A Quilt Guild is a great place to meet like minded people, grow your quilting knowledge, lend a hand to community projects and help put on a Quilt Show. Send listing changes or additions to: me.
NOTE: to find a guild quickly, use CTRL-F and type in the town name, guild name...whatever!
Revised: 3/25/25
South Florida Modern Quilt Guild
Boca Raton, Florida
Our website is now: www.southfloridamqg.com
Our contact email is now: info@southfloridamqg.com
Meeting monthly usually on the 3rd Saturday in-person and online (check website for times and details).
See summary of all our quilting events here: southfloridamqg.com/blog/online-quilting-fun
South Florida Modern Quilt Guild was established on an informal basis in 2011 by a small group of quilters who met regularly in a local quilt shop in Boca Raton. In 2015, SFMQG formalized as a non-profit, enabling us to grow by offering educational workshops and lectures, and giving us new ways to nurture and develop modern quilting in our communities. We are an active guild with members from Jupiter to Miami! We are a chapter of the national Modern Quilt Guild and our members receive all the benefits of that organization as well as our own local benefits.
Our interest is in modern quilting, which can include many approaches - reinterpreting traditional ideas with modern fabrics, using modern design aesthetics like negative space and alternate gridwork, improvisational work, and embracing simplicity and minimalism. Modern quilting, like all art, changes, grows and adapts from quilter to quilter as they find their own voices.
The Guild meets monthly in Boca Raton, Florida and holds regular workshops at different locations including Boca Raton and Fort Lauderdale. Quilters of all skill levels and interests are welcome to participate in meetings, workshop, sew days, show-and-tell sessions, swaps, bees and other fun events!
Quilt Guild by the Sea (QGbtS)
Founded in January 2011, QGBTS normally meets in person the second Tuesday morning of the month from 10am - Noon at Boca Raton Community Center, 150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL. Our meetings are also on Zoom with pre-registration. Annual dues are $50. Come join us for fellowship, informal social meetings, participate in classes, join a bee, be a mentor and help us with community service. We offer Guild programs, quilt workshops, a monthly newsletter, and involvement in community service projects including Quilts of Valor, Comfort Quilts, NICU Quilts, Comfort Bears, Pillow Pals, Knit Caps for Cancer Patients and Fidget Quilts.
For additional information, please visit our website at quiltguildbythesea.com or drop us a line at: Quilt Guild by the Sea, P.O. Box 64, Boca Raton, FL 33429
Procrastinating Quilters
Clearwater, Florida
We are the Procrastinating Quilters. We meet the 3rd Thursday of each month (unless otherwise published) at 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30pm) at:
Sylvan Abbey United Methodist Church - Keldsen Hall
2817 Sunset Point Rd
Clearwater, FL 33759
All guest are welcomed, if you decide to join, yearly membership fee is $30 per year and runs from January to January.
Our group consist of new and seasoned quilters so, all are welcomed. Our purpose is to promote cooperation and the exchange of ideas among quilters; to encourage high standards of design and techniques; to provide educational opportunities to the membership; to stimulate interest and charity outreach with the community.
For more info, check out our website at Procrastinating Quilters - Clearwater, FL
Creative Quilters of Citrus County
Meets every second Wednesday of the month for a Business Meeting at 9:30am in First United Methodist Church, 8831 W Bradshaw St, Homosassa and every fourth Wednesday at 9:30 for a workshop for members.
We put on a Quilt Show every two years. Members make a special quilt to be raffled at the quilt show with the proceeds to go to community organizations. We make lap size quilts and donate them to the other non-profits in the community in April and October.Anyone interested in membership should call visit our Facebook Page
Art Quilters Unlimited
St. Hilary's Church
5011 McGregor Blvd.
Ft. Myers, FL 33901
Website : www.artquiltersunlimited.com
Email: aqumembers@gmail.com
AQU is nonprofit organization of 50+ fiber artists. Dues are $45 per year. AQU sponsors exhibits, workshops, an annual retreat, annual DeStash sale, and luncheons.
Quilters of Alachua County Day Guild (QACDG)
QACDG meets the first Thursday 9:30am to noon at the Senior Recreation Center, 5701 NW 34th St, Gainesville, FL
Website: www.qacdg.org
More than 170 members explore quilting from traditional to art quilting and more through monthly programs,
a wide variety of workshops, and seven special interest Bees. We have road trips, charity events and exhibits
and all-around fun! Visitors are definitely welcome and encouraged to join.
First Coast Guild
Meets the second Thursday at 7pm at:
The Orange Park Library
2054 Plainfield Ave.
Orange Park, FL
Friendship Guild
Meets the second Tuesday at 10am at:
The Argyle Church of Christ
7310 Collins Rd.
Jacksonville, FL
Honeybees Quilt Guild
Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month starting at 7:00 at the Mandarin Community Center
12447 Mandarin Road
Jacksonville, FL 32223
A social time begins at 6:30pm. Visitors are always welcome.
River City Piecemakers
Meets second Thursday of the month at 6:30pm
Workshops are the third Saturday at 9:30am
Arlington Masonic Lodge #309
3421 University Blvd North
just before the entrance to the Library--Visitors welcome
Member of QuiltFest Jacksonville
Facebook: here
email: RCPQG@yahoo.com
All Star Quilters Guild, Inc.
Meets every Monday at 9:30am in the First Christian Church 11924 San Jose Blvd (Mandarin)
General meeting with program on the third Monday
All quilters and quilt lovers are welcome
Jacksonville Modern Quilt Guild
We are the Jacksonville Chapter of The Modern Quilt Guild. Our mission is to support and encourage the growth and development of modern quilting through art, education and community. We welcome quilters of all skill levels.
We meet at 2pm on Sunday afternoons (usually the last Sunday of the month)
For information and membership, please visit us at: http://jaxmodernquiltguild.wordpress.com/
You can also find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jacksonvillemodern.quiltguild
or by email at: jaxmqg@gmail.com.
(City of Jacksonville - see also Ponte Vedra Beach)
SW 200 Corridor Quilt Guild
new guild 3/19
The SW 200 Corridor Quilt Guild was created for enthusiastic quilters of all levels. Our monthly meetings allow us whole days dedicated to sewing, sharing and teaching. We meet twice a month--the second and fourth Friday--from 10 AM to 3 PM at the Marion County Sheriff's Office community meeting room. The address is 9048 SW SR 200, Ocala, FL.
Annual dues are $30; however, you may attend as a guest two times before joining. Our mission statement is: "To enhance the growth and knowledge of the "art of quilting" through the inspiration, creativity, and friendship of its members by sharing quilting techniques and patterns through active participation in teaching/learning with one another."
Our members share their expertise, participate in various activities such as challenge projects, BOM, and of course "show & tell". We have short demos each month and more formal classes as well as charitable projects (e.g. Quilt of Valor, quilts for kids, pillow cases, etc.) on a quarterly basis.
For more information, email us at sw200corridorquilters@gmail.com
Florida Cabin Fever Quilters
Meets every first Tuesday of the month changed from Mondays
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 782350, Orlando, FL 32878
Meetings begin with a social hour from 5-6pm and 6-8pm meeting.
Marks Street Senior Recreation Complex
99 East Marks Street
Orlando, FL 32803
Orlando Modern Quilt Guild
Monthly guild meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month from 10am-12pm at The Sewing Studio in Maitland.
We also have Sew Days one a Saturday a month from 10am - 4:45pm at the Dr. Phillips/Southwest branch of the Orlando Public Library. The Orlando Modern Quilt Guild (OMQG), founded in March, 2010, is the official Central Florida branch of The Modern Quilt Guild. We enjoy monthly meetings, member demonstrations, show-and-tell, BOMs, challenges, monthly Sew Days, field trips, workshops, trunk shows, fabric shop discounts, and also participate in community charity projects. All levels of quilters are welcome and we enjoy the camaraderie and talent our members are so willing to share.
More details can be found on our website
http://www.orlandomqg.org/ or email us at
orlandomodernquiltguild @ gmail.com
Florida Star Quilters Guild
Meets 10:00am - 2:00pm on the first and third Thursday of the month at:
First United Methodist Church of Orlando
142 E. Jackson St.
Orlando, FL 32801
We are a working group so bring your project and join us anytime. We love to have beginners and/or accomplished quilters join us.
Email: Lila Gilbert at gilbertlila54@gmail.comCentral Florida Quilters Guild
dissolved Feb 2009
Racing Fingers Quilt Guild
Meets 6:30-9:00pm the 3rd Monday of the month at:
Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church
105 Amsden Avenue
Ormond Beach, FL
Contact President Jean Roth 386-441-2921
Email: Jeanroth9 @ gmail.com
Website: www.racingfingersquiltguild.com
We have been meeting for over 20 years in the Ormond Beach area and are one of the few guilds that meet in the evening. We welcome anyone interested in quilts or the fiber arts. Our meetings offer either a demonstration, lecture or program followed by a brief business meeting.
Hibiscus Quilt Guild of South Florida
Lake Worth, FL
There is something always going on...if you want a guild full of fun and learning, this is the place.
General meetings 2nd Saturday of each month, 9-10:30am, followed by a program. Quilt All Day Thursday 10-8pm
Location of Quilt All Day Thursdays, General Meetings and Workshops::
Salvation Army, 4051 Kirk Rd, Lake Worth, FL
Website: www.hibiscusquiltguild.org
Mailing address:
Hibiscus Quilt Guild
7556 Lake Worth Rd, #105
Lake Worth, FL 33467
Palm Beach Modern Quilt Guild
The Palm Beach Modern Quilt Guild was established June, 2023. We welcome quilters of all skill levels, throughout the Palm Beaches and beyond.
The mission of the Palm Beach Modern Quilt Guild is to support and encourage the growth and development of modern quilting through art, education, and community in Northern Palm Beach County, Martin and St. Lucie Counties.
The Palm Beach Modern Quilt Guild will endeavor to further this mission with member education using resources from The Modern Quilt Guild, monthly member meetings, lectures, workshops, block studies, challenges, volunteer opportunities and community outreach.
We meet monthly, the first Saturday of the month at Laura's Sewing and Quilt Shop, conveniently located just off I-95 - 3966 Northlake Blvd, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33403. Yearly dues are $50. We welcome new members and non-members may attend their first meeting for free. We hope to see you soon!
Website: www.palmbeachmqg.com
Disconnected Piecers Quilt Guild Inc
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Doors open at 6pm with the meeting starting at 6:30pm. Visitors Welcome!
Edgewater Church
19190 Cochran Blvd
Port Charlotte FL 33948
Mailing address is PO Box 494381, Port Charlotte FL 33949-4381
Website: https://www.dpqginc.com/ or http://dpqg.tripod.com
Port St Lucie Crazy Quilters
We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday's of the month at 12pm at
St. Andrew's Lutheran Church
295 NW Prima Vista Blvd
Port St. Lucie, FL
Central Florida Quilters Guild
dissolved February 2009
thanks for the memories.
Coastal Quilters
The guild meets the third Saturday of each month except June & December at
Scotty Culp Auditorium
565 Cassia Blvd.
Satellite Beach, FL
We convene at 9:30am, bring your lunch and sewing machines, and plan on sewing until 2:30. Details of each meeting are posted on www.brevardcoastalquilters.com
Coastal Quilters Mission is to stimulate an interest in the art of quilt making, education in the art, techniques and traditions of quilting and to encourage outreach programs that give back to the community.
The guild promotes two programs:
Membership is open to anyone interested in donating their time to work with/for kids and who wishes to keep learning more about quilting.
Website: www.brevardcoastalquilters.com
Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild
We are a Sarasota FL area branch of the Modern Quilt Guild -formed for quilters living in and near the Sarasota, Bradenton, St. Petersburg communities. We will come together to share, learn, support, experiment and have FUN!!!
Our focus is on creating functional quilts that have one quilting foot in the contemporary and one quilting foot in tradition. We make primarily functional rather than artquilts, use asymmetry in quilt design and other modern approaches mixed with a nod to the traditional.
Update: The Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild has grown to over 40 members. Our Website is www.SarasotaModernQuiltGuild.com. We now have a permanent meeting home at:
The Fruitville Library
100 Coburn Road
Sarasota FL
We meet on the 3rd Saturday at 1pm. For more information and to join our email list, go to groups.yahoo.com/group/sarasotamodq/.
Or email: SarasotaModQ @ hotmail.com
Friendship Star Quilters
The Friendship Star Quilters meet at:
Dues are only $24 per year.
For more information friendshipstarquiltersFL@gmail.com
The Feather Princesses, Inc.
(Appliqué Group)
Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month, year round
Spring Hill Suites Marriott Tampa Suncoast Parkway
16615 Crosspointe Run
Land O'Lakes, FL 34638
Doors Open at 9am. The guild meeting begins at 11
We have 9 quilt circles that meet monthly all over West Central Florida
Website: www.featherprincesses.org
Contact: Dorothy Johnson at: djohns47@tampabay.rr.com
Tampa Modern Quilt Guild
We are a part of the National Modern Quilt Guild. Joining us gives you access to the national website which includes patterns, challenges, webinars, and more. We have been a part of national since 2013. Our meetings switch between sew days and business meetings. We discuss happenings in modern quilting and our members, great show and tells, and demos from our members. We accept quilters of all methods, the majority see ourselves as modern traditionalist quilters. You are able to come to two meetings for free before deciding to fully join our guild. We had our first quilt show in the Spring 2016 with the Original Sewing and Quilting Expo at Lakeland and will be showing with them again.
We meet at the Jimmie B Keel library on the second Saturday of the month at 10am. Check our Facebook and blog to see our current happenings.
Website: http://tampamodernquiltguild.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TampaMQG/
Email: tampamodernquiltguild@gmail.com
Cypress Creek Quilters Guild
Our Meeting Place is at:
Land O'Lakes Community Center
3032 Collier Parkway
Land O'Lakes, FL 34639
Mailing Address:
PO Box 47533
Tampa, FL 33646
Website: www.cypresscreekquilters.net
Monthly meetings:
Monthly Guild meetings are on the Second Monday evening of every month. Social time begins at 6:00pm with the meeting starting at 6:30pm
Contact: CCQGboard@gmail.com
Tampa Bay Surface Design Guild, Inc.
Surface Design is the coloring, patterning, structuring and transformation of fabric, fiber and other materials. The purpose of the Guild is to increase community awareness of surface design and its value in our lives. As a group, we exchange information on such creative processes as dyeing, painting, printing, stitching, embellishing, quilting, weaving, knitting, felting, beading, basket making, polymer clay, crochet and paper making.
We also offer educational and experimental venues, thus supporting individual artistic creativity while promoting an attitude of mutual respect and exchange in all areas of surface design.
Meets the second Monday of each month, 6:30 - 8:30pm at:
The Good Samaritan Church
6085 Park Blvd
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
We welcome all visitors and new members!
Website: Tampa Bay Surface Design Guild
For email information contact: surfacedesignguild@gmail.com
The Moonlight Quilters Guild
Meets the fourth Tuesday of every month (except April and December) at the First United Methodist Church, 206 S. Hopkins Ave., Titusville. Meet and greet and refreshments at 6:00pm, meeting at 6:15 usually followed by a program or guest speaker.
We offer a monthly newsletter, workshops, block of month, fat quarter of the month, book of the month, monthly programs and knowledgeable guest speakers. Our goal is to instruct, share, excite and inspire each other.
You may contact us Moonlight.Quilters@yahoo.com for more information.
Mad Hatters Quilt Guild
"Quilters, Friends, and More!"
Meet every Tuesday from 9am until ...
Donnie Voting Precinct Building
Rt. 334 and 334A
Trenton, FL
Email:ruthnott @ bellsouth.net
Meet every Wednesday from 9am until 11am