 with only 6 members. Our goal is to preserve the art of quilting through programs, workshops, lectures, and demonstrations.

Our regular meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at St. John's Lutheran Church, 2919 Van Buren Street, Hollywood. Socializing and dinner at 6:45 pm, meeting 7:15 sharp. Guests, visitors, and spouses are all welcome.

All skill levels are welcome. We have a block of the month challenge swaps, fat quarter swaps, and several other monthly drawings. We regularly host workshops, shop hops, monthly sit-n-sews, and an annual retreat. Members actively participate in several ongoing charity projects throughout the year.

We collaborate with 6 other guilds in South Florida hosting Broward Quilt Expo every other year.

Contact southernstarsqg@gmail.com for more information.


(see also Ponte Vedra Beach

Coastal Quilters Guild of NE Florida

The purpose of the Coastal Quilters Guild of Northeast Florida is to preserve the heritage of quilting, to be a source of information and inspiration, to perpetuate a high quality of excellence in quilting and related arts, and to be a gathering for people with a common interest.

Our Guild is a friendly, talented, and diversified group of about 80+ quilters who have been sharing their quilts, talents, friendship, and knowledge since 1987.

Our Meetings

Neptune Beach Senior Activity Center
450 Atlantic Blvd
Neptune Beach, FL 32266

NBSAC 904-270-1688

Meetings: 1st Thursday evening each Month @ 6:30pm
Sit & Sews: Every Friday from 9am til 2:30pm

Visit us on our website or on Facebook

First Coast Guild

Meets the second Thursday at 7pm at:

The Orange Park Library
2054 Plainfield Ave.
Orange Park, FL

Friendship Guild

Meets the second Tuesday at 10am at:

The Argyle Church of Christ 7310 Collins Rd.
Jacksonville, FL

Honeybees Quilt Guild

Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month starting at 7:00 at the Mandarin Community Center

12447 Mandarin Road
Jacksonville, FL 32223

A social time begins at 6:30pm. Visitors are always welcome.


River City Piecemakers

Meets second Thursday of the month at 6:30pm
Workshops are the third Saturday at 9:30am
Arlington Masonic Lodge #309
3421 University Blvd North
just before the entrance to the Library--Visitors welcome

Member of QuiltFest Jacksonville

Facebook: here

email: RCPQG@yahoo.com

All Star Quilters Guild, Inc.

Meets every Monday at 9:30am in the First Christian Church 11924 San Jose Blvd (Mandarin)

General meeting with program on the third Monday

All quilters and quilt lovers are welcome


Jacksonville Modern Quilt Guild

We are the Jacksonville Chapter of The Modern Quilt Guild. Our mission is to support and encourage the growth and development of modern quilting through art, education and community. We welcome quilters of all skill levels.

We meet at 2pm on Sunday afternoons (usually the last Sunday of the month)

For information and membership, please visit us at: http://jaxmodernquiltguild.wordpress.com/
You can also find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jacksonvillemodern.quiltguild or by email at: jaxmqg@gmail.com.

(City of Jacksonville - see also Ponte Vedra Beach)

Key Largo

Florida Keys Quilters, Inc.

Meets first Saturday of every month, Key Largo Public Library Community room,10am.

Informal meeting, Key Largo Public Library Community room, each Friday around 10am to sit and sew. All are welcome.

FKQ has approximately 70 members of all skill levels with interests ranging from traditional to modern and everything in between. Members come from the Keys and the Miami area, while many are also snowbirds.

We meet the first Saturday of every month at 10 am except December when the holiday party is held. Door prizes, Show & Tell, quilt donations to local charities, bring lunch as class often follows. Guests are welcome. Meetings are held in the Key Largo Public Library Community Room, MM102, Tradewinds Plaza/Publix Shopping Center. The meetings are also available via Zoom to members. Annual dues are $20.

Annual local quilt show, biannual quilt show with South Florida Quilt Expo with 8 sister guilds.

Follow us/contact us on Facebook or Instagram at Florida Keys Quilters

Kissimmee/St. Cloud

Patchers of Time Quilt Guild

Patchers of Time Quilt Guild. We have 70+ members including seasonal members who join us in the winter months.

The St. Cloud Community House
716 Indiana Ave.
St. Cloud, FL 34769

Meetings include guest speakers, show and tell, fat quarter raffle, etc. Guests are Welcome!

Sit & Sews: Every Tuesday 8:00 am- 8:00pm
Charity Sewing: 2nd & 4th Fridays 10:00am-3:00pm
Classes: 2nd Saturday 9:00am-3:00pm
Embroidery Club: 3rd or 4th Saturday 10:00am (when available)
Business Meeting: Second Tuesday 10am


Guests always welcome!

email: Potqguild@gmail.com

Lake City

Lady of the Lake Quilters' Guild

Meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month except November and December at:

Bethel United Methodist Church
4843 S.US Hwy 441
Lake City, FL

President- Ruth Kennedy 386-628-6407

Lake County

Lake County Quilter's Guild

Meets every Tuesday at the

Lake Shrine Club new meeting place 2022
424 N. Duncan Dr.
Tavares, FL 32778

9:15am social hour and library, 10:00 meeting; 10:45-3:00 misc.

Our guild was formed in 1985. With over 150 diverse members, we create, inspire, share our talents and provide charitable donations to those in need or those who have served our country.

We have a full schedule of demonstrations, classes given by members, nationally recognized quilting instructors, and quilt artists. We hold a monthly mini-retreat where we work together or individually on projects.

Once a year in November, we hold the Fantastic Quilt Show.

For more information, look for us on Facebook at Lake County Quilters Guild, website https://lakequiltguild.com or email us at pres@lakequiltguild.com. Phone: (407) 917-1575.

New members and visitors welcome. Make friends. Make quilts. Make a difference.


Ladies of the Lakes Quilters of Lakeland, Inc.

We currently meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6pm
at the First Presbyterian Church, 175 Lake Hollingsworth Dr., Lakeland

Please check our website for any changes.
Contact Information: Teddy Wenner, President TeddyW@tampabay.rr.com



Largo Cracker Quilters, Inc.

Christ Presbyterian Church new location
3115 Dryer Avenue
Largo, FL

Our guild meets 10am on the 2nd and 4th Mondays each month except the summer. This was a change after the Covid lock down was lifted.

For more information: lbnader @ verizon.net

Website: www.largocrackerquilters.org


Quilting Sisters Guild

Meets every Thursday morning at 9:00am. Our business mtg is the 2nd Thursday. Other weeks maybe a sit-n-sew or a planned program. We meet every Thursday (9-12) at the Masonic Lodge at 200 Richey Rd. (off W. Main St.). Contact person is Mary Skaarup 352-323-3351.


(see Tampa)


(see also Satellite Beach)

Modern Quilt Guild

Established in 2017, our mission is to develop, interpret and promote the art of modern quilting in our community.

Meets the first Thursday of each month except December
Guests are welcome!

Doors open @ 5:30, Meeting is 6 - 8pm at:

Quilts & Lace
7700 N Wickham Rd
Melbourne, FL 32940

Contact: Jennifer Allen, President @ spacecoastmodernquiltguild@gmail.com


Ocean Waves Chapter #296 NQA

Meets monthly 2nd Saturdays
February through December, 9:00am, at:
Miami West Active Day Center
11241 SW 184th Street
Miami, FL 33157

January Installation of Officers guild luncheon, special program with brief meeting off-site.

Correspondence: P.O. Box 43-1673, South Miami, FL 33143-1673
Website: oceanwavesquilters.com
Email: Ocean_Waves @ yahoogroups.com


We are starting a new quilt group in Micanopy.

We will meet every Friday from 10-3 at:

Micanopy Publlic Library (new location as of 8/24)
4909 SE 165th Avenue Micanopy, Florida

We are not a guild. Just a group of friends who meet together once a week to work on quilts and crafts. We have been meeting together since 2001.

All are welcome. Come and go as you please. Doors open at 9 am and we must vacate the building by 3 pm. No children due to safety issues.

Contact person, Jacki Robinson JackiSews@gmail.com , 352-843-0431


Milton Piecemakers Quilt Guild

The Milton Piecemakers Quilt Guild business meeting is held the second Monday of each month from 9am to noon at the Bagdad United Methodist Church, 4540 Forsyth St, Bagdad, FL. After a short lunch break members work on sewing projects until 2pm.

Email PiecemakersMilton @ yahoo.com for more information.

Mount Dora

(see Lake County)


Naples Quilters Guild

Meets the third Thursday of the month. Doors open at 6:00pm and the meeting begins at 6:30pm at:

Emmanuel Lutheran Church
777 Mooringline Drive
Naples, FL

For more information, go to Naplesquiltersguild.org or
Email QuiltShowChair@naplesquiltersguild.org

New Port Richey

West Pasco Quilter's Guild, Inc.

P. O. Box 574 Port Richey, FL 34673

Meets third Thursday of the month Social Hour 9:00am Meeting at 10:00am

Our meetings are held at:

New Port Richey Recreation & Aquatic Center,
6630 Van Buren St.
New Port Richey FL

EXCEPT for June and July when the meeting is held at:

Gulfview Grace Brethen Church
6639 Hammock Road
Port Richey, FL

For more information, please call
Laura Vernola, 727-857-3921
Rhonda Koning, 727-808-3667

Website: westpascoquilters.org

Contact: postmaster @ westpascoquilters.org


Santa Rosa Quilters' Guild

Our general meetings are the 2nd Thursday of each month starting at 9:30am (come early for snacks and social time). We meet at:

The Community Life Center
4115 Soundside Drive
Gulf Breeze, FL 32563

The Quilting Bee is the 4th Tuesday of the month. We meet at:

St. Paul's
4901 Gulf Breeze Pkwy
Gulf Breeze, FL 32563


New Smyrna Beach

Pelican Piecemakers Quilt Guild

Meets every Tuesday of each month 9am to noon at

The American Legion
619 W. Canal Street
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168

For more information, contact: Kathy Schiefelbein at 386-428-0093

We are committed to educating our members and serving our community. We are a not for profit organization. We meet every week. We currently make quilts for Project Linus children in Volusia county, we make "chemo hats" and "port pillows" for cancer and surgical patients, demonstrate quilting at the Volusia County Fair (November) and make quilts for other organizations to raffle. Yearly we have either a "Tea" or "Quilt Show" in March.

Contact: Kathy Davis PelicanPiecemakersQuiltGuild@gmail.com


Flying Needles Quilt Guild


(see also Belleview & Wildwood

Country Road Quilters

Meets the first and third Thursday of every month from 7:00 to 9:00pm (social hour starts at 6:00pm) at:

St. Mark's Methodist Church
1839 NE 8th Road
Ocala, FL

Yearly dues are $40.00 per year. Visitors welcome!

For more information visit us at www.crq-ocala.org
Mailing Address: County Road Quilters, P.O. Box 771282, Ocala, FL 34477

SW 200 Corridor Quilt Guild

new guild 3/19

The SW 200 Corridor Quilt Guild was created for enthusiastic quilters of all levels. Our monthly meetings allow us whole days dedicated to sewing, sharing and teaching. We meet twice a month--the second and fourth Friday--from 10 AM to 3 PM at the Marion County Sheriff's Office community meeting room. The address is 9048 SW SR 200, Ocala, FL.

Annual dues are $30; however, you may attend as a guest two times before joining. Our mission statement is: "To enhance the growth and knowledge of the "art of quilting" through the inspiration, creativity, and friendship of its members by sharing quilting techniques and patterns through active participation in teaching/learning with one another."

Our members share their expertise, participate in various activities such as challenge projects, BOM, and of course "show & tell". We have short demos each month and more formal classes as well as charitable projects (e.g. Quilt of Valor, quilts for kids, pillow cases, etc.) on a quarterly basis.

For more information, email us at sw200corridorquilters@gmail.com

Orange City

(see DeBary)

Orange Park

First Coast Quilt Guild

Meets 2nd Thursday of the month, 7pm, at the Orange Park Library.
email: Cin3653 @ aol.com


Castle Quilters

Meets every first Thursday of the month 9:30am
First Baptist Church of Pine Castle
1001 Hoffner Avenue
Orlando, FL

email:lyndamquilts @ hotmail.com

Florida Cabin Fever Quilters

Meets every first Tuesday of the month changed from Mondays

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 782350, Orlando, FL 32878

Meetings begin with a social hour from 5-6pm and 6-8pm meeting.

Marks Street Senior Recreation Complex
99 East Marks Street
Orlando, FL 32803

President - Sandra Scharch, s.m.scharch@gmail.com
1st VP - Moe Bradley, quilter@cfl.rr.com


Orlando Modern Quilt Guild

Monthly guild meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month from 10am-12pm at The Sewing Studio in Maitland.

We also have Sew Days one a Saturday a month from 10am - 4:45pm at the Dr. Phillips/Southwest branch of the Orlando Public Library. The Orlando Modern Quilt Guild (OMQG), founded in March, 2010, is the official Central Florida branch of The Modern Quilt Guild. We enjoy monthly meetings, member demonstrations, show-and-tell, BOMs, challenges, monthly Sew Days, field trips, workshops, trunk shows, fabric shop discounts, and also participate in community charity projects. All levels of quilters are welcome and we enjoy the camaraderie and talent our members are so willing to share.

More details can be found on our website
http://www.orlandomqg.org/ or email us at
orlandomodernquiltguild @ gmail.com

Florida Star Quilters Guild

Meets 10:00am - 2:00pm on the first and third Thursday of the month at:

First United Methodist Church of Orlando
142 E. Jackson St.
Orlando, FL 32801

We are a working group so bring your project and join us anytime. We love to have beginners and/or accomplished quilters join us.

Email: Lila Gilbert at gilbertlila54@gmail.com
call or text: 321-783-5452

Central Florida Quilters Guild

dissolved Feb 2009

Ormond Beach

Quilters by the Sea

P.O. Box 2852
Ormond Beach, FL 32176

We meet at Prince of Peace Catholic Church on Friday mornings from 10:00 to 12:00. It is on Nova Rd at Hand Ave. We meet in the rear buildings.

Contact person is Marge Passalacqua marsuzk@yahoo.com, 386-333-2589


Racing Fingers Quilt Guild

Meets 6:30-9:00pm the 3rd Monday of the month at:

Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church
105 Amsden Avenue
Ormond Beach, FL

Contact President Jean Roth 386-441-2921
Email: Jeanroth9 @ gmail.com
Website: www.racingfingersquiltguild.com

We have been meeting for over 20 years in the Ormond Beach area and are one of the few guilds that meet in the evening. We welcome anyone interested in quilts or the fiber arts. Our meetings offer either a demonstration, lecture or program followed by a brief business meeting.

Palm Beach

Palm Beach County Quilters Guild

P.O. Box 18276
West Palm Beach, FL 33416

We meet at the Greenacres Community Center 501 Swain Blvd, Greenacres, FL 33463

Meetings at 10am on the fourth Saturday -- February thru August. No meeting in September. First Saturday of October thru January

Email: email @ palmbeachquilters.com

New Website: www.palmbeachcountyquiltersguild.com

Hibiscus Quilt Guild of South Florida

Lake Worth, FL

There is something always going on...if you want a guild full of fun and learning, this is the place.

General meetings 2nd Saturday of each month, 9-10:30am, followed by a program. Quilt All Day Thursday 10-8pm

Location of Quilt All Day Thursdays, General Meetings and Workshops::
Salvation Army, 4051 Kirk Rd, Lake Worth, FL

Website: www.hibiscusquiltguild.org

Mailing address:
Hibiscus Quilt Guild
7556 Lake Worth Rd, #105
Lake Worth, FL 33467

Palm Beach Modern Quilt Guild

The Palm Beach Modern Quilt Guild was established June, 2023. We welcome quilters of all skill levels, throughout the Palm Beaches and beyond.

The mission of the Palm Beach Modern Quilt Guild is to support and encourage the growth and development of modern quilting through art, education, and community in Northern Palm Beach County, Martin and St. Lucie Counties.

The Palm Beach Modern Quilt Guild will endeavor to further this mission with member education using resources from The Modern Quilt Guild, monthly member meetings, lectures, workshops, block studies, challenges, volunteer opportunities and community outreach.

We meet monthly, the first Saturday of the month at Laura's Sewing and Quilt Shop, conveniently located just off I-95 - 3966 Northlake Blvd, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33403. Yearly dues are $50. We welcome new members and non-members may attend their first meeting for free. We hope to see you soon!

Website: www.palmbeachmqg.com

Palm Harbor

Quilters' Crossing Quilt Guild

The Center new meeting place as of 12/24
1500 16th Street
Palm Harbor, FL 34683


Wednesdays of the month from 9am until noon. 1st of the month meeting - business; 2nd week of month - educational meeting; 3rd week of month workshops scheduled and announced.

Panama City

St. Andrew Bay Quilter's Guild

Our meeting times are:

  • 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9am
  • 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm

Our meeting place is:

Grace Presbyterian Church
1415 Airport Rd
Panama City, FL 32405


Yearly dues are $25 per year. Visitors and new members are always welcome.

Pembroke Pines

Quilting in the Pines Guild

Quilting in the Pines (QUIP), which was formed in 2005, is the only daytime, weekday guild in the Fort Lauderdale area. QUIP was founded with the purpose and goal to promote, preserve, and perpetuate the art of quilting. Meetings are held the second Thursday of every month at

Epworth United Methodist Church
751 Johnson St.
Hollywood, FL at 9:30am

Visitors at every level of experience are welcome.

At our monthly meetings we share a variety of activities - entertaining and informative programs, show-and-tell, block-of-the-month, table sales, raffles, etc. Member workshops are held weekly, and twice a year we have a four day offsite quilting retreat. Our charity committee donates quilts to local hospitals and we have donated 500 quilts to the Quilts of Valor program that provides quilts to returning soldiers and their families. We have a Thanksgiving food drive and a Christmas gift collection.

New and experienced quilters will find a friendly atmosphere and a helping hand from members who share and learn from each other. For more information please visit our website: www.pinesquilts.com

Contact: pinesquilts@gmail.com


NEW GROUP as of Sept 2015

Meets the 3th Monday of the month at 9:30am at

Fellowship Hall
Trinity Lutheran Church
7150 Pines Blvd
Pembroke Pines, FL

Our meetings are informal. We share quilt ideas and hands-on projects. Block-of-the-month, member-led classes, and show-and-tell.
Please bring your machine if you wish.

Sam Newton - capecod1@bellsouth.net
RoseMary Baty-Willcox - artandsoul57@gmail.com



Pensacola Quilter's Guild

Two meeting times:

All meetings are held at

Family Baptist Church
5454 Mobile Highway
Pensacola, FL 32526

The Day Group meets on the 4th Thursday of the month. The business meeting begins at 9:30 followed by a program.

The Night Group meets on the 4th Monday and the meeting begins at 6:30pm.

The meeting dates are adjusted in November and December to accommodate the holidays.

Each meeting includes a "Show and Share" of our members works and a quilting program.


Plant City

The Berry Patch Quilters

We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the First Presbyterian Church in Plant City at 7pm. We also have a group that meets every Wednesday morning from 10 to noon at the First Presbyterian Church. The church is located at the corner of Thomas and Reynolds Streets. (we use the Thomas Street entrance).

For more information you can send an email to: beccasue55@yahoo.com and put Guild Info in the subject line.

Ponte Vedra Beach

(see also Jacksonville

Ponte Vedra Beach Ocean Wave Quilters

Meetings are the second Monday of each month, 10am at

Christ Episcopal Church
400 San Juan Drive
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

Please contact Jan Sellers at 904-273-9085/emorys@comcast.net for more information. We do not have a website. Our guild has about 40 members who construct and donate quilts to several organizations as well as heart pillows to Hospice. Dues are $35 per year. Meetings are held the second Monday of each month and include informative programs and workdays. Visitors welcome!

Port Charlotte

Charlotte Quilters Guild, Inc.

Regular Meetings - First Wednesday, October to April

First Presbyterian Church of Port Charlotte
2230 Hariet Street
Port Charlotte, FL

10am to 2pm - Brown Bag Lunch
Contact: Guild President - Betty Stroth 941-743-7209

New Members Welcome

Disconnected Piecers Quilt Guild Inc

Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Doors open at 6pm with the meeting starting at 6:30pm. Visitors Welcome!

Edgewater Church
19190 Cochran Blvd
Port Charlotte FL 33948

Mailing address is PO Box 494381, Port Charlotte FL 33949-4381

Website: https://www.dpqginc.com/ or http://dpqg.tripod.com


Port St. Lucie

Thimblebuddie Quilt Guild

Meets every 4th Tuesday of the month.

For directions, call Natalie 772-286-5135

Email: artinspired @ hotmail.com

Port St Lucie Crazy Quilters

We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday's of the month at 12pm at

St. Andrew's Lutheran Church
295 NW Prima Vista Blvd
Port St. Lucie, FL


Port Orange/ Daytona

(see also Daytona)

Quilting Divas

We meet on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at Port Orange Christian church at 904 Taylor Rd Port Orange at 6:30pm.

Quilting Divas of Port Orange guild exists for the purpose of exploring techniques and sharing the love of quilting with each other. We have Longarm services available. President and contact person is Yvonne Mungerson 386-852-4781. Our membership fee is $25 per year.

Punta Gorda

Peace River Quilters' Guild

PO Box 512265
Punta Gorda, FL 33951-2265

We meet every Friday from 10 to 2 at

Faith Lutheran Church
4005 Palm Dr.
Punta Gorda, FL

Website: www.peaceriverquilters.org

(we can be contacted thru the website also)

contact: Pat 941-467-4020 or Pam 941-255-3127


iQuilt - Informal Quilt Group

dissolved 2012

Central Florida Quilters Guild

dissolved February 2009

thanks for the memories.

Satellite Beach

(see also Melbourne)

Seaside Piecemakers

P.O.Box 372761
Satellite Beach, FL 32937-1761

Website: www.seasidepiecemakers.com

Seaside Piecemakers is a group of 300 quilters in Brevard County., of various levels of expertise, both traditional and non-traditional. Our club is very active in community projects. Community Services is a large part of who we are. Each year we make and donate quilts to many worthy organizations. At our monthly meetings, we invite national and regional quilt experts to give lectures or workshops to our members. In addition, we offer special workshops taught by our member teachers. Our classes are open to visitors and are posted on our website. We welcome visitors to our meetings three times per year, but we do charge $15 when having a paid professional lecturer. In the even numbered years, our club sponsors a judged quilt show, "The Artistry of Quilts" Check out our website for more information. Seaside Piecemakers meets the 4th Wednesday of the month, 9:30am, at

meetings at Azan Shrine on Eau Gallie Blvd in Melbourne, FL

Coastal Quilters

The guild meets the third Saturday of each month except June & December at

Scotty Culp Auditorium
565 Cassia Blvd.
Satellite Beach, FL

We convene at 9:30am, bring your lunch and sewing machines, and plan on sewing until 2:30. Details of each meeting are posted on www.brevardcoastalquilters.com

Coastal Quilters Mission is to stimulate an interest in the art of quilt making, education in the art, techniques and traditions of quilting and to encourage outreach programs that give back to the community.

The guild promotes two programs:

  • The Hugs & Stitches Program is aimed to bring warmth and comfort to children in Brevard County that find themselves in a difficult situation. The guild sews approximately over 150 quilts each year and works with Guidance Counselors for distribution.
  • The guild sponsors a Kids Quilt Camp each summer for children 10 and up. The camp is one week long and students are taught basic quilting techniques and finish the camp with a completed quilt.

Membership is open to anyone interested in donating their time to work with/for kids and who wishes to keep learning more about quilting.

Website: www.brevardcoastalquilters.com

St. Augustine


Meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00am at the St. Johns

County Agricultural Center
3125 Agricultural Center Drive
St. Augustine, FL

Visitors are welcome.

St. Cloud

St. Petersburg

Suncoast Quilting Circle

P.O. Box 47764
St. Petersburg, FL 33743-7764

Our Guild meets every Wednesday at 10am, either on Zoom or at

St Giles Church
8271 52nd St N
Pinellas Park

and on Monday evenings at 7pm, either on Zoom or at a member's home.

Please check our website calendar for more information and changes.
Website: http://www.suncoastquiltingcircle.org/


Friendship Knot Quilt Guild

Meets the third Monday of each month, 7:00pm at:
The Sarasota Community Church
4041 Bahia St.
Sarasota, FL 34232
We welcome all visitors and new members! For mail information, contact:
Cass Bowen
4110 Hank St, Sarasota, FL 34235
Email: cbcassiecat@gmail.com
Website: www.friendshipknotquilters.com

Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild

We are a Sarasota FL area branch of the Modern Quilt Guild -formed for quilters living in and near the Sarasota, Bradenton, St. Petersburg communities. We will come together to share, learn, support, experiment and have FUN!!!

Our focus is on creating functional quilts that have one quilting foot in the contemporary and one quilting foot in tradition. We make primarily functional rather than artquilts, use asymmetry in quilt design and other modern approaches mixed with a nod to the traditional.

Update: The Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild has grown to over 40 members. Our Website is www.SarasotaModernQuiltGuild.com. We now have a permanent meeting home at:

The Fruitville Library
100 Coburn Road
Sarasota FL

We meet on the 3rd Saturday at 1pm. For more information and to join our email list, go to groups.yahoo.com/group/sarasotamodq/.

Or email: SarasotaModQ @ hotmail.com


Stepping Stones

Group meets Monday & Friday 9:30 to 2:30 at Old Town Hall Council Meeting Chambers which is located next to City Hall on Main Street. Bring your hand sewing or machine and lunch.

Business Meeting is on the First Friday each month October through May. Dues are $15 per year

Contact Pat Keane keanequilter @ yahoo.com


Highlands County Quilters Guild

Meet at:

Avon Park Christian Church
1016 W Camphor Rd.
Avon Park, Fl 33825

On the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month.
First Tuesday is Meet & Greet Social or Sewing @ 10:00am
Business Meeting @ 1:00pm followed by Show N Tell
Third Tuesday are for your own projects or Workshops
by Instruction as scheduled
Fifth Tuesdays are dedicated to Community Service
Contact: hcqg.sebring@gmail.com


Martin County Quilters

Martin County Quilters meet at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2221 NE Savannah Rd, Jensen Beach, Florida. We have approximately 56 members who pay $30 a year for membership dues. We meet at 6 pm on the second Thursday of the month. We enjoy monthly programs & show-n-tell, quilt challenges, quilt day camp, and more. All quilters of every level are welcome! Come join the fun!

Kathleen (Kath) Barrett, President
Lorrie Shreve, Membership Chairman

Email martincountyquilters@gmail.com with any questions.


“The Oaks” Quilters

The Oaks Quilters was established as a club in 1991, emerging from a gathering of a few women who wanted to learn and share the techniques of quilting within an organized group. Today we are dedicated to teaching and sharing ideas at all quilting levels. Our interest is in community service as well as organized learning experiences and friendships.

Our group meets every Wednesday and Thursday 9:00am ‘til noon at:

Sun Communities RV Resort (Boots Hall)
5551 SW 18th Terrace
Bushnell, FL 33513

Dues are $10.00 per season. Our season runs from November thru April. Our quilt show happens the 1st Saturday in March. Everyone is welcome.

Contact: Norma Landosky, President - 989-859-4842
Coordinator: Barbara Price, 423-802-9962


Quilters Unlimited


Guild Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month
6:00 - 6:30 - social
6:30 - 8:00 - program
Guests are welcome at:

Social Hall
Temple Israel
2215 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, FL

Please send mail to: P.O. Box 12181, Tallahassee, FL 32317

Contact: President@quilttallahassee.com

Friendship Star Quilters

The Friendship Star Quilters meet at:

We meet the second Wednesday of every month at St. Stephen's Lutheran Church
2198 N Meridian Road, Tallahassee, Fl 32303
From 10:00 - 3:00.

Dues are only $24 per year.

For more information friendshipstarquiltersFL@gmail.com


Quilters Workshop of Tampa Bay, Inc.

Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at:

Tampa Women's Club
2901 Bayshore Blvd
Tampa FL 33629

Social Hour:6pm, Meeting: 6:30pm

Dues - $30 year

Contact: Margaret Handlin President 813-748-3240 (cell)
Website: http://www.quiltersworkshoptampa.org

PO Box 10782 Tampa, FL 33679-0782

The Feather Princesses, Inc.

(Appliqué Group)

Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month, year round

Spring Hill Suites Marriott Tampa Suncoast Parkway
16615 Crosspointe Run
Land O'Lakes, FL 34638

Doors Open at 9am. The guild meeting begins at 11

We have 9 quilt circles that meet monthly all over West Central Florida

Website: www.featherprincesses.org

Contact: Dorothy Johnson at: djohns47@tampabay.rr.com

Tampa Modern Quilt Guild

We are a part of the National Modern Quilt Guild. Joining us gives you access to the national website which includes patterns, challenges, webinars, and more. We have been a part of national since 2013. Our meetings switch between sew days and business meetings. We discuss happenings in modern quilting and our members, great show and tells, and demos from our members. We accept quilters of all methods, the majority see ourselves as modern traditionalist quilters. You are able to come to two meetings for free before deciding to fully join our guild. We had our first quilt show in the Spring 2016 with the Original Sewing and Quilting Expo at Lakeland and will be showing with them again.

We meet at the Jimmie B Keel library on the second Saturday of the month at 10am. Check our Facebook and blog to see our current happenings.

Website: http://tampamodernquiltguild.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TampaMQG/
Email: tampamodernquiltguild@gmail.com

Cypress Creek Quilters Guild

Our Meeting Place is at:

Land O'Lakes Community Center
3032 Collier Parkway
Land O'Lakes, FL 34639

Mailing Address:

PO Box 47533
Tampa, FL 33646

Website: www.cypresscreekquilters.net

Monthly meetings:
Monthly Guild meetings are on the Second Monday evening of every month. Social time begins at 6:00pm with the meeting starting at 6:30pm

Contact: CCQGboard@gmail.com

Tampa Bay Surface Design Guild, Inc.

Surface Design is the coloring, patterning, structuring and transformation of fabric, fiber and other materials. The purpose of the Guild is to increase community awareness of surface design and its value in our lives. As a group, we exchange information on such creative processes as dyeing, painting, printing, stitching, embellishing, quilting, weaving, knitting, felting, beading, basket making, polymer clay, crochet and paper making.

We also offer educational and experimental venues, thus supporting individual artistic creativity while promoting an attitude of mutual respect and exchange in all areas of surface design.

Meets the second Monday of each month, 6:30 - 8:30pm at:

The Good Samaritan Church
6085 Park Blvd
Pinellas Park, FL 33781

We welcome all visitors and new members!

Website: Tampa Bay Surface Design Guild
For email information contact: surfacedesignguild@gmail.com

The Villages

Quilting Guild of The Villages

The Guild began in 1993 and currently has 25 chapters and more than 1,000 members. The Quilting Guild of The Villages offers a variety of activities to stimulate the creativity in every quilter. From beginners to the most accomplished quilter, there's something for everyone.

Guild meetings are held the first Tuesday evening of each month at:

Laurel Manor Recreation Center
1985 Laurel Manor Drive
in The Villages

Meetings feature nationally known quilt experts, regional presenters, trunk shows, show and tell opportunities and a variety of learning activities to those involved in the art of quilting. Chapter meetings are on Tuesdays and vary in time and location throughout The Villages.

The biannual Showcase of Quilts is held in odd numbered years and the Guild's Marketplace is held in even numbered years. Both events are open to the public, filled with beautiful quilts and a variety of vendors to visit. Check the website for details on all of the events sponsored by The Quilting Guild of The Villages (www.qgotv.org).


Space Coast Quilters Guild of Titusville

Meets third Wednesday of every month (except July & December) at:

Saint Gabriel's Episcopal Church (Recreation Room)
414 Pine Street, Titusville, Florida

The purpose of our Guild is to create, stimulate, and promote an interest in all matters pertaining to quilting and to provide a service in the design and techniques of quiltmaking.

For more information please call Joyce @ 321-267-7513

The Moonlight Quilters Guild

Meets the fourth Tuesday of every month (except April and December) at the First United Methodist Church, 206 S. Hopkins Ave., Titusville. Meet and greet and refreshments at 6:00pm, meeting at 6:15 usually followed by a program or guest speaker.

We offer a monthly newsletter, workshops, block of month, fat quarter of the month, book of the month, monthly programs and knowledgeable guest speakers. Our goal is to instruct, share, excite and inspire each other.

You may contact us Moonlight.Quilters@yahoo.com for more information.


Springhouse Quilt Guild

PO Box 305
Trenton, FL 32693

Springhouse is a long-established guild in the Tri County Area (Dixie, Gilchrist and Levy) of North Central Florida. Springhouse now has over 70 members including both a day group and a night group. The day group business meeting is held on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:30 am with workshops at various times. The Night Owls meet each Tuesday at 6:00 pm. Springhouse Quilter's Guild supports the Suwannee Valley Quilt Festival each year in March. Springhouse also holds beginner classes each year in Jan/Feb/March. We welcome visitors and new members.

Email: springhousequilters@gmail.com

Mad Hatters Quilt Guild

"Quilters, Friends, and More!"

Meet every Tuesday from 9am until ...

Donnie Voting Precinct Building
Rt. 334 and 334A
Trenton, FL

Email:ruthnott @ bellsouth.net

Meet every Wednesday from 9am until 11am


Venice Area Quilters Guild

PO Box 2208
Venice, FL 34284-2208
The largest quilt guild on the southwest Gulf Coast holds meetings on the 4th Tuesday of each month from September to April. Doors open at 6:00 for social time, our free library selections, dropping off community service quilts and bibs, quilt show business, class signups, as well as our famous "free" table exchange. Join us for meetings which start at 6:30. Each month there is a special presentation followed by our business meeting beginning at 7:30. We meet at the Hotel Venezia, 425 US 41 Bypass N, Venice, FL 34285.

Guests are welcome at our meetings $5 fee.
In Person workshops are held at the Venice Community Center, 326 So Nokomis Ave, Venice, FL 34385 or on Zoom for a nominal fee.
Drop in quilting or "Stitch Connection" meets all year on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. During the summer Stitch Connection also meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month. These informal sessions are an excellent opportunity for quilters to meet, to learn from each other, to share ideas, to become acquainted with a group of friendly, helpful sewists of all levels, to work on special guild projects, and even share lunch! All Stitch Connections meet at the Venice Community Center.

For additional information please visit our VAQG website www.vaqg.org

Vero Beach

Sunbonnet Sue Quilter's Guild

St. Augustine's Church
475 43rd Avenue
Vero Beach, FL

9:30am - 3pm every Thursday

Art or traditional quilting, come meet our friendly members. Bring your project or start something with us. National teachers come and teach classes or in-house teachers help you learn the art of quilting.

Come join and be happy.

Contact: vbsunbonnetsue@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/1760436360850885

President: Linda Jackson lindajjackson2@gmail.com


(see also Ocala & Belleview)

Central Florida Modern Quilt Guild

The Central Florida chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild organized in 2012 and formally affiliated with The Modern Quilt Guild in January 2015. Monthly meetings are the second Saturday at 10am, but please verify on our website.

All new and seasoned quilters are invited to attend one meeting at no charge.

We meet at:

New Life Christian Church
4701 E County Rd 462
Wildwood, FL

For more information email CentralFloridaMQG@gmail.com, or visit: https://centralfloridamqg.org/

Instagram: @centralfloridamqg

Winter Haven

Winter Haven Quilters

PO Box 911
Winter Haven, FL 33882-0911

Meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays from 10am til 2pm at:

First Presbyterian Church
637 Sixth Street NW
Winter Haven, FL

Contact: Janet at:724-601-2832,
Email Daphne at: mrsdlduck @ aol.com